Tuesday, September 30, 2014
B-Flat #bflat #bb
Bb Aeolian Mode
Bb Augmented Chord (Bbaug)
Bb Blues Scale
Bb Diminished Chord (Bbdim)
Bb Dorian Mode
Bb Harmonic Minor Scale
Bb Ionian Mode
Bb Lydian Mode
Bb Major Chord (Bb)
Bb Major Major 7th Chord (Bbmaj7)
Bb Major Minor 7th Chord (Bb7)
Bb Major Pentatonic Scale
Bb Major Scale
Bb Melodic Minor Scale
Bb Minor Chord (Bbm)
Bb Minor Major 7th Chord (Bbm(maj7))
Bb Minor Minor 7th Chord (Bbm7)
Bb Minor Pentatonic Scale
Bb Minor Scale
Bb Mixolydian Mode
Bb Neapolitan Major Scale
Bb Neapolitan Minor Scale
Bb Phrygian Dominant Scale
Bb Phrygian Mode
Bb Power Chord (Bb5)
Bb Suspended 2nd Chord (Bbsus2)
Bb Suspended 4th Chord (Bbsus4)
Total entries: 27
Grand total so far: 101 / 489
Posted by
DeRamos Music
7:00 AM
Monday, September 29, 2014
B Double-Flat #bdoubleflat #bbb
Bbb Augmented Chord (Bbbaug)
Bbb Diminished Chord (Bbbdim)
Bbb Major Chord (Bbb)
Bbb Major Scale
Bbb Power Chord (Bbb5)
Total entries: 5
Grand total so far: 74 / 489
Posted by
DeRamos Music
7:00 AM
Friday, September 26, 2014
A Double-Sharp #adoublesharp #ax
No entries currently, other than a mention in Dictionary: A Note.
Total entries: 0
Grand total so far: 69 / 489
Posted by
DeRamos Music
7:00 AM
Thursday, September 25, 2014
A-Sharp #asharp #a#
A# Augmented Chord (A#aug)
A# Blues Scale
A# Diminished Chord (A#dim)
A# Locrian Mode
A# Major Chord (A#)
A# Major Scale
A# Minor Chord (A#m)
A# Minor Minor 7th Chord (A#m7)
A# Minor Minor 7th Flattened 5th Chord (A#m7b5)
A# Minor Pentatonic Scale
A# Neapolitan Major Scale
A# Neapolitan Minor Scale
A# Phrygian Dominant Scale
A# Phrygian Mode
A# Power Chord (A#5)
A# Suspended 2nd Chord (A#sus2)
A# Suspended 4th Chord (A#sus4)
Total entries: 17
Grand total so far: 69 / 489
Posted by
DeRamos Music
7:00 AM
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
A #a
A Aeolian Mode
A Augmented Chord (Aaug)
A Blues Scale
A Diminished Chord (Adim)
A Dorian Mode
A Harmonic Minor Scale
A Ionian Mode
A Locrian Mode
A Lydian Mode
A Major Chord (A)
A Major Major 7th Chord (Amaj7)
A Major Minor 7th Chord (A7)
A Major Scale
A Melodic Minor Scale
A Minor Chord (Am)
A Minor Major 7th Chord (Am(maj7))
A Minor Minor 7th Chord (Am7)
A Minor Minor 7th Flattened 5th Chord (Am7b5)
A Major Pentatonic Scale
A Minor Pentatonic Scale
A Minor Scale
A Mixolydian Mode
A Neapolitan Major Scale
A Neapolitan Minor Scale
A Note
A Phrygian Dominant Scale
A Phrygian Mode
A Power Chord (A5)
A Suspended 2nd Chord (Asus2)
A Suspended 4th Chord (Asus4)
Total entries: 30
Grand total so far: 52 / 489
Posted by
DeRamos Music
7:00 AM
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
A-Flat #aflat #ab
Ab Augmented Chord (Abaug)
Ab Blues Scale
Ab Diminished Chord (Adim)
Ab Dorian Mode
Ab Ionian Mode
Ab Lydian Mode
Ab Major Chord (Ab)
Ab Major Major 7th Chord (Abmaj7)
Ab Major Minor 7th Chord (Ab7)
Ab Major Pentatonic Scale
Ab Major Scale
Ab Minor Chord (Abm)
Ab Minor Minor 7th Chord (Abm7)
Ab Minor Pentatonic Scale
Ab Mixolydian Mode
Ab Neapolitan Major Scale
Ab Neapolitan Minor Scale
Ab Power Chord (Ab5)
Ab Suspended 2nd Chord (Absus2)
Ab Suspended 4th Chord (Absus4)
Total entries: 20
Grand total so far: 22 / 489
Posted by
DeRamos Music
7:00 AM
Monday, September 22, 2014
A Double-Flat #adoubleflat #abb
It's a bit aribtary, but we're starting alphabetically, with the lowest A possible: A double-flat.
Abb Major Scale
Abb Power Chord (Abb5)
Total entries: 2
Grand total so far: 2 / 489
Posted by
DeRamos Music
7:00 AM
Friday, September 19, 2014
Dictionary: Gb Blues Scale
... and so ends our week of completing the blues scale for all sharps and flats. Yes, the G-flat blues scale would sound fantastic over a G-flat progression, like G-flat major. However, the F-sharp blues scale contains less complicated note names.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Dictionary: Fb Blues Scale
Really, F-flat? Really? F-flat. This is as ridiculous as we're going to get, as far as blues scales go -- no double-flat and/or double-sharp root note scales this time around. We're all heading over to the E blues scale entry, if you want to come along.
Dictionary: E# Blues Scale
Why you're using the E-sharp blues scale over an E-sharp progression is your own business. Otherwise, check out the F blues scale instead.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Dictionary: Db Blues Scale
We assume that you want to play something bluesy over a D-flat major progression (or something similar). Otherwise, you might want to try the C-sharp blues scale instead.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Dictionary: Cb Blues Scale
If for some reason, you want to play the blues in C-flat, here it is. Otherwise, you'll find the B blues scale to be more user-friendly.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Dictionary: B# Blues Scale
At this point, we're just being completist regarding blues scales. If you have some logical reason to be bluesy in B-sharp, here it is. Otherwise, you want to check out the C blues scale.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Dictionary: Ab Blues Scale
When you add a diminished 5th note to the A-flat minor pentatonic scale (the D note, in this case), you now have the A-flat blues scale. Try it over A-flat. Any A-flat. You may like the results.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Dictionary: Ab Minor Pentatonic Scale
The A-flat minor pentatonic scale is convenient to use for improvising solos and composing melodies over an A-flat minor chord progression, especially if you are unsure whether to use the Aeolian, Dorian, or Phrygian mode at any given moment.
The A-flat minor pentatonic scale sounds especially bluesy over an A-flat major chord progression. If you want an even bluesier scale, stay tuned ...
Posted by
DeRamos Music
7:00 AM
Labels: ab, ab minor, ab minor pentatonic, dictionary, guitar, keyboard, minor, minor pentatonic, pentatonic, piano, scale
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Dictionary: Ab Major Pentatonic Scale
The A-flat major pentatonic scale is convenient to use for improvising solos and composing melodies over an A-flat major chord progression, especially if you are unsure whether to use the Lydian, Ionian, or Mixolydian mode at any given moment. It's almost foolproof in that manner.
Posted by
DeRamos Music
7:00 AM
Labels: ab, ab major, ab major pentatonic, dictionary, guitar, keyboard, major, major pentatonic, pentatonic, piano, scale
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Dictionary: G# Blues Scale
When you add a diminished 5th note to the G-sharp minor pentatonic scale (the D note, in this case), you now have the G-sharp blues scale. Try it over G-sharp. Any G-sharp. You may like the results.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Dictionary: G# Minor Pentatonic Scale
The G-sharp minor pentatonic scale is convenient to use for improvising solos and composing melodies over a G-sharp minor chord progression, especially if you are unsure whether to use the Aeolian, Dorian, or Phrygian mode at any given moment.
The G-sharp minor pentatonic scale sounds especially bluesy over a G-sharp major chord progression. If you want an even bluesier scale, stay tuned ...
Posted by
DeRamos Music
7:00 AM
Labels: ab, dictionary, g#, g# minor, g# minor pentatonic, guitar, keyboard, minor, minor pentatonic, pentatonic, piano, scale
Friday, September 5, 2014
Dictionary: G Blues Scale
When you add a diminished 5th note to the G minor pentatonic scale (the D-flat note, in this case), you now have the G blues scale. Try it over G. Any G. You may like the results.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Dictionary: G Minor Pentatonic Scale
The G minor pentatonic scale is convenient to use for improvising solos and composing melodies over a G minor chord progression, especially if you are unsure whether to use the Aeolian, Dorian, or Phrygian mode at any given moment.
The G minor pentatonic scale sounds especially bluesy over a G major chord progression. If you want an even bluesier scale, stay tuned ...
Posted by
DeRamos Music
7:00 AM
Labels: dictionary, g, g minor, g minor pentatonic, guitar, keyboard, minor, minor pentatonic, pentatonic, piano, scale
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Dictionary: G Major Pentatonic Scale
The G major pentatonic scale is convenient to use for improvising solos and composing melodies over a G major chord progression, especially if you are unsure whether to use the Lydian, Ionian, or Mixolydian mode at any given moment. It's almost foolproof in that manner.
Posted by
DeRamos Music
7:00 AM
Labels: dictionary, g, g major, g major pentatonic, guitar, keyboard, major, major pentatonic, pentatonic, piano, scale
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Dictionary: Gb Major Pentatonic Scale
The G-flat major pentatonic scale is convenient to use for improvising solos and composing melodies over an G-flat major chord progression, especially if you are unsure whether to use the Lydian, Ionian, or Mixolydian mode at any given moment. It's almost foolproof in that manner.
Posted by
DeRamos Music
7:00 AM
Labels: dictionary, gb, gb major, gb major pentatonic, guitar, keyboard, major, major pentatonic, pentatonic, piano, scale
Monday, September 1, 2014
Dictionary: F# Blues Scale
When you add a diminished 5th note to the F-sharp minor pentatonic scale (the C note, in this case), you now have the F-sharp blues scale. Try it over F-sharp. Any F-sharp. You may like the results.