Thursday, August 31, 2017

Glow Stick Mickey Ears

When I was researching fun Mickey Mouse Ears for my upcoming Disney World Trip, I came across the cutest idea!  DIY Glow in the Dark Mickey Ears made out of glow stick bracelets.  Wouldn't these be perfect for New Year's Eve?

As far as materials go, I think that I beat the pricing from the original blog post.   $1 for glow sticks (8), $0.25 for a headband (four pack from the dollar store) and "free" electrical tape and hot glue we already had in the house.  I think that the best part is that these ears can be used over and over, as long as they stay together and you have extra glow sticks.  

For the first set of ears, I cut the the bottom two bracelet connectors at angles as suggested in the tutorial.  However, I wasn't sure if this cut was really that important.

I hot glued the tubes to the headbands and then wrapped them with electrical tape.  At first, I wasn't sure if the tape was just aesthetic or if it served a stability purpose.  In the end, I decided that it helped keep the tubes in place against the tension of adding the bracelets so it is worth doing this step.

For my second iteration, I skipped cutting the tube before gluing it on.  The ears were still super cute when I added the glow stick, but I think that I made the tubes a little too close together.

Ears #2

Third time's the charm!  I moved the bottom tubes a little lower on the third headband and was super happy with my ear placement. Having the ears this low on the headband meant that the headband got pulled out a little bit.  This was a bonus for adults with larger heads as it made the headband more comfortable.  I followed this wider placement for all of the other ears I constructed.

Comparing Headband #2 to Headband #3
This project was so fast and easy!  It took very little time to make and should pack super easily for our Disney World vacation.

The ears don't look half bad in the light, either.  

I made enough for the whole family!  At this point everyone in my family has a daytime AND a nighttime set of ears for our trip.  I'm still catching up on all of the ear posts and I know that I still have some more that I want to make.  Some of them might end up being left behind as I run out of space packing, but I know that I'll have space for these glow stick ears!