Upcoming Events
December 21 2016: Poets and Pints series, Minneapolis, MN 7:30 PM.
with Marion Gomez, Michael Kleber-Diggs and Elizabeth O'Brien
August 4 2016: Midstream Reading Series, Minneapolis, MN 7:30 PM.
June 18 2016: Maeve's, Minneapolis, MN 4 PM.
with Mike Finley and Elizabeth O'Brien
June 11 2016: Eat My Words, Minneapolis, MN 7 PM.
with Rachel Moritz and Matt Mauch
May 15 2016: Nicollet Island Bridge, Minneapolis, MN
for the Carleton College Walk festival
May 7 2016: Woodland Pattern, Milwaukee, WI
with Chris Martin
May 6 2016: parislondonhongkong, Chicago, IL
with Chris Martin, as part of the Poetic License exhibition curated by Karl Saffran
April 29: Open Book, Minneapolis, MN.
with Adam Clay and Anders Nilsen
April 19 2016: Poets House, New York, NY. 7
with Carmen Bugan and Richard Deming. 7 PM