Halloween 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Another Halloween has come and gone. We had a great time carving pumpkins, eating jack o lantern pizza and pumpkin cupcakes, trick or treating, and more fun and games at the Fallelujah fair! Lots of goodies and sweet treats!

I thought our jack o lanterns were so great I had to share.

Awesome Cross and Fish by this little soldier.

Vampire and Bat by my adorable little skeleton. Can you see a face and a bat (above)?

We hope you had a safe and fun Halloween. Now to eat all that candy candy candy!


  1. Love the cross one! My husband did the name Jesus with a cross and also a face of Jesus! They turned out pretty cool and we got some great comments on them too!

  2. Great pumpkin carvings & a couple adorable boys!

  3. Thanks ladies! Yep they are pretty cute kids if I do say so myself lol! @Kristen - Your husbands pumpkins sound great!
