
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Retail Therapy

This week I needed some retail therapy - actually the longer I've been waiting for lungs the more shopping I do.  I could do worse things! Well Thursday I needed to get out after my surgery and I chose wisely and went to Target.  Who doesn't love Target? I actually had an agenda in mind because I had to get my make a wish child a gift for her trip (more on that at another post) but I knew I was going to be buying myself some goodies too!

I ended up getting an entire new set of summer plate ware, which felt really good I won't lie.  I love to make things pretty, and these dishes are totally pretty.  I mixed and matched from a few different sets to make a complete set

Pretty right?

I also got one of these tumblers from the new Calypso for Target line to use as a vase (the pink one obv)

I am also a self proclaimed makeup fanatic.  @firstclasspanda and @lindziah are the same way! So I picked up this cool item from Pixi that I've been seeing in lots of magazines. It is a cheek color as well as a lip color in one little product. I figure that it will be good to pack for trips.  The tip is the cheek color and the tube is the lip gloss. See:

Does shopping make you guys feel better when you're stressed or bummed out?

You might be seeing lots of "shopping" posts coming up....

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ikea Happiness

Lindsey had to go to Ikea yesterday and she pulled my arm (right....) to go with her.  Ikea as overwhelming as it is is a little slice of happiness.  Yes, some of their stuff is crazy cheap and bad quality, but some of their stuff is great and they have lots of little hidden gems too.  We had been in nyc at the doctors all the day before so we were pretty tired but we mustered up the spunk to get there!

Lindsey at her princess vanity
this is my resting my weary bones
see that shadow in the back? That is Lindsey trying to move a 100 lb box 

my car might have been overpacked

these are some beautiful vases I found.  LOVE.  

Don't you just love Ikea?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

All Things Sparkly

You guys know I love things that sparkle! And I've always had a thing for chandeliers.  I envision the types I will eventually have one day in my perfect dream home.  And when I think of owning a little boutique/bead store one day it's always designed around the perfect chandelier.   Something modern, but has that antique charm to it, maybe with a splash on color.  Well ladies (and maybe some gents) today on One King's Lane (a home decor discount store website) they were selling chandeliers! And they had a lot of really crazy ones that I wanted so badly, but they were uber expensive even at 50% off, but there was one calling my name that was in my price range and I thought, it was such a deal, I had to have it, even if I never opened the little store I have circling in my head I would find something to eventually do with it.  But maybe when I get better and am breathing again this will be my motivating factor to really go forward...

Sunday, March 28, 2010


I've had the same Burberry Bag for I'd say two years almost, and I love it to death, it has been very good to me.  But it is black and for some reason I am craving a light bag right now.  I have been lusting after this Burberry for awhile, but haven't actually seen it in person yet:

I might get in trouble with the color of this bag, I just feel like everything ever would mark it up, and honestly I treat my handbags, like a bag, I use it and there is wear and tear, I'm not one of those people that would wrap a couch in bubble wrap so underneath it it could look unused.  My bags are used!

I keep telling myself when my jewelry business really "takes off", that I will treat myself to a LV Tote bag, which I've dreamed about for awhile, I just feel like they yell: PROFESSIONAL....The amount of stuff I could put in this bag gives me goosebumps, and also this is half the price of the Burberry bag, just a sidenote!

I keep seeing this bag around too and love it every time I see it, but I don't think it's as awesome as a tote.  But I'll be visiting the mall soon I think to visit these bags and weight the pros and cons of them. 

Decisions, decisions....