Monday, March 15, 2010


we've had an eventful couple of weeks:
Ben started sitting on his own

Tate's potty trained!!! yay!!!

Jack lost his first tooth...

and my baby sister had her first baby!!!(and our first niece on the Gordon side) welcome baby paige!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

catch up

Christmas came and went....

the Christmas outfits that grandma and grandpa zumwalt bought...

brent and i went to a byu basketball game with our dear friends ben & ashlee... but more importantly we picked up a couple t-shirts at the book store for jackson!!!

yes... ashlee is glowing!!! (gotta love my crappy camera)

Ben celebrated 6 months!!! I took him to his check up and he's healthy and happy!!! (other than a slight ear infection that we had no clue about?) here are his stats:
weight:19lbs 12 oz...85%
head:HUGE!!! ha ha just kidding, its only in the 90%

Tate turned 3!!!! to celebrate, we took the boys bowling. and yes, the birthday boy won... (and no, we didn't "let" him, he won fair and square... he got 2 strikes in a row at the very end) good job taters!!!

tate doing his victory dance

on his bike that he got from mom & dad

so glad february is almost over... BRING ON SPRING!!!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Come on it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together...

or should i say, wagon ride?
We went to thanksgiving point with the fam last week and had a wagon ride through their light exhibit...

Don't you just want to squeeze him? i have to say, i love this boy!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

'tis the season

For Christmas parties!!! I know, my family was a little early in celebrating but my brother matt was in town so we jumped the gun a little so he could celebrate with us...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

jack's birthday

it was jackson's birthday last tuesday so we had the family over for cake and ice cream... hard to imagine i have a 6 year old!!! makes me feel old :( on the other hand, my brother's about to have a teenager tomorrow (my nephew turns 13) so that means that he's really old!!! ha ha ha

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fall Fun

Brent's parents took Jack and Tate to the pumpkin patch one Saturday... i love the picture of them on the tractor.. classic!!! Tate will always be in the drivers seat...

Happy Halloween!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Blessing Ben

Last Sunday we were able to bless Ben. Brent gave him a beautiful blessing, I couldn't be more grateful to a husband who honors his priesthood :) Thanks to all of our family and friends who came to support us and make Ben's day perfect!!! And also, a big shout out to my family who actually showed up on time to Sacrament meeting... every single one of them!!!

He was a little tuckered out at the end...