Sunday, October 4, 2009

Blessing Ben

Last Sunday we were able to bless Ben. Brent gave him a beautiful blessing, I couldn't be more grateful to a husband who honors his priesthood :) Thanks to all of our family and friends who came to support us and make Ben's day perfect!!! And also, a big shout out to my family who actually showed up on time to Sacrament meeting... every single one of them!!!

He was a little tuckered out at the end...


Megs said...

Hey, what about my shout-out? I was so on time!! :) I love your blog back-groud cute. Loves!

The Halls said...

They are seriously the cutest boys. Nice work!

Ben and Ash said...

Shan, look at your adorable little family. Gosh, I'm glad that you and Brent hooked up. I can't believe how big Jackson is!

jeremyandholly said...

yeah! it was a great day! (i was on time too;) i love your family shanna...really.

Andy and Kimi said...

So cute!!! Congratulations!

heidi and tom said...

hubba hubba, you look GORGEOUS!!