Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas was pretty quiet this year, we enjoyed having my sister down from Canada for a few weeks... mom and dad got Jack his BYU hoodie that he has wanted (GO COUGARS!!) and Santa brought Tate a little four-wheeler. It was pretty funny to see how excited he got... and to watch him drive that thing around!!! We can't wait for spring so he can take it outside!!!

The best present of all was this, though:

My beautiful, 20 inch MAC!!! after a year of not having a computer (we used Brent's work laptop in the evenings) I finally have a home computer again!!! And the best thing is that I have all my songs again!!! I don't know how I survived a whole year without my itunes!!!
oh my tater tot... you can't leave him alone for a minute!!! (and yes, those are my shoes he is wearing... one of his favorite pasttimes!!) And of course, he got into my makeup drawer... what a fun little guy!!!!

In November, Jackson turned 5!!! Holy smokes, hard to imagine I have a 5 year old! To celebrate, I took the boys to Kangaroo Zoo during the day and then that night we had a family party.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Brent and I got to go on a great date with Jackson. We went and saw High School Musical 3: Senior Year, and then to Applebees for dinner. It was so fun just being the 3 of us, and Jackson loved the movie so much he was dancing in the aisle!!!

Here's some pics from Halloween... I don't have any of Jackson (he was Batman) but Tate did not like being a bee but he did like his little cousin the caterpillar.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I am a Vegas virgin no more!!!! Brent and I just got back from my very first trip to Las Vegas, Brent had to go for a Corptax training, and I went to have some fun!!! It was so nice to just be by myself, doing what I want, not having to check with anyone or answer to anyone!!! So basically, I relaxed and shopped. Oh yeah, and we went and saw this:

It was fantastic!!! We both loved it. I would recommend it to anyone who likes a good musical, and who grew up listening to Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. (disclaimer: it said that it was not suitable for children under 12, but I would make that 16. After all, these guys were from Jersey!!!!)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I absolutley LOVE Philadelphia!!! Since both Brent and I love history, it was one of our most favorite trips. Standing in Independance Hall, where the Declaration of Independance was signed gave both of us chills (the good kind). Touring Eastern State Penitentiary (the oldest penitentiary in the country) gave us chills as well... the not so good kind. It totally creeped both of us out!!! We didn't spend too much time standing in the cells!!! On Sunday we walked around Philly and ended up at the best park!!! I think it was called Rittenhouse Square? It was so cool, and made me decide that we needed to move to the east coast, stat!!!!

City Hall with the statue of William Penn atop it...

The room where the Declaration of Independance was signed....

The actual chair that George Washington sat in...

Independance Hall...

The oldest residential street in the country, Elfreth's Alley, where people still live (it would get so annoying with all the tourists!!!)