Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I absolutley LOVE Philadelphia!!! Since both Brent and I love history, it was one of our most favorite trips. Standing in Independance Hall, where the Declaration of Independance was signed gave both of us chills (the good kind). Touring Eastern State Penitentiary (the oldest penitentiary in the country) gave us chills as well... the not so good kind. It totally creeped both of us out!!! We didn't spend too much time standing in the cells!!! On Sunday we walked around Philly and ended up at the best park!!! I think it was called Rittenhouse Square? It was so cool, and made me decide that we needed to move to the east coast, stat!!!!

City Hall with the statue of William Penn atop it...

The room where the Declaration of Independance was signed....

The actual chair that George Washington sat in...

Independance Hall...

The oldest residential street in the country, Elfreth's Alley, where people still live (it would get so annoying with all the tourists!!!)


The Parks Fam said...

So this is where you were on Sunday! Jealous!!! You have been on soo many fun vacations lately. I would LOVE to tour around Philly, Looks like you had a blast. Thanks for posting all the fun pictures!

Brandon and Natalie said...

That's so cool that you got to go there, my lil bro is actually on a mission in PA!!! He's got 6 mo left. Your pictures look so great, I wanna go!

lisa louise said...

tourists drive bye to see my house all the time, its not to annoying!!

Megs said...

Next time you are going to have pictures of NY to post...and I'm going to be "IN" the pictures too! I am totally moving back east too! Maybe we can be neighbors?

Shar said...

I so want to go there!! I'm taking a U.S. Gov't class right now, as you know, and so this is particularly interesting. I highly advocate you moving to the east. I will be there soon as well.

Ben and Ash said...

That looks like a grat trip. Informative yet fun.