Showing posts with label Carey v Musladin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carey v Musladin. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Currents: Eddies and Flows

Re Carey v Musladin is Flawed (Sherry Colb, Findlaw)--Heart of Matter is:
events in a courtroom - overseen and approved by a judge - acquire a state action status that they would not otherwise have. And once the Court acknowledges that this is so, there is no reason to treat a "private" act in the courtroom as falling outside the scope of precedents that govern displays in the courtroom that undermine the fairness of a criminal trial.
I could not agree more.
[Sherry F. Colb, a FindLaw columnist, is Professor and Frederick B. Lacey Scholar at Rutgers Law School in Newark. Her book, When Sex Counts: Making Babies and Making Law will be published by Rowman & Littlefield in early 2007.]

Update: here by Prof. Amar (Findlaw, Wed. Dec. 20).

One More Torture Case Backed by Former Judges.

Washington Post Editorializes on Death.

Too Funny.

And learn lots about the politics of crime from NYT ("Right's Jailhouse Conversion")

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Trends and Updates

A few interesting things to note:

Judicial Activism is not necessarily always a "liberal" phenomenon, esp. in the area of Seventh Amendment jury trial right, (re judges taking matters away from jury via summary judgments) (hat tip scotus)

And excellent piece by Jonathan Hafetz "American Justice on the line" from Huffington Post referncing Federalist #84. Hafetz is one of Al-Marri's lawyers, (see below).

There is a lot happening in the Fourth Circuit with the case of Al-Marri v. Wright (docket 06-7427) which plans to hold a hearing on it early in February. Scoot over to SCOTUSblog for all that. Judge Robertson's Order dismissing Hamdan's case from last week is over there too.

Find links to Carey v. Musladin commentary by Prof Amar and Maryland high court ruling halting executions at Standdown Texas.

Doug Berman (SL and P) asks whether the PROSECUTOR should request clemency for Genarlow Wilson. The comments (4) illustrate what I was talking about here this morning concerning my friend who thinks PROSECUTORS OFFICES are where you can really make a difference in this area of the law.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Trends and Updates: More on Musladin

Google blogsearch Skilling (as in Jeffrey) for all the blogs on going straight to prison. It usually means getting an early start on the time, inevitably, to be served pending appeal. It is a significant blow, however, when the defendant has even a slight chance of winning remand or reversal on appeal.

A Poll, always interesting, about Government and Privacy here from Washington Post:

Sixty-six percent of those questioned said that the FBI and other agencies are "intruding on some Americans' privacy rights" in terrorism investigations, up from 58 percent in September 2003. Thirty percent think the government is not intruding on privacy.

Support for intrusive tactics has dropped even more significantly during that time. A bare majority, 51 percent, feel the tactics are justified, down from 63 percent three years ago.
The poll was conducted by telephone from Dec. 7 through Monday, and the results have a three-percentage-point margin of error.

RE: Carey v. Musladin (my earlier posting here -- opinion here Carey v. Musladin). Justice Thomas:

This Court has recognized that certain courtroom practices are so inherently prejudicial that they deprive the defendant of a fair trial. Estelle v. Williams, 425 U. S. 501, 503-506 (1976); Holbrook v. Flynn, 475 U. S. 560, 568 (1986). In this case, a state court held that buttons displaying the victim’s image worn by the victim’s familyduring respondent’s trial did not deny respondent his rightto a fair trial. We must decide whether that holding was contrary to or an unreasonable application of clearly established federal law, as determined by this Court. 28 U. S. C. §2254(d)(1). We hold that it was not.

***Given the lack of holdings from this Court regarding thepotentially prejudicial effect of spectators’ courtroomconduct of the kind involved here, it cannot be said that the state court "unreasonabl[y] appli[ed] clearly established Federal law." §2254(d)(1). No holding of this Courtrequired the California Court of Appeal to apply the test of Williams and Flynn to the spectators’ conduct here. Therefore, the state court’s decision was not contrary to oran unreasonable application of clearly established federal law.
My thought: SCOTUS could simply decline to establish clear law, accomplishing the aim of making it impossible for lower courts to grant relief under the AEDPA standard. Indeed, Justice Thomas's opinion clearly reflects a reluctance to provide much, if any, guidance as to what the substantive law is. He has simply found no clearly established law on the issue and that is the end of the matter for him. Too bad that all SCOTUS cases are not so easy to resolve, and that two of the often "liberals," Justices Ginsberg and Breyer, joined in this swat against justice and stare decisis.

If the justices do not wish to discuss the substance of the law, what is and was, and what could or should be, then why grant cert at all? The answer in this case? Just to reverse the Ninth Circuit. How does this advance the stated goals of the Court's review powers?

The good thing might be that the case leaves open the door just a skosh for a similar claim in which better facts might be found. But what better facts could there be involving possible coercion, intimidation, in the courtroom? It would seem that there MIGHT be a matter of degree in question, but when it comes to coercion or intimidation it is hard to draw the line between how much is too much. The analogy is this: how much pain is too much? Just cut off the pinkie, maybe...or just the tip of the pinkie finger, that won't hurt quite as much.

The real lesson here is that you can not shoot and kill somebody and expect to get habeas relief afterwards. This is page 1, section I, para. 1 of the opinion: On May 13, 1994, respondent Mathew Musladin shot and killed Tom Studer outside the home of Musladin’s estranged wife, Pamela. Game, set, match, checkmate, strike three, game over. Simple as that for this panel. That is not good news for the law. Because the point of the law is to make darn sure that you did the killing (with requisite intent), not that there was one.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Chilly, but Nice in Western Maryland

Just a little something to get you going on a chilly Tuesday morning in Western Maryland. Thank god it's not Vietnam and thank god its not Iraq.

1 Over at SCOTUSblog, Lyle Denniston is reporting that the Supreme Court has reversed the Ninth Circuit's decision in
Carey v. Musladin. The short majority opinion is more about habeas standards than about button-wearing prejudice, though the three short concurrences get into the substantive issues a bit more. For some additional blogosphere commentary, check out Crime Consequences and Althouse (blogs). Hat Tip Doc Berman at Sentencing Law and Policy.

2 California's Prison Problems Spotlighted in

More on that in
LA Times: "Punishing Prisoners at all Costs." As I note in my header (the blurb at the top, describing my blog), "there has to be a better way." (by Joe Domanick, author of "Cruel Justice: Three Strikes and the Politics of Crime in America's Golden State," -- Domanick is senior fellow in criminal justice at the USC Annenberg Institute for Justice and Journalism)

3 Texas Parole: This is of special interest to me so I'm going to do a bit more reading and post further on this. Meanwhile, read
Doc Berman on the future of parole here.

Unintended Consequences: Iowa's residency restrictions creating more problems than they solve. Hat Tip Doc Berman.

5 Sentencing and SCOTUS:
Sentencing fans eagerly awaiting what the Court will say in the Cunningham case about Blakely's applicability to California's sentencing system will have to wait at least another month.

Some have speculated that, in light of the cert grants on Booker issues in Claiborne and Rita, the Court might not issue Cunningham until late Spring. Personally, I would be surprised if the Justices will sit on Cunningham until it deals with Claiborne and Rita (which won't be argued until late February), but who knows what we should expect from slow-poke SCOTUS these days.

Doc Berman's blog Sentencing Law and Policy has all this and more. My hat is permanently tipped in your direction Doug. Thanks!

Christmas Is Time For Giving: As it will soon be Christmas, or Holidays, or just time for gift giving and spending money, let's not forget that lots of people will be missing their loved ones who might be soldiers fighting overseas, or locked away in prison: there is no justice. Lots of prisoners are just plain innocent. Too many. That's why I started the Innocence Project and write this blog and newsletter. Please donate. Send your check to Innocence Project, PO Box 200, Jefferson, MD 21755.

It is an especially hard time of year if you are in prison. It's hard even if you're not. It is an especially good time to begin thinking of new resolutions and turning over a new leaf. If you have not done your good deed for the day, month or year just start today and give a little. It will make you a better person! There is always room for improvement, right?