Saturday, November 17, 2012

Just Checking...

So I recently participated in a biggest loser competition and ended up taking 2nd place!  I won $230 and got  super skinny in the process!  So I'm not sure that anyone still looks at this blog, but just throwing out a big "YAY" to myself! :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

New Kittens

We love pets!  Especially cats...well, kittens to be more exact.  The problem is when our kittens grow up to be cats they tend to run away.  Well we have gotten down to one cat, and she's no fun cuz she just sleeps all day! So I decided to get a new kitten...only I got FIVE!  Anyone who really knows me knows that I tend to go overboard on pretty much everything I do.  And this was no exception!  The children are thrilled, though, cuz they each got their very own kitten to name and love...So, here's introducing our new pets!  Jared with his kitten, Henry; Landon with his kitten, Dora; Lindsay with her kitten, Sam; Rachel with her kitten, Ariel; and Andrew with his kitten, Alex.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Andrew's Baptism--11 February, 2012

I feel a little remiss in not posting about Andrew's baptism! I suddenly remembered that we had another big event in our lives recently. Oops! It doesn't mean I don't love ya buddy!
I had planned to take a whole bunch of pictures, but the car Andrew was in got lost on the way to the church and we ended up starting late because the baptism boy wasn't there yet! So I hurried and grabbed these two shots and called it good.
I can't believe that Andrew is old enough to get baptized! I am grateful that Andrew almost always tries to be good. He is very aware of what is right and wrong and chooses the right 99% of the time. He is very smart and understands gospel principles quickly. He is always happy to go to church and has a great attitude when we are there. I am very proud of you Andrew! I am also happy that Steven was willing and able to baptize and confirm Andrew. He is a great teacher to us and helps us all to understand the gospel. Thanks Steven!

Blessing Natalie

So I was planning to stay home from church on Sunday and have a nice rest. Steven had other ideas, however. Saturday afternoon he turns to me and says, "The bishop says we can bless Natalie tomorrow." I wasn't quite prepared for this, but it did make sense since my mom and dad were still in town. So, after complaining for a bit, I went upstairs and dug out the blessing dress and decided it probably would fit (the other girls were around 2 months old when we blessed them!) The hardest part of the whole day was trying to find clothes that fit me! I ended up wearing something a little too tight and not flattering at all and hoping that I would always have a child in front of me to hide my still very large belly and ugly fat rolls! The day turned out very nice and the blessing was wonderful, like always. One thing I love about Steven is that he gives the best blessings! He never stutters or falters and the words all flow nicely. I am lucky to have a husband that gets revelation so easily from our Heavenly Father. Anyway, here are a few pictures of the day!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Baby Natalie is Here!

Natalie Ziemer came on February 13, 2012 at 8:09 am weighing 7 lbs. 2 1/2 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Better Late Than Never

When Mom, Dad, and Megan came out this summer for Jared's baptism, we went to Six Flags for the day. It was so much fun! I used to love going to Lagoon when I was growing up, but I was a little nervous about going on roller coasters since I haven't been in about 10 years and I get motion sickness much more easily now than I used to, but I had a blast! I was originally amazed that they could charge so much for drinks and food, but we really didn't eat that much, we were too busy going on rides. And the $13 all you can refill drink was totally worth it! We must have refilled it 25 times. I was also nervous about taking all the kids, but they were fabulous! They all wanted to go on pretty much all the rides. I really thought that Lindsay wouldn't want to go on any because she gets scared pretty easily, but she LOVED IT! You always know it is a good trip when you want to go back the next day. Thanks for coming out, fam, and going with us to Six Flags!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Just some random pictures we took outside one night. Kids are so funny sometimes!