Thursday, July 14, 2005

Smiles of tears

Today is open day... :D many people came with their parents to collect their report cards.. nyahah... those who didn't do well, you deserve what you got. So don't complain. Well, as usual every year , every prefect have to be on duty, but this year, not for the form 4s who were rehearsing for the act... well so.. me and the gang rehearsed till 11.30... the organizing committee found out the laptop couldn't play some movies... codecs needed.. thanks to the never updated government laptop... I had to bring my laptop from home ... ehhe well anyway.. after the rehearsal.. i head for home straight away... met yao yuns mom on the way back haha... when i reached home.. rang my mom.. ask permission to bring the laptop... she ask me to ask the maid to cook the food also... hehe... then around 12.20 I reached school... wee... plugged in everything and everything was ready to go... the guess of honor arrived soon after that...

The retirement ceremony began with speeches from the head prefect, headmistress and other discipline teachers as well. After that it was a multimedia persentation from the Form5s... its a great job done.. hehe... and then it was the retirement ceremony... the form 5 ajks were "demolished".. and the new AJks were announced... I currently holding the treasurer post.. ehhe well, after that the form 5 prefects were given tokens of appreciation... The headmistress handed out the gifts... soon, it was time for the form 4s to present our sketch we've been practising for... The act was good.. many people laughed... turned out to be better than expected... :D thank God!!... after that.. everyone went down to the dataran to grab a bite.. lol.. I took pictures with people.. instead of grabbing a bite:D.. hhe.. after that went home loh.. and play computer as usual .. :P

All praise be with God~

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