Showing posts with label Donna Barr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donna Barr. Show all posts

12 July 2016

[art] This Was The 2016 Clallam Bay Comicon That Was

A report from Donna Barr, the founding mother:

The Clallam Bay Comicon, like many microcons similar, and some larger events like Linework NW, Artists' Alley Comic Con (which is coming up next month) and Fanaticon, fills the void left by the media-event megacons. They're all about the creator and the fan meeting and enjoying each others' company, and selling a bit and making a bit of fun and reputation. They're so scalable that literally anyone can create and stage one.

The only reason we've not visited Clallam Bay is because it's just too far for us to economically stretch at the moment. But we do have Jake Richmond and the Pooles at Spritely Bean, and they'll keep us excited until such time as we can finally make our way north.

Until that time, I give you Donna's show.

09 March 2016

[comics] How To Draw A Horse Right, By Someone Who Should Know.

In this video, comic deity Donna Barr shows you how to draw a horse the right way, in 15 minutes, assisted by another comic deity, Roberta Gregory ...

The video was done last year at the Clallam Bay Comiccon, and if you didn't know that Donna created the series Stinz, then you should get acquainted with that.

(posted with some abashedness that I waited so long to do so. Personal reasons)

21 September 2015

[liff] The ZKT Mailroom: Paint By Numbers From Donna Barr

We get sent stuff occasionally from cartoonists. This is a delicious awesome hazard which comes from being acquainted with people with ebullient and generous spirits.

Today, we got this in the mail from Donna Barr:

Now, this is ever appropriate since I've blogged about PBN here, and Donna is famous for doing drawings like these:

Donna knows horses. If I'm looking for culpability, here's some evidence for that …

… which is a good translation and better than mine, because she actually speaks German, whereas I just make a jab at it betimes.

This made my day, need it be said?

28 May 2014

[artists] Donna Barr's Radio Blitzkrieg

Ever wonder what Donna Barr's (The Desert Peach, Stinz) like in person? Well, a show I'd not heard of before, Karl Show! (starring Jason), took on Donna Barr. That probably left a mark.

But in a good way.

Listen, dammit! : Just do it. Don't argue with me.

12 March 2011

[comix] Free Donna Barr! Comix, I Mean! In Yer RSS And Suchlike!

2581.Donna Barr is famous for a very good reason - great art! Great art! Great art, and great stories … two! Two very good reasons: Great art, great stories, great characters … three, three very good reasons …

And here's two very important examples: This fellow is the Desert Peach:


And this fellow is Steinhard Löwhard … or "Stinz":


And they are the most amazing characters. One of the biggest draws to me for Barr's art and storytelling is the obvious affection with which she blends German history, astoundingly original characters and believable situations. The Peach blends WWII life in North Africa with a M*A*S*H-like sensibility for the absurdity of the human condition in war and the simultaneous fragility and resiliency of the human spirit, and Stinz blends the Wilhelmine German empire with … centaurs of all things. And all the characters become friends, which is just the thing that any great storyteller must do and succeed at.

Donna's two websites, and, are posting the whole run, an new comic daily. So that even though you ought to buy yourself Donna's books, if you can't, you can read them, one new (or new-to-you) comic a day, and there's even an RSS feed, yo … you load it into your RSS reader and you'll never miss one! And it's free. SUCH A DAMN DEAL!

If you aren't reading, why not? I expect a good answer to that question.