Showing posts with label Volozhin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Volozhin. Show all posts

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Yesod Sheb'Yesod - 26 Iyar

On this day of Tzadik Yesod Olam, each of these tzadikim are special in their own way and all come from completely different backgrounds.
Rabbeinu Sa'adia Gaon (942)
Ramchal, R' Moshe Chaim Luzzato ben R' Yaakov Chai (1747), wrote many seforim, including Mesilas Yeshorom, Derech Hashem and Daas Tevunos. Died at age 39, which the Magid of Mezerich said was because the generation was not worthy of such a great tzadik. The Vilna Gaon said he did not find one extra word in the first 8 chapters of Mesilas Yesorim and that if he were still alive he would walk from Vilna to Italy to learn from him.
R' Yitzchok ben R' Chaim of Volozhin
R' Shlomo ben R' Mordechai of Zvhil (1945) See story above.
R' Shmuel Eliyahu of Zvolin, son of R' Yecheskel of Kuzmir and father of the first Modzhiter Rebbe (Thanks to Heichal HaNegina )
R' Yitzchok Issac Epstein of Homil (1857), better known as R' Aizel Homiler. He was a talmid of the first 3 Lubavitcher Rebbes, and author of Chanah Ariel and Maamar Shnei Hameoros. He was among the greatest Lubavitcher Chassidim. Many wanted him to become Rebbe, after the passing of the Mitteler Rebbe, but he declined and became a chosid of the much younger TzemachTzedek.

Monday, March 12, 2007

23 Adar- Yahrzeits

R’ Yitzchok Meir ben R’ Yisroel Alter-Rottenberg ZY”A, Chiddushei Harim. Descended from Maharam M’Rutenburg (1866)

R’ Chaim Chaikel ben R’ Shmuel Levin of Amdur ZY”A, talmid muvhak of Reb Ahron Hagadol of Karlin
R’ Rafael ben R’ Aryeh Leib Shapiro ZY”A, son-in-law of Nitziv and Rosh Yeshivas Volozhin (1921)
R’ Yitzchak Yaakov Rabinowitz ben Noson Dovid of Biala ZY”A ,Divrei Bina (1905)
R’ Yehuda Moshe Tyberg-Danziger ZY”A, Alexander Rebbe of Bnei Brak, Emunas Moshe, son-in-law of previous Rebbe

Note: There are yahrzeits I might not include either beacause I didn't have the time or I am not aware of them. If you know that today is the yahrzeit of a Rebbe, Tzadik, Rosh Yeshiva etc. that isn't listed feel free to mention it in the comments.

Monday, February 26, 2007

9 Adar - Yahrzeit of Reb Yehudah HaChasid ZY"A & Reb Shlomo Zalman of Volozhin ZY"A

Reb Yehudah HaChasid ben Reb Shmuel Hachasid ZY"A, famous for the Sefer Chasidim and his Tzavah, which includes many things that people are careful about, such as having wife and mother with the same name, sealing up windows, moving stoves, cutting hair and nails on Rosh Chodesh and many others. There is sakana involved with these. (Note:there are ways, brought down by tzadikim ,to do some of these. If relevant speak to a competent Rov who is familiar with this.)

Reb Shlomo Zalman, brother of Reb Chaim of Volozhin. He passed away in his thirties- was already an exceptional Gaon at that time