Tuesday, December 11, 2012

*** This boy LOVES snow! ***

On the first real snow of the season Zayne wanted out to play in it right away! He LOVES it! He will play out in it for hours if I let him. These pictures are from a few weeks back, but it snowed a ton yesterday and I took him out to play while I shoveled the driveway. After an hour and a half out there I had to MAKE him come inside! He was having a blast, which I love to see, but this momma got COLD! I guess I am just a wussie because I am not a big fan of cold and playing in the snow, but this little man is getting me to enjoy it more and play in it longer than i usually would..... Weird how kids make you do things you never though you would... I have said it before and say it again: 
Kids make life FUN again!

I LOVE his sock monkey hat, his Uncle has one just like it so Zayne thinks he is so cool in it... sometimes he even puts it on and walks around saying (in a mocking voice): "Oh hi, I am Uncle Ben. I eat big boy food. Ohhh I drive a car.." Freakin' funny.

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