Showing posts with label doha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doha. Show all posts

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Freezing doha...

2 minggu sudah kitaorg ingat doha dah nak masuk summer dah, sbb kat umah dah mula on aircond. tp mula hari khamis n jumaat minggu lepas, doha tetiba makin sejuk... katanya ada angin siberia sejuk yg bertiup sampai ke doha... tp kata pak arab kawan aku, nama season ni old lady weather, sebab cuaca sejuk senang dpt penyakit. tp aku tak tahu kaitan cuaca sejuk n org perempuan tua ni.

memang sejuk melampau... malam2 blh cecah bawah 10, kata wife, dia tgk dlm internet, ada harapan cecah 4degree... tu beku tu... anyway, from the news paper said:
DOHA: Qatar experienced the lowest temperature of the season yesterday, as a cold wave from Siberia that hit the country over the week end has left the whole country shivering.
People pulled out their woollens and took shelter indoors to protect themselves from the frosty winds that caused a sharp dip in mercury last evening.
The temperature was expected to dip below nine degrees Celsius inside the city and as low as five degrees in the open areas outside in the wee hours.
“I have been in Qatar for many years and for the first time I am experiencing such a low temperature. We went out in the evening and could not stay even for 15 minutes. It was so cold and windy,” was how an Indian professional, Mohammed Naushad explained the rare experience.
Another Doha resident, S Ataullah who chose to go for a picnic to the Al Khor beach with his family yesterday morning had a real tough time.
“It was a planned trip and there were three families in the group including six children. I advised others to cancel the trip due to the bad weather but they thought it would be fine since it was a sunny day. We spent about three hours in the beach and all the time we were struggling to protect ourselves from the cold, dusty winds,” said Ataullah.
He said one of the children in the group had breathing difficulties during the trip.
“He was an asthma patient. Luckily we had kept an inhaler with us,” said Ataullah.
Thanuja Jansz, a Sri Lankan insurance executive and a mom of a kid said: “I have even fallen sick because of this cold weather. So we decided to stay indoors otherwise the children too might fall sick and miss school.”
Shops reported brisk sales for blankets and sweaters yesterday, with reports about the cold spell spread by word of mouth. Rumours were also circulating about the temperature dipping to zero degrees due to some unknown phenomenon in Iraq or Iran.
The Meteorology Department has attributed the sharp fall in temperature to a cold wave coming all the way from Siberia. The cold spell is expected to prevail over the country until the end of this week but the strong northwesterly winds could subside by Tuesday, say weathermen.
The minimum temperature expected today is eight degrees while the maximum temperature could settle at 17 degrees, according to a forecast issued by the department last evening.

korang jgn terkejut, bila interview newspaper ni semua nya org south asia je... mmg gitu lah. besar lagi news cover region south asia dr qatar sendiri :-)

Monday, January 09, 2012

Bina Badan

Nope... am not going to venture to Bina Badan, although aku mmg membina badan dgn lemak2... hehehe... but last weekend sempat aku menyaksikan pertandingan bina badan. Malaysia diwakili oleh 2 peserta, sazali samad n sapa ntah (gambar bawah). it was my first time tgk pertandingan bina badan ni. aku dtg lambat, so pertandingan dah start n tak sempat aku nak tahu negara2 yg masuk. tp aku dpt rasa mostly dr middle east sbb ni anjuran Qatar je bukan world level or mr universe.aku sempat tgk sazali samad beraksi sbb dia terpilih utk masuk pusingan kedua i.e. 15 peserta terbaik dr 30 peserta. agak kurang skit aku tgk sazali samad sbb badan dia kecik. probably sebelum2 ni dia menang dgn kategori ikut size or berat badan kot, sbb mostly dia ni tinggi bahu peserta lain je. so tak nampak menonjol lah. n dia nampak nya sgt baik, i.e. org lain bila kena suruh turun pentas, still gak beraksi skit2... dia ni, bila dah abis, terus turun. sgt polite hehehe...

setelah 15 org ni beraksi dipentas. pengacara, yg agak kelakar mengacarakan event ni, i.e. mcm pertandingan pakaian beragam sekolah rendah je cara dia conduct, akan panggil 5 peserta based on favourite each juri. apparently masa ni aku dah rasa sazali samad tak menang, sbb dr 9 (kot) juri, hanya sorang je yg panggil dia beraksi semula (flexed their muscle depan2 juri). mind you, whole event conducted in arabic, cuma skit2 english. ada lah peserta tak paham arab ni yg terpinga2 n tak ke depan bila dipanggil, mana lah depa nak paham.masa upacara pemberian hadiah lagi kelakar. mula2 depa bg kat juri... pastu bg kat penganjur... sgt tak formal n macam panggil2 tu pun tak prepare... dia siap suruh2 org naik pentas n org tu mcm segan2... ingat ni acara family day ke apa? then... siap panggil penyokong (ramai penyokong tunisia kat situ) hantar wakil ambik hadiah. n sorang tu bawak budak 1-2 tahun comel, so dia pun dpt hadiah... confuse... and then dia panggil 10 peserta hadiah saguhati... in arabic dia panggil n aku dpt detect dia panggil ikut turutan kedudukan...mcm kelakar... so tak surprise lah kan. hmm... and sazali was ranked 15/15... dpt hadiah saguhati.... QR5000. cukup lah tambang balik. anyway, it was my first experience tgk pertandingan ni. perhaps, mmg gitu cara nya. hmmm... aku dtg lambat, tak sempat ambik gambar ngan sazali mcm kawan2 aku ni.

all pictures taken without permission dr asings ombakpictures.. sorry!!! (kalau bro tak bg, tinggal comment, nanti saya remove pictures).

Thursday, January 05, 2012

HIQ : Qatar Open 2012

minggu ni ada qatar open. ada nadal, federer etc etc turun main tennis. sapa rajin g, boleh tgk kat khalifa stadium. but kalau br plan nak beli tiket, rasanya tinggal vip seats or cheapest seats... kena plan awal2 kalau nak g tgk. aku tahun ni, malas plak nak g... plus ada member aku g tp tak ajak aku pun.. sob sob sob... :-pAdd Video but aku heran, kenapa novak djokovic tak pernah dtg doha, dr dulu pun nadal n federer je wajib. kalau dulu, probably maybe sbb djokovic tu ranking jauh blakang depa dua org ni, but now, since djokovic no 1 dunia, apasal tak dijemput. or is it sbb dia serbian? hmmm.. ntah lah.

but as the weather is currently extremely good... 14 degree - 20 degree. sejuk with sunny sky. mmg best buat picnic... jalan2... lepak2 outdoor... mmg best. 2 minggu sudah aku dah g fuwairit mandi laut... minggu ni nak g mana ye??? let's see... enjoy your weekend!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Al Youm Watani..

Tahniah Qatar sempena Hari Kebangsaan...

kalau rajin aku akan go around ambik gambar bandar sempena hari kebangsaan ni.. but for record, dah 5 tahun aku kat sini, masih lagi aku tak g perbarisan pepagi tu. tak pernah turun, tgk tv je. be fair la kot, 20++ tahun kat malaysia pun aku tak pernah pergi tgk perbarisan. dah la malaysia mcm lebih meriah...

anyway, tahniah!!!

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Police Report (3)

aku dpt call dr polis ari tu, awal pagi jam 6.30am... dia kata "datang balai polis hari ni ok! kena dtg!!!" so lepas siap2 nak g keje... aku trus ke balai polis dulu sblm masuk ofis. hantar sms kat office mate kata lambat masuk ofis ari ni sbb nak g balai polis.

sesampai je kat balai polis, aku muncul je kat depan pak polisi yg deal kes aku ni terus dia angkat tangan mcm marah. masa tu dia tgh on the phone, so dia tak lah marah aku. letak je telefon... dia cakap

"hey rizal, kenapa lah ko tak bg lagi id kawan ko tu? aku dah bg tau kan no telepon aku? kenapa ko tak sms? kenapa tak call? nape tak dtg n bagi no id tu. tu je aku nak!!! sekarang kes ni dah nak masuk kes besar. dah nak kena tahan kereta ko tu! apasal ko tak bagi???" (semua in arabic campur2 english lah... ni aku translate based dgn apa aku paham lah...)

aku jawab.." er er... sorry"

dia cakap... dah... g bagi kat org sana... pastu dia jerit kat assistant dia, suruh isi report kes and ambik id nombor kawan aku tu. semua computerised. and sesudah je dia isi report tu. aku dpt sms "your car is no longer needed by the police"... pergh... tu je ke...

settled... dia cuma nak id kawan aku tu sbb dia nak isi form sapa pemandu kereta. tu je. n aku nampak dia tulis kat report bertulis, takde kes. so kes ditutup. alhamdulillah...

pengajaran... kalau ada calar2 bekas2 langgar dinding sbb parking or langgar tong sampah ke, baik lah repair cepat2. so aku pun buat lah report/minta kebenaran utk buat general repair kat semua calar2 satu kereta. dah dpt pun. n aku kena lah repair within 1 month. after that, tiida would be beautiful, mcm br beli...

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Babi di Doha...

Bulan sudah... (i mean around 22 Nov), agency yg membekalkan liquor utk public kat doha ni (QDC) mula menjual babi kepada semua rakyat jelata di doha... berbondong2 lah org2 nak makan babi ni gembira sbb dpt menikmati babi kegemaran masing2 termasuk lah sorang kawan ofis aku ni yg terlampau gembira sampai buat satu fb album merekodkan kejayaan membeli babi... (gambar2 kat entry ni diambil dr album dia, menyaksikan kegembiraan org2 ni menyerbu membeli babi... enjoy korang ye)
tak sangka plak aku makan babi tu adalah suatu perkara yg sememangnya di nanti-nantikan oleh depa semua ni. mula2 gambar2 tu aku rasa lawak... tp lama2 kegembiraan dia tu aku rasa mcm melampau, agak insensitive, tp takpe lah... kalau kerajaan dah bagi, apa aku kisah. lagipun mungkin human rights lah kot, bg peluang depa makan babi... hahaha... (bila lah ada jualan daun kesum n bunga kantan besar2an.... or at least fish ball n fish cake dr malaysia... tu human rights gak tu, menikmati laksa n fishball mee/kuetiow yg sedap)
tp yg menjadi kerisauan aku plak... adakah berpotensi babi2 ni digunakan utk restaurant2 kat doha ni. mungkin tak satu hari nanti babi ni akan terjual kat restauran2... so jadi mcm malaysia lah plak, nak kena be careful n tak leh je gi sewenang2 nya... especially pinoy restaurant, not that aku g pun kedai pinoy ni skarang, tp kena extra careful. kenkadang restaurant nama italian tp org keje nya pinoy... hmm... harap2 tak lah...

ada org kata jugak ni lah durjana nak dptkan wc 2022... makin byk negara ni kena open up utk jd lebih liberal. depa kata one day, liquor mesti blh dijual merata2... consumption of liquor blh kat public. hotel menu include babi. and ada restaurant yg tak halal. sama macam kat dubai, hotel2 depa, buffet spread semua ada babi... camne nak makan dah lepas ni... :-(
lepas abis kawan aku tunjuk gambar2 babi ni... dia naik plak status fb:
1) Access to QDC is still restricted to liquor permit holders
2) We need the liquor permit to create an invoice
3) No other permit is necessary
4) The value of babi purchases is NOT deducted from your permit value
5) There is no limit on how much you can purchas
6) The current range is restricted to frozen smoked & unsmoked back & streaky bacon and 3 types of sausage (plain, Lincolnshire & Cumberland)
7) All packs (400gms for babibacon & 454gms for babisausages) are QR28 per pack
8) Frozen items like chops, joints and belly babi will be here in about 1 month
9) A chilled Italian range of Salami, Parma Ham etc is coming by air freight and should be here within 7-10 days
10) We hope to get some chilled ham & gammon joints by air in time for Christmas, but we are still negotiating prices on this.

Please note that we sold 10% of the first container in 4 hours yesterday, but don’t worry the 2nd container is arriving in the port today. We will be selling freezer bags from today, but I recommend you bring a cold box with you when shopping for babi.As you will discover we do not really have space for this new venture, so please bear with us if the crowd in the cold room is too much and the queues too long. I recommend you avoid Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays if you want to avoid the queues. Please note we will be building an extension to house this new product range, but this will take at least 6-8 months to complete. We are also planning a separate shop on The Pearl (next to the new liquor shop) but again this is at least 8 months away. The new liquor shop on The Pearl should open by end of January 2012.
for all you need or need not to know, kat doha ni kalau nak beli liquor for consumption kat umah or umah kawan, kena ada lesen nak beli. otherwise kena beli kat hotel yg harga nya 2x - 4x ganda dr beli kat qdc ni. lesen ni employer blh bg.

eh... tetiba aku rasa mcm blog aku ni jadi post mengiklan penjualan babi plak... hahaha... (harap2 search engine tak lah direct org ke blog aku utk cari babi kat doha ni)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

police report (2)

Pagi td aku dpt call dr polis, pasal kes minggu sudah. aku pun pergi lah... hoping dpt clear the case and kalau kena saman, bayar saman... seperti biasa, tempat tu takde sistem, ada sorang je Investigation Officer (betul ke term ni?) so semua org nak report pergi kat dia. being org yg malas nak push sana sini n hoping dgn bersabar n berperilaku baik, tak lah kena saman. so aku duduk sampai ada org panggil aku... ok, bilik dia kecik, kalau dah dok lebih 15 minit surely polis tu nampak lah.

tp disebabkan aku baik sgt, aku dilayan kejap2 bila takde org dia nak layan. tp sbb kes aku dia dah tau, dia cuma nak cek kereta sekali lagi. again bwk kat parking belakang pejabat polis. tp takde parking. kena halau oleh polis lain plak. bila dpt parking IO tadi takde plak. aku naik atas, dia tgh layan report lain. then tunggu sat, dia pun turun. sambil turun ada plak org tahan dia. and masa kat atas tu, bukan je dia layan org report, dia ada phone yg org call, handphone pun call. ada colleague kat sblh dia pun mcm tak berapa tahu buat keje, asyik tanya dia je... so dia mmg one man show, so aku tak salahkan dia kalau dia lembab (read: aku tak nak kena saman, ko buat lah apa pun, janji aku tak kena saman :-) )

then lepas dia tgk, dia kata takde apa2 lah kot. dia tanya lagi betul ke takde accident? sbb mmg ada kesan lama calar kat kereta tu sebelah depan bucu kanan, tp sbb langgar masa parking. and according to the IO, kereta yg buat report tu kata dia kena langgar sebelah kiri. aku cakap kat polis, panggil lah org tu, lets clear it all. dia plak kata apa aku nak buat ngan org tu. hmm... malas nak pertikaikan decision dia, aku pun ikut aje lah. tp dia minta ID number kawan aku, ahad nanti aku bg kat dia...

ntah lah bila settle. seronok tgk sistem depa, layan kan aje... aku dgr citer, if lets say aku tetap dgn kata aku, takde accident. aku cuma kena g court n bersumpah je... then case will be dismissed. tp tu lah... kena g court lah plak... panjang plak citer nanti... (to be continued...)

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

police report

Pagi semlm aku dpt sms dr Me+rash "please report to airpor+ traffic dep+" about vehicle number XXXXXX. aku dpt pkl 8.30am, tp sbb kat office aku takde org blh ambik tempat aku... aku blh g lepas jam 4pm je.

Kebetulan minggu lepas aku mmg pinjamkan kereta aku kat member. Aku tanya dia kalau2 ada apa2 yg dia tahu, mcm langgar lampu merah ke, speeding ke, pakai telepon sambil drive ke... etc etc... tp katanya dia ada lah bg high beam kat kereta slow depan dia. then the driver tak puas hati, pastu masa sampai traffic light suruh buka tingkap, tp dia ignore je mamat tu. katanya kereta toyota buruk je org tu. tp mamat tu ada ambik gambar kereta lah.

aku cek ngan budak ofis, depa plak kata, sekarang ni ada kata yg mcm semua penduduk tempatan ni umpama polis x beruniform. sesapa je nampak benda menyalahi undang2 blh ambil gambar dan report. so aku cuak lah kalau2 dia nak report as road rage ke apa ke... so dgn berdebar2 aku ngan member aku g balai polis semlm. around pkl 5ptg. tunggu setengah jam, alih2 kata org kat kaunter kalau sms tu dpt pagi, dtg lah pagi... dtg petang mana dia tau.. so dtg lah esok pagi ye.

so pagi aku g lah balai polis. sistem kaunter dia bernombor, so senang lah. tp rupanya aku kena rujuk kat dept follow up cases yg tak bernombor. so sebagai org yg malas nak menyergah sana sini, aku pun dok berdiri senyap2 kat tepi sampai ada polis nak layan. aku tanya lah apa kes dgn tunjuk sms tu. tetiba polis tu mcm siap tahu nama aku... ish... mcm kes besar ni...

dia tanya, ada accident ke? aku cakap tak de... dia kata ada org report ada accident kereta tu. pkl 11pm kat toyota tower... hmm... aku cakap takde accident pun. n dia tanya samada aku sendiri pandu kereta. aku cakap tak, kawan aku yg bawak (apparently member aku tak dpt join pg tadi). dia kata.. hahaha... ko kena tipu lah dgn org tu nampak nya. pastu aku cakap lah, kawan aku confirm mmg takde accident... so polis tu nak tgk kereta.

so aku bawak lah kereta n dia nampak lah kesan2 calar sana sini... mmg ada lah calar sana sini kesan aku (or wife aku - dia kata aku tuduh dia, aku kata mungkin dia) terlanggar dinding sbb parking basement umah lama kecik skit. mmg ada lah bumper depan sebelah kanan aku jatuh sikit n ada kesan calar color hitam. mmg benda tu jadi blh 11 or 12 tahun lepas. dia kata mungkin tu jadi kesan bukti. tp dia jugak kata yg org tu claim yg langgar dia sebelah kiri.

then aku cakap, mmg takde kesan accident n aku tak nak lah mengaku. then dia cakap kena lah panggil org yg report tu, and aku cakap aku blh tunggu. dia call org report tu few times, n takde plak org tu angkat n dia suruh je aku balik n dia akan call bila ada org tu nak dtg...

so... kes tak selesai... aku nak jugak tahu mcm mana org tu nak cerita mcm mana accident tu. n apa kesan yg ada nanti blh lah match. tp kawan aku dah takde plak nanti, nak balik malaysia. harap2 tak lah jadi apa2. or tak lah kena saman melampau2... let the police man decide.

anyway... on this case... lesson learnt... sabar2 je lah driving... kalau betul2 kita betul br bertindak. tp aku agak kagum dgn sistem sms sini, kalau report, kita dipanggil utk report. n mmg match no tel ngan kereta. kat malaysia blh tak buat gitu? agak2 nya kalau ada kes langgar lari senang tak nak detect sapa langgar? sini blh je detect... terus sampai surat saman... tak leh keluar negara etc... tak kemana larinya org salah sini...

doa-doakan lah takde apa2 buruk akan berlaku... aku nak g jalan2 lagi bulan depan... malas nak bayar2 saman ni... dah lah rekod aku kat sini br kena saman laju sekali je (agak clean lah)...

Monday, January 03, 2011

HIQ : Qa+ar Exxonm0bil 0pen

From today sampai weekend ni ada tennis match kat Khalifa Stadium... if you have nothing to do and enjoy watching live tennis match, go and buy your ticket... tp jgn harap lah dpt tiket2 yg dok depan. dah abis kot.

You can see details of the tournament here... QTF website.

Both Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal participate in this tournament... tp depa je lah yg top 10 pun (hehehe... kena bayar lebih ke depa ni?) 4th seeded for this tournament is 22nd seeded in the world ranking... yg lain2 tu lagi lah rendah... but still when it is international match it should be exciting to watch... (still depa ni lagi bagus dr pemain malaysia :-) ) here is the promo for the tournament... main atas air tahun ni... (nice doha skyline in this video)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sudah Berlesen...


My wife dah dpt lesen... ni approval n signature yg dia dah passed test... kind of assisted test jugak lah, no preparation and tak sempat nak nervous pun. so now she already licensed to drive around lah...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Darb al saii...

sempena your national day.... :-)

asalnya... since aku dah sibuk baca2 website national day ni, bersemangat lah nak g tgk national day parade and events... but ended up, malas bgn pagi, tido je... hehehe... tgk kat tv...

but pergi jugak lah ke satu tempat ni, named Darb Al Saii... mcm cultural village... apa yg menyebabkan aku nak sgt ke situ, sbb katanya ada race anjing... hmm... mcm tak jive anjing dan muslim (maybe sbb kita ni org melayu, agak sceptical pasal anjing ni and associated with islam). then aku tahu ada some hunting event (with falcon) and camel parade... so kitaorg seperti biasa... no clear information on jadual and event... kitaorg dtg nampak lah few dogs and ada lah pertandingan falcon (probably ratu cantik falcon) sbb ntah apa ntah... tunjuk itu ini ada 3 judge then sudah... seriously, takde information pun... too bad... we can't really enjoy the event, nampak very family oriented i.e. mcm upacara family day je... anyway, congrats qatar!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

National day quiz..

Sempena Qatar National Day 18 Disember ni, MOI (kementerian dalam negara) Qatar will organise pertandingan quiz peringkat kebangsaan... they named it National Day Quiz for Non-Arab expatriate... mmg mcm tergesa2 je plan penganjuran pertandingan, sbb lambat notification, tak sempat pun nak cari peserta, bg short notice je kat malaysians yg nak masuk. and tak semena2 aku plak yg kena sbb tak cukup org.

MOI ni jemput 10 negara (india, pakistan, bangladesh, sri lanka, nepal, indonesia, malaysia, singapore, phillipines, nigeria) utk menghantar pasukan. each pasukan diwakili oleh 10 org. kenapa team2 tu yg terpilih, aku tak tahulah. although macam 'chokia' tp bear in mind, negara ni largely run by pakistanis and indians ni. and depa ni dah dok sini since born kot... well versed ngan selok belok sejarah negara ni.

so, sbb late notification, a day before the quiz (16 hb quiz day) br lah sebok2 aku nak membaca. we were told, yg perlu baca... website MOI, MOFA, National day dan Emiri Diwan. so aku concentrate kat website tu je lah.. in fact tak jugak. aku tak buka pun MOI and MOFA, hoping org lain baca. and for this year since national day ni depa nak angkat nama Jassim bin Mohammed al thani (following the path of the founder), sejarah org ni mmg kena lah tahu betul.... (but the funny thing was, the more you baca sejarah depa ni, the more u rasa mcm, hmmm... betul ke ni? mcm re-write je..., go read cerita mamat jassim ni, mcm hebat giler!!!)

as expected, mmg nampak sgt kuiz ni not really well planned. first, depa blh tak expect ada participant perempuan, malaysia hantar 4 drp 10 participant tu, perempuan... agak kacau jugak masa penyertaan.. tp tu settle... then come with the question and mcm mana nak jawab, kelam kabut and totally not prepared... tp takpe lah, relax je kan. since dah ramai org dr negara2 yg suka complain, we remained silent most of the time, wakil2 negara lain lg byk tak puas hati ngan cara quiz tu... so i let them complained :-) (btw, aku tetiba dilantik jadi team captain hehehe).

in short, quiz tu mcm ni. first sessi jawapan bertulis (24 soalan). soalan diajukan, kita kena tulis jawapan dan serah kat volunteer quiz. pastu bila keluar jawapan, n compare ngan jawapan kita. since geng2 organiser ni tak prepare, agak kelam kabut lah. pastu second round plak, verbal... style sama, tp specific soalan diberikan kat specific team. so nasib lah dpt soalan senang ke susah... kalau tak dpt jawab, soalan tu di pass kat specific team i.e. since it goes by alphabetical order, pass kat negara ikut abjad... agak tak adil, but ikut je lah...

antara soalan... the first five were about mamat jassim tu lah... pretty simple sbb semua org baca bab dia... then come to history section, arts, current affairs, MOI, general info, sports and etc... antara soalan killer yg takde org betul... apakah nama pearl paling luxurios and valuable... (jawapan al-jiwan... malaysia jwb hessa), apa nama dhow yg digunakan utk diving pearl (apa ntah jawapan nya), slogan hari lalulintas 2010 (ntah apa ntah jawapannya), bila first time national anthem qatar dinyanyikan (17th GCC summit, kita jawab GCC summit and tak tepat, dpt 0 markah)... and many more soalan...

then... came the results...

sebelum start 2nd round, diumumkan team Malaysia was leading by 5 points... (56points) India second 51 points, Indon 3rd 50 points.... then masuk second round... serious india mmg nampak berusaha gigih... kitaorg selamba je lah... jawab apa tahu... second round yg patut semua team dpt 4 soalan terpaksa diberhentikan awal, sampai 3 soalan each je... and both of us, india and our team manage to answer 2 out of the 3 questions given to us... which means.... we have won.. yup yeah... Malaysia menjuarai pertandingan Quiz Qatar National Day... :-) (lega... nasib baik tak kalah... seriously, agak pressure gak memikirkan kalau kalah ngan nepal or nigeria hehehe...) hadiah nya QR5000 not sorang QR5000, tp share 10 org.. jadilah... dpt gak 500.

oklah abt organisation ni mmg boleh diimprove... tp for sure, makanan dia bg masa break mmg superb hehehe... very nice roti n sandwich, mana depa dpt ni? kedai mana ntah... tp sedap and banyak!!!

hmm.. kena interview tadi ngan Qatar tribune, tak sabar nak tgk news masuk surat khabar... :-)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dinner with Agong... Sultan Mizan

Agong is in town!!! yes, DYMM Yang Dipertuan Agong Sultan Mizan.... dan isteri Raja Permaisuri Agong dtg visit Doha this few days... and semalam baginda menjemput 250 malaysians kat Qatar to have dinner with him... and apparently, masa event ni lah byk aku nampak muka2 org lama kat doha ni. (utk hadir, semua kena cepat2 RSVP, mmg cepat betul, in 2 hours habis semua seats)

it was a simple dinner... and kesempatan bersalaman tu gave a different experience. tak sangka plak kitaorg tetiba panic skit sebelum bersalam. ye lah, with the protocol merafak sembah, and salam n where to go after salam buat rasa takut2 masa beratur tu. tp since the Agong and wifey were pretty down to earth and relax, takde benda sangat lah... :-)

tp yg kesian nya, food was not up to the standard... the starter and soup and the dessert were ok and no complain sgt lah... but the main course was a bit tasteless and tak kena ngan selera... chicken breast with salty sauce... hmmm... kalau bg lauk kenduri pun ok je hehehe...

and lepas majlis, semua dpt hadiah dr istana. aku rasa aku lambat berebut, sampai hadiah utk lelaki habis. patut lelaki dpt cufflinks and tie pin yg cantik, tp end up kitaorg dpt 2 hadiah perempuan, handbag holder. so lepas ni, sesapa dtg umah aku for dinner, blh lah sangkut handbag kat tepi meja ye :-)
Daulat Tuanku... (hmm, kitaorg tak sempat nak posing sebelah menyebelah dgn tuanku, nanti kena tulah plak kalau posing sebelah2 hehehe)

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Cooler each day

Doha weather is getting cooler each day... since hujan masa time around raya haji (mid nov), winter sudah menjelma di Doha ni... tahun ni aku rasa cepat plak winter...

so bersempena winter... dan 3 bulan post-marriage effect i.e. peningkatan berat badan secara mendadak (4kg in 3 months!!!) aku ngan wifey pun plan utk jogging starting this week :-) cool weather ni best, jog for 30 minutes a day for 2-3 times a week kat corniche...

tgk doha city center while jogging... above tu, doha still berkabus, ni jam 6.30 pg ni... (18 degree)

so this is one of many 2011 resolutions, to consistently exercise, bg mengelakkan pemboroian mendadak berlaku... dan mengekalkan stamina dan kesihatan jantung hehehe... plus, jogging n exercise ni, at least bg ruang utk aku makan n continue makan, terasa kurang bersalah skit :-p

Monday, December 06, 2010

Road party...

hehehe... all roads were jammed up during the weekend especially along the corniche... qataris celebrated the announcement of WC2022... happy n meriah betul...
jalan penuh ngan org2 muda... kalau kita kat malaysia bila tau jalan tu busy n jammed kita akan g cari jalan lain... or balik... depa ni tidak... lagi suka... joined the celebration (but me being malaysian, cepat cari jalan pulang je... malas aku) kereta hon hon... diri atas kereta... menari2... benda merata... malam2 pun jual bendera... siap cat2 kereta (or shall i say conteng kereta)... great atmosphere...
pictures taken using handphone.. buruk skit.. (wifey cakap, dok dlm jammed pun blh jadi best tgk gelagat depa ni)

Thursday, December 02, 2010

The time is NOW!!!


congrats qatar for the chance to hold the world cup... aku tgk kat office je... memang aku sendiri rasa berdebar and berderap jantung bila pengumuman kata Qatar dapat WC2022... i dont know why but i'm as joyful as any qatari... wifey cakap, sebenci2 dia kat negara ni (so far...) dia pun naik excited bila dpt berita... siap tgk live kat tv tu (hmm.. surely tunggu muka anak emir :-p)

seriously big congrats to the country... u deserved it... you can do it... hopefully byk lah pemodenan and although takkan takde inflasi, but harap2 gaji naik lah when inflasi naik :-) and harap2 wifey dpt keje hehehe...

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Qatar big day...

Tomorrow is the day when the future of Qatar will be set... at least for the next 12 years... good luck Qatar... berdebar plak tunggu... plus byk coverage kat AJE ni... aku plak tak sabar2..

anyway, hari ni Qatar buat final presentation... salute HH Sheikha Mozah for her speech... best... :-) (harap2 esok dpt lah kat Qatar) for those yg tak tgk lagi presentation... watch here: especially for those yg nak target anak emir tu.. :-p

tp kalau nak lompat terus ke speech sheikha mozah... watch this clip:

more presentation video:

p/s harap2 rental yg dijangka naik tu, tak lah terus mendadak naik...

p/s kalau dpt... adakah aku akan dok sini sampai 12 tahun lagi??? lama tu!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Nicol won again...

From 5-12 November, qatar classic plak... heeheh... sian my wife kena drag along tgk2 event kat doha ni... and yeah nicol was here... dtg utk rampas balik kemenangan. she won the classic for 4 times in the last 5th year. kitaorg dtg tgk semi final je, sbb final hari sabtu tu ada plan lain... here are some pictures....yup dia menang the semi final games and finally won the title... :-) ada sessi bergambar dgn dia, tp lama sgt tunggu kat luar, perut dah lapar.... we dashed g cari makan... kenyangkan perut boroi lg baik :-)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


ada org tu nak abaya... konon dah dok negara arab ni, sesuai lah ber'abaya'... ha.. dapat pun abaya... tp takut nak pakai bawak ke test dlm umah je :-pp/s - update, yup, dah pernah bawak keluar, itu pun sbb malas nak gosok baju n dress up, so sarung je abaya tu :-p

p/s - i dont mind u wearing abaya selalu pun :-)

Monday, November 01, 2010

DTFF - still kelam kabut

As said in previous entry, minggu 26 October - 31 October ni, byk event... i.e. to be specific 2 je lah.. tp 2 big events... we had WTA championship and Doha Tribeca Film Festival. 2 world events. as tahun lepas aku tak g opening tribeca, tahun ni aku plan to go... along with my wife, zaireen and fairul...Tahun ni opening kat the newly open cultural village.. impressive build up tp setahu aku sejak aku dtg sini, tempat ni dibina for no reason... finally setelah 4 tahun br siap and set for DTFF... akhirnya... as the village is apparently out of nowhere, jauh skit dr town and takde proper parking. depa set parking kat convention center and prepare shuttle bus... and i can say, tranportation dia excellent... above expectation.

sesampai je kitaorg, sbb tmpt tu luas jugak, agak clueless where to go... so ikut2 org lah... and we ended up at the red carpet... felt the glimpse of jadi fan of celebrity sbb kebetulan salma hayek (i think the only real international celebrity malam tu) tgh lalu kat red carpet.. nampak lah dia dr jauh... wifey kata baju dia horrendously ugly... i said she was quite petite and pretty... hehehe... this is the best picture we got...then kitaorg pun menuju ke area where they show the opening show. it's advertise as free seating theatre... agak jauh gak lah... and the area tu mmg lawa lah... and we were very impressive with the design etc... sesampai je kat pintu masuk, tak de pun ramai sgt org beratur nak masuk, so we thought that it will be a smooth process and very well controlled crowd... once sampai depa suruh ambik free passes on the small table dkt2 situ... which at that time, kata minah jaga table tu plak dah abis... bengong!!!ramai actually confused with the system... dia kata free viewing tp tak plak dia advertise to get the passes and only limited to 2000 viewers... bengong!!! penat lah zaireen dress up (sorry yup u remind me to check earlier kena ada passes ke tak... too confident konon sistem bagus, we do not need one... but too bad, tak dpt masuk) actually we were slight early, sbb lepas kitaorg dpt tahu tak dpt masuk, mula lah ada ramai org gaduh2 kat gate tu, sbb tak dpt masuk. ada yg dah siap baju evening dress with tux lah, still tak dpt masuk... so we make a move balik lah.. :-( frustrated!!! seriously frustrated. totally understand the procedure, but please bg tahu lah kat website korang yg the seating is limited to 2000 je... last year buat open area blh je ribu2 org datang. u are in the 2nd year please expect lagi ramai dtg ok! next year buat lagi baik ok!but that's not all lah... i mean, on the final day wifey and i g tgk salah satu movie dlm festival. its a bosnian film. mula2 nya byk gile film kitaorg nak tgk... tp fikir2, nanti lg byk plak film kitaorg tgk mengalahkan jury festival plak... heheeh... and since zaireen dah beli terlebih tiket, kitaorg cuma beli tiket zaireen tu je... it was a good movie (for me...) its a life story about current bosnian culture...

interesting enough... sblm movie start the organiser cakap the film maker akan tunggu sampai abis film utk Q&A session... the main actor was there jugak, tp tak leh nak jawab soalan sbb flight malam tu... tp kitaorg tak tunggu because that was on saturday midnight, ahad aku nak keje... better ciao right after the movie.... good experience joining the festival.. tahun dpn nak try dpt vip passes g masuk opening :-)...