30 August 2008

I found you!

Aku dok belek2 Friendster cari budak2 UUM. Tgk lar sapa yg aku jumpa. 1 of my bestfriend! Tak sangka...Mmg dah lama betul tak contact. She is now in Sabah. Mengajar kat sana. Her hubby pon cikgu kat sana. Last dia sms aku bulan May this yr. Bgtau yg dia dah dpt baby boy. Anak pertama tuh.

Tak sangka dpt tgk gmbr kawen dia. Masa dia engaged, I was staying in Singapore. So tak dpt lar nak attend. Bila dia kawen pon aku tak dpt attend sbb my sis pon kawen hari yg sama ngan dia. Masa aku kawen lak dia pon tak dpt dtg sbb baru lepas bersalin. Hehehe...mmg takde jodoh nak jumpa. Last aku jumpa dia pon b4 dia kawen. Dah lama tu..It was abt 4 yrs mcm tu...

Bila tengok gmbr dia teringat kisah2 suka duka kat UUM. Heheheh...We used to share a lot of stories. Mcm2 lar...Pegi mana2 selalu berdua. Smpi org ingat aku ngan dia kembar. Even her mother pon ckp mcm tu. Dia kata muka kitorg sama. Sama ker?

Ntah bila lar boleh jumpa. Ina, Miss You lar...

29 August 2008


Akhirnya...smlm abis jugak aku ganti puasa. Yahooo! Tu pon hampir2 nak bukak puasa sbb aku migrain. Lately, aku asik sakit kepala jer...Bila balik hubby sure tanya...Tadi u tension ngan sapa lak bawak keta lembap? Hahahaha...Mmg ni pon salah 1 penyumbang migrain aku gak. Aku mmg cepat tension bila aku nak cepat tapi org bawak keta terhegeh-hegeh ala2 nak pegi bersiar!

Ooo...on Thursday aku terjumpa Amir kat LRT. He's waiting for the wife. Biasa lar...Kalo jumpa kawan lama...sure ada update pasal kawan2 lain kan? Takde apa sgt lar yg kitorang borak. Cite pasal diri masing2 jer. Dia ada bagitau, kawan kitorang Si Aqil tu dah kawen on 10/08. Majlis belah laki lak buat 17/08. Aku lupa nak tanya Amir sapa lg yg dia invite. Setau aku Amir jer yg attend wedding dia. Aqil now dok kat Kg Baru.

This week cuti sampai Monday. Bestnya...Not sure nak pegi mana...Hubby ajak balik kg. My kampung lar. Giler lama aku tak balik kg. Last balik kg masa wedding aku bulan 5 aritu. Tapi tak confirm lar jadi ke tak...If my hubby takde keje on Sat, kitorang balik lar. If not aku balik lar umah MIL.


27 August 2008


Smlm dept aku buat potluck sempena nak sambut Ramadhan nih. Byk betol makanan...Mmg tak abis. Ada nasi jagung, macaroni bakar, udang, ayam masak merah, spagetti, domino pizza, bihun goreng, tiramisu, butter cake, mcm2 lar. Aku siap tapau bawak balik umah. Sayang...makanan byk tak abis. Untung dah, dinner aku tak yah masak, hahaha...

Mesti korang nak tau kan aku bawak apa? Aku bawak bihun goreng...Jgn tak tau, pukul 5.30am aku dah bangun nak goreng bihun. Issh...issh...issh...tak penah lagi aku bangun pagi camni nak masak, hehehe...Tapi takpe, utk kawan2 aku rajinkan jugak...

Next potluck is after raya lar...Makanan apa lak lar yg aku nak masak...

My Wishlist

#1 - Dah lama giler aku tak tukar other words beli hp baru lar. Rasanya semenjak aku beli was 3 yrs back! Isshh...isshh...lama sungguh kan? Sekarang nih aku mmg berkenan betul kat hp ni >>>> sony ericsson C905. Mmg mcm best. Sbbnya? It's 8.1 megapix! Price? Not sure sbb hp ni tak keluar lagi. Tapi aku tgk Sony Ericsson C902 with 5 megapix pon dah harga RM1488...Kalo hp C905 tu mesti lar lagi mahal...Ikut hati mmg nak beli tapi with that price aku dah boleh travel! Tunggu bonus lar tahun depan or ask him to buy for me, hehehe...

#2 - Going to KK. AA is giving free tix now. Mmg sgt teruja! Aku mmg teringin betul nak ke KK. Smlm try check AA tix for 2 to KK on Apr 09 baru RM314. Murah tuh! Lagi teruja nak berjalan bila ada org tuh dah beli tix to KK, JB & Bandung for next yr! My hubby dah agree abt going to KK next yr tp if i purchased the tix now, it's abt 8 months kena tunggu. 8 months...mcm2 boleh jadi. Tapi my concern is, if I'm pregnant by that time dah tak boleh naik flite dah...Rugi jer beli. Takpe lar, aku tunggu next yr lar. Normally Feb, AA ada buat promo lg. But not sure if can get 0 sen tix!

#3 - Looking for a sofa. Sempena nak raya ni kan...nak ler pegi carik sofa for my house. Kesian org dtg kena dok bersila, hehehe...Ala, carik yg murah2 jer...Hopefully byk SALE lar sempena nak raya nih. Actually tak pegi survey pon lagi. Aku baru jer berangan, hahaha...

26 August 2008

sapa yg menang?

Arini election kat Permatang Pauh...Anwar lwn Ariff Shah...Antara PKR & BN. Agak2 sapa yg menang ek? Hehehe...Tak sabar nak tunggu result! Aku tak sokong mana2...lantak lar diorg...Cuma nak tau jer...Ye lah, mcm2 cite kuar sblm mengundi nih...So, nak tgk ler rakyat masih percayakan Anwar ke tak...

Kat TV pon asik2 cite pasal politik. Dah naik boring lak aku nak tgk berita. Mcm lar dah takde cite lain, huhuhu...Agaknya dah lepas election nih dah abis lar cite pasal politik. Hopefully...

23 August 2008

The Right Person

Rcvd an email from my friend about this. So, I post it here so that I can share with you all. Very interesting...Read it.


During one of our seminars, a woman asked a common question.
She said, "How do I know if I married the right person?"
I noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so I said,
"It depends. Is that your husband?"
In all seriousness, she answered, "How do you know?"

Let me answer this question because the chances are good that it's weighing on your mind.

Here's the answer.
EVERY relationship has a cycle. In the beginning, you fell in love with your spouse. You anticipated their call, wanted their touch, and liked their idiosyncrasies.

Falling in love with your spouse wasn't hard. In fact, it was a completely natural and spontaneous experience. You didn't have to DO anything. That's why it's called "falling" in love.... Because it's happening TO YOU.

People in love sometimes say, "I was swept off my feet." Think about the imagery of that ___ expression. It implies that you were just standing there ; doing nothing, and then something came along and happened TO YOU.

Falling in love is easy. It's a passisve and spontaneous experience. But after a few years of marriage, the euphoria of love fades. It's the natural cycle of EVERY relationship. Slowly but surely, phone calls become a bother (if they come at all), touch is not always welcome (when it happens), and your spouse's idiosyncrasies, instead of being cute, drive you nuts.

The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship, but if you think about your marriage, you will notice a dramatic difference between the initial stage when you were in love and a much duller or even angry subsuquent stage.

At this point, you and/or your spouse might start asking, "Did I marry the right person?" And as you and your spouse reflect on the euphoria of the love you once had, you may begin to desire that experience with someone else. This is when marriages breakdown. People blame their spouse for their unhappiness and look outside their marriage for fulfillment.

Extra marital fulfillment comes in all shapes and sizes. Infidelity is the most obvious. But sometimes people turn to work, a hobby, a friendship, excessive TV or abusive substances.

But the answer to this dilemma does NOT lie outside your marriage.
It lies within it. I'm not saying that you couldn't fall in love with someone else. You could.
And TEMPORARILY you'd feel better. But you'd be in the same situation a few years later. Because (listen carefully to this) :


SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience. It'll NEVER just happen to you. You can't "find" LASTING love. You have to "make" it day in and day out. That's why we have the ____ expression "the labor of love."
Because it takes time, effort, and energy. And most importantly, it takes WISDOM. You have to know WHAT TO DO to make your marriage work.

Make no mistake about it. Love is NOT a mystery. There are specific things you can do (with or without your spouse) to succeed with your marriage.

*Ok, got to go. I need to renew my driving license. It's already exp 3 weeks ago. Hahahaha...selambanya aku driving with the expired license!

22 August 2008

wedding gift

Smlm dpt ni from my fren. Dia kawen 16/08. Unfortunately I cannot attend her wedding. Ikut MIL pegi wedding sedara dia.

Cantikkan kotak dia...Dlmnya dia letak kek. Actually kotak tuh dia beli kosong jer. So, nak cantikkan lagi, she put the ribbon. Very creative ha...Kotak nih boleh lar aku buat simpan jewellery. Mcm lar byk sgt jewellery aku, hahaha...Actually aku dah mmg byk kotak2 mcm nih...Tak tau nak buat apa...

Ni lak bunga telur dia. Aku rasa kalo pegi wedding takde bunga telur mcm tak best lar. Pegi wedding suka tgk bunga telur. Mcm2 paten ada. Biasanya kalo dpt bunga telur, aku simpan lar kejap. Bila dah lama2, buang lar. Bukan apa...abuk. Ada 1 of my relative mmg kumpul bunga telur. Boleh dikatakan penuh lar jugak almari dia dgn bermcm2 bunga telur. Nmpk cantik lak bila dia display dlm almari tuh.

Lagi satu, aku suka makan telur rebus kenduri kawen. Kalo mak aku pegi kenduri, balik mesti aku mintak telur, hahaha...Tapi skrg nih tak ramai yg bagi bunga telur. Lagi senang letak sweet jer dlm bekas telur. Zaman dah moden :-).

19 August 2008

meeting old fren

Terjumpa Mr Emran Haris at KJ Lrt stsn. Lama tak jumpa dia. Kitorg 1 universiti kat UUM. When I saw him, terus teringat his x-gf who is now a lecturer at UUM, :-). This guy every time meet me, he will sure look at my finger. Just to check whether I'm married or not. First thing come out of his mouth is "Ko pakai cincin. Ko dah kawen eh?" Mmmmm...

He is working at Ampang now. And just get to know that the wife is now working at Kuantan. He has 2 sons now. Same as his x-gf, hehehe...

18 August 2008


dtg keje arini. Jln tak jam...keta pon kurang. School holiday agaknya...& for the first time aku dpt duduk dlm lrt. Lrt pon tak ramai org, hehehe...Kalo camni ari2 kan bagus...Tak lar aku stress jer...

Ok lar, aku nak sambung upload gmbr...

15 August 2008

stories to tell

#Pagi tadi baru lepas test. Re-sit test, hahaha...Hopefully this time aku pass lar...Kalo tak...mampos! Kena lar ngadap SM. Waaarrrggghhhh...tak mau...

#Lagi 2 hari nak ganti puasa. Caiyo...Caiyo...

#Smlm dpt berita drpd bapak aku, anak kawan bapak aku, abg Lan nak kawen dah this Sun. At last kawen jugak dia...setelah sekian lama putus cinta. Dgrnya, the wife to be org Kelantan. Congratulation to him. Semoga perkahwinan dia kekal hingga akhir hayat. I'm happy to hear that he's getting married.

#Tak tau lar sapa yg buat cite pasal 1 of my family member. Dan all sedara-mara belah my father side plak ntah mana diorg dpt cite tuh...without asking us, terus jer spread cite yg tak betol tuh pada org lain. Takut agaknya nak tanya? It is sad to know what they've done. Kalo lar diorg tu betol2 ambil berat pasal anak sedara sendiri, they will not do such thing. Apa yg diorg dpt dgn buat benda nih pon tak tau lar. Ada benda yg diorg tak puas ati kot? From what had happened, aku boleh buat conclusion that they are not .......(I don't want to mention here).

#Will attend a wedding tomorrow.

14 August 2008

Adam @ Sunway Pyramid

Last week Adam dtg KL. So, me & Ema (Cik Long) bawak Adam & mummy jln2.

Adam cam takut jer, hehehe

Adam & mummy

Adam & Cik Long. Cik Long posing cam model, hehehe...
Dah penat round Pyramid, Cik Long belanja Kenny Rogers. Thx to Cik Long, hehehe...

13 August 2008

Breast cancer talk

Company aku ada buat talk ni tadi...Very informative. Byk jugak yg diberitahu. Mcm mana breast cancer terjadi, what are the causes of it...How to do self examine...Siap tunjuk gmbr2 lagi. Mmg menyeramkan ok!

Yang paling menyedihkan is 1 of the patient yg survive with the breast cancer kongsi cerita dia. You just imagine the girl is only 23 yrs old & dia dah kena breast cancer. Menakutkan...Muda2 lagi dah kena breast cancer.

The doc bagitau we have to do self examine every month utk detect if ada changes to our breast or not. Bila nak kena buat? Kena buat on 7 - 10 days from yr first period. Lepas ni nak kena beringat lar...Kena buat every month...Takut...

Lagi 1, doc tu bgtau, pakai deodorant penyebab breast cancer is a myth. Pakai bra ketat pon is a myth. It's not the cause of cancer.

*Another 3 more days to go...Aku puasa arini...caiyo! caiyo!

12 August 2008


Last Fri, aku pegi lunch kat O'briens. Kedai nih baru bukak. Dekat jer ngan ofis aku. Memandangkan kedai nih baru buka, they all ada wat promo lar...Beli satu, percuma satu...Untungkan? Hehehe...Ramai gak org lunch kat situ...Harga? Ala, standard lar kalo kedai mcm nih...Agak mahal jugak lar...

Mula2 order dulu...Tak tau nak makan apa...Sbb first time pegi...

Ingredients yg digunakan

dan lagi...

Muffin pon ada...

At last aku order ni jer...

chicken slice & cheddar RM14.50
Itu baru makan jer...Belum campur air aku beli Capuccino RM9.50...So total lunch aku for that day RM24...tapi memandangkan they all ada promo, aku cuma bayar RM16 jer...Quite expensive just for a lunch...Sekali-sekala boleh lar...mau hari2 aku lunch kat situ, bankrap aku!

11 August 2008

Baju baru





Ni lah baju-baju yg aku beli kat Bandung. Boleh wat gi ofis...Maklum lar...badan dah berat. Byk baju aku yg tak muat...Semuanya aku beli kat Factory Outlet, hehehe...

10 August 2008

Thanks Ema

Today I rcvd these from Ema who just went to Phuket for a holiday. Thanks ya. It's very nice.

These are Samui Coconut Chips. I have not tried it before.
Wah...Byknya makanan kat umah aku. I bought Amanda brownies & "kerepek pisang keju" from Bandung & my sister also gave me kek lapis from Sarawak. Bila ntah nak makan. Kerepek yg aku beli masa gi treasure hunt kat Pulai Springs pon still ada lagi...

08 August 2008


What is so special about 080808? For me, it's just a number but a nice number to certain people. There's nothing special for me today...I mean, no special event to attend :-P. Today is the official start of Olympic Beijing [as u all know Chinese like this number very much]. And my cousin, Mimi engagement is also today. She purposely chooses this date because of the number. The sister's was getting married on 070707 & the "hantaran" was RM7777.77. I think my cousin "hantaran" will be RM8888.88. Just guessing...I asked her mother when is the wedding going to happen? Is it 090909? The mother said not sure about that. Have to ask the daughter, hehehe...But my mom told me it's going to be held end of this year. Too long to wait for 090909 huh?


it's CD, ok...

Remember the other day I accompanied my hubby to bring his counterparts from Korea for a sight seeing? Their CEO is here & he brought me the Christian Dior lipstick! I didn't expect to receive this, ok...hehehe.

07 August 2008

Just came back

Yes, I just came back from Bandung yesterday...Hehehe...So, what is so special abt Bandung? If you like to shop, Bandung is the place where you can shop till u drop, hahaha...All branded stuff you can find there with the cheapest price.


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