Sunday, May 31, 2009

shared with an angel

personal passion shared with an angel

attempting awareness inflamed by sweet charms

moments freely given, release earnest feelings

the heart given freedom intermingles, disarms

personal passion speaks deep as emotion

sweeter the air with honeysuckle's perfume

talk late through the day, time shed as a jacket

unneeded for spring evening's friendship to bloom

laughter, fun, simplicity, honesty melded

the angel, Delila, gift from the gods
gracious the vision thankful kindred spirit
finding you here, goes against all odds

some have the gift to share a moment on forever - as I imagine many of my blog friends have this gift. I was pleasantly surprised to meet just such a spirited person recently. It was a great pleasure to make a new friend and the inspiration for this poem.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Love Letter No 44 - Mindless Love

Dear C,

I am exploding to talk to you, to hear your voice, to see your face. You've ravished my heart with time spent, kind words, shared emotions, meaningful touch. Breaking it down, "I am about to lose it." There is something desperate that I must unmask. There's no label for this, call it "mindless". Is that what happens when love takes you to the edge and drops you off? Choice is out of the loop, emotion is distant, intellect takes a backseat. Mindless love takes over; instinctive, passionate, reactive, responsive, urgent.

Run with me. With graceful freedom we'll move forward together, renewed oneness, restored mind and strength.

With deep and tender affection,


Write a love letter and share it with someone special in your life.

Love Letters are a Thursday feature.


Artwork 'i-appropriated' from Cori.

follow the link on the picture to see more of Cori's creative work

or visit her web at "Sacred Artist "--------

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

to bless abandon

Past the overgrown garden, over the leaf strewn
ground beneath autumn ash and oak, beside
the dried muck that was once a swampy marsh,
the backside of the dump exults in forgetful

Whether the parachutist without a
ripcord, the noble chef with few
recipes and fewer ingredients, the storyteller
turned writer whose thesaurus
burned for kindling, abandon lingers;
full emotional release exercised in disregard.

Reluctant fallacy, ignored truth, abashment
masquerading unconcern, the totality of abandon
must be blessed, sheer expose' on "discontrol", yielded
forgetfulness, disappointment uncurtailed, throw
these and more in the melting pot.

Problems isolate; harried and nagged
fantasy of release take us into abandon.
courage, yet full of restless energy, ennui
inspired with a healthful supply of failure,
and sickening sweet success thrown in; emerging
abandon brings healing beyond personal
efforts of effectiveness, satisfaction, truth, law,
notion or fallacy.

Bless abandon! Call sin out, whisper divine mysticism,
clamor of human grappling.
Ever close abandon,
bless the journey to the distant place
that is near at hand.

Photo 'i-appropriated' from Jack.
follow the link on the picture to see more Jack's great photography or visit her web at "Slightly off center"

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Love Letter No 43 - Dance Love

Dear S,
You are flower fair. Freshness and freedom flow in your dance of life. Supple motion with unrestrained joy is a contact high from your heart to mine.

Honesty comes without pain, gentle thoughts designed to bare emotions. There is a gift there for just the two of us. Need I say as much? Looking into your eyes you've told me a secret, I will honor the gift and reply in kind.

We'll dance again and soon.
Give me your hand and create the frame for the graceful journey to be shared by two. For none other ever danced away with my heart.

With deep and tender affection,


Write a love letter and share it with someone special in your life.

Love Letters are a Thursday feature.



Wednesday, May 20, 2009

to bless the wishing well

Memory acts as guide to favored choices, a trip to the wishing well may "parent ideas, form dreams, initiate sacred desires, justify longings."

May the steps leading to the wish reflect the beauty of the fountainous well provided. May the path's generosity bring acceptance beyond self limiting thought patterns ingrained far too long in routine.

May a wish inspire your heart to hope beyond the mere possible. May you stride confidently before teachers of peace, tranquility, intimacy and harmony to offer your gift of coin, which will free every anxiety and all fears, as wishes take the rightful throne of your imagination.

May the bubbling gurgle of falling water reflect the well of your inner struggle that overflows, breaking the bonds of ego and intellectualism to fly into the twilight truth of childlike chimera.

May you hear the universe respond in affirmation to the gift you give from this time forward.

Monday, May 18, 2009

primal confirmation

Where I am standing far or near
and all that I can see from here,
snowy mountains, wooded vale,
flowing river grassy field.
Consider where I am in life,
heading toward or left behind,
what is it I am entering in,
what prevents me how to begin?

does something stop me, from rising above,
essential gift for gaining love,
on this frontier I've staked a claim,
giving all and risking name,
changes in the drum beats flow,
where to turn, which way to go,
crossing with passions fully engaged,
allows life experience to gain new stage

are life's emotions coming alive?
confusion, fear, hope, inner drive?
give self over to ritual dance,
dramatize the process, take no chance
realize change brings challenge for self,
illness, suffering or sudden wealth
old life then seems most far away,
what once was close the previous day

fate surely shapes our every cause,
strengthen or strip us, give us pause
a script so secret, self must discover,
intensity unlike no other,
for every life is a mystery,
unfolding unique destiny
that we live is affirmation,
we are touched by life's primal confirmation

Photo 'i-appropriated' from Jack.
follow the link on the picture to see more Jack's great photography or visit her web at "Slightly off center"

Friday, May 15, 2009

you are, i am

reconsider, because you can,
change your mind, if i'm your man,

walk away, and drift afar,
free to fly, follow that star
a great free spirit will flap its wings

back and forth the door still swings
once walked out, walk back in
don't think too hard, begin again
love's forgiving, kind, with care
heart once touched, ready to share

reconsider, because you can,
you are woman, i am man

See more of this artist at Aghassi

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Love Letter No 42 - United Love

Dear S,
From the first moment we lit up united. Inside me, inside you, between the two, "a connect" happened. Our gaze, our talk, our thoughts, it was definitely a "there" moment. Life whispers in your ear, "now, step up, here you go." United was on our minds.

So the conversation continues, "this table shifts", "I'll hold my foot on it", "how did we get here", "arrivals happen when gracious hearts open freely", and on and on, and the time is gone. United was in our hearts.

A few minutes together, doing each day what is important, that makes union.
That makes unity. That makes us united.

Why am I the lucky one?

With deep and tender affection,


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

to bless "the meadow"

This post dedicated to Michael,
the last bit of green,
and his faithful companion,

mentioned on his recent post "here".

to bless "the meadow"
by o'hOgain

after the consultations and reviews, a "decision",
how clinical, and sterile the modern mind,
what is the value of a romp across
a snowy meadow, or the song of the cricket
in the early summer as growth thickens
from greening of spring rains.

people do need space, and yes, there
must be room to frolic and roam,
to smell the earth and creepy
crawlers of each season, places for
moving fallen limbs or turning over
rocks to see beneath.

may this place be blessed with
song of lark, hum of bee,
frog's evening melody, and room
for pups like me, who's joy
is bound up in
meadow's sacred


"Arise, my darling,
my beautiful one, and come with me.

See! The winter is past;
the rains are over and gone.

Flowers appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves
is heard in our land.

The fig tree forms its early fruit;
the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.
Arise, come, my darling;
my beautiful one, come with me."

Song of Solomon 2:10-13

Photo i-appropriated from Jack at Slightly Off-Center by way of Flickr.

Monday, May 11, 2009


"mysterious angelic transcendent
love is the cure for the anxiety
of the human condition"

Photo i-appropriated from Jack at Slightly Off-Center by way of Flickr.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Love Letter No 41 - Furious Love

Dear J,
I am agitated deep within my soul. My usual
blustering just will not do. I remember the
many times you used your favorite word
for me, "boisterous", you would say
with a knowing smile. And I would laugh my
concentrated laugh as if your knowing made no
difference to either of us. Because for all of the
excess we shared, our love is exquisite, in
a masterful way. No other word can explain the divine
encounter of mind, body and soul that urges our union.

Extreme, wild, unrestrained, even vicious do not
approach the nature of who we are
together. I never knew the meaning of savage until
your kiss touched the depths of me. It was at once
tempestuous and terrible, intensified by the
joining of hands. Your touch, my touch, intense and
impetuous. Set this raging inferno flaming in my

A tornado on land or a tempest at sea, this,
my dear one is furious love.
And I love you.

With deep and tender affection,



Write a love letter and share it with someone special in your life.

Love Letters are a Thursday feature. So I doubled up this week :)


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Love Letter No 40 - Lost Love

Dear N,
There are always options. The final option is to move forward once more. Yet, I sense love lost.

The other life, lived alongside the life we know, may go forward in love's name. However, this I experience here and now, lost love. The lightness, the breath of fresh air, the close your eyes surprise, the 'I'm yours', lost in the moment, lost in eternity, lost love.

Listen, hear that far away, the mournful wind moans, the sound of deep calling to deep. Even in this state is the more permanent connection, love lost. No one is the less, there is no "what could have been", when love is lost that is the true definition of nothing.

I love you.

With deep and tender affection,


Write a love letter and share it with someone special in your life.

Love Letters are a Thursday feature.

What if you had to tell that special one that this is it "love lost" - how would you manage?


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

to bless weakness

struggle may seem the opposite of strength,
yet even the strong may struggle,
thinking of ways to exceed requires
building on strengths more than

pride may reveal difficulty
a place of weakness great,
for it is in the prideful moment that
boastfulness turns us upside down,

may weakness guide you to places of the heart,
places of new trust, new hope, new sources beyond
self and vanity,

may the least one that is near be met with the
abundance needed to raise them up and supply
their needs

may we see the reflection of our nature in those
who cannot 'do' for themselves when we give
ourselves for others.

may we love the unlovable for they are our
brother, sister, mother, and father too.

as the group sees the treatment of the weak,
may everyone rest in comfort that they too
shall be well received.

may weakness guide us with the tender care
of a loving parent to the sharing of inner gifts
of divine healing

may the prophets words ring true, strength made
perfect in weakness and the children's song become
the mantra of a generation, "I am weak but he is strong"

Monday, May 4, 2009

me and the rest of me

there is me, the me you see,
there is also 'the rest of me'

don't violate my driving space
lies told by leaders for my sake

attraction felt, I must suppress
anxiety of sudden singleness

no partner for life's intimacy
unchangeable wrongs that I see

inner child and forgiveness
intensity of love's aliveness

ambition to show greater grace
to reach for others losing the race

letting go when love had started
hidden tears for joys departed

happiness past explanation
gentle grace's ingratiation

this and more behind the scene
from the rest to me and all between

Sunday, May 3, 2009


I want to walk the paths just for me
feel gently the breeze meant to blow
from the earliest day upon my cheek
feel the warmth of sun, meant to know

I want to lie down in grassy fields
among lush vegetation, smell earths smells
transitions begun from time still yields
instinctive memories as emotion swells

I want to swim the rivers and seas
or lakes with daring among the fish
wet skin all over, sure and at ease
be it hope, dream, blessing or wish

Friday, May 1, 2009

gentle gaze inward

"Casting a gentle gaze inward I perceive my deepest needs being touched mystically; once received any desire for other than this spiritual caress becomes inconceivable." ~ o'hOgain

Photo i-borrowed from Jack at Slightly off-center