Salam di hari Jumaat yang mulia buat semua,
Hari ini kat Fukuoka suhu terus menurun, kat sesetengah tempat di Fukuok amasih ada light snow shower tapi kat rumah I dah tak de snow la. Suhu sekarang ni -3°C; adoyaiii nak mandi pun malas. Makanya tak mandi lah I ke lab hari ni muahahahaha.
Hari ini I nak share satu apps yang berguna untuk install kat iPhone/iPad dan Android pun boleh. Apps ni akan memudahkan kita untuk membaca al-Quran di mana sahaja. Memandangkan hujung minggu ni sampai minggu depan; korang kat Malaysia bercuti panjang sempena Maulidur Rasul & Thaipusam...mesti ramai yang nak balik kampung kan.
Kalau perjalanan dari KL-Qelate tu, siaran radio cuma dapat masa kat highway je. Bila dah masuk kawasan berbukit2 tu, siaran radio memang tak clear lansung. Kalau sunyi je masa driving tu takut mengantuk pulak kan. So, I suggest korang install apps ni dan pasang sepanjang perjalanan balik kampung itu. Dapat pahala mendengar bacaan suci AL-Quran dan juga dapat pahala baca Al-Quran kalau korang sama2 ikut bacaan yang di alunkan itu.
The iQuran apps offers Complete Quran in the Uthmani Font along with verse by verse translation and recitation.
★ Full Quran with english translation supporting crisp Retina Display
★ Lite version supports the English translation by Shakir
★ Verse by verse recitation by: Mahmoud Al Husary
★ Split index screen with scrollable Surahs and Sections (Hezb, Juzz / Para)
★ Tap and hold Verse Options Sheet: Bookmark, Note, SMS, Email, Twitter, Facebook or Copy
★ Quick verse jumping using a unique and easy to use Fast Scroll display
★ Complete Audio controls with tap-hold FF, RW and Pause/Play
★ Advanced audio repeat options to help with memorization: repeat a single verse multiple times, repeat on reaching the end of a surah or select a range of verses to loop over
★ Limit of three bookmarks with notes and search
★ Support for 4 built-in bookmark categories for grouping verses: Reading, Memorizing, Interesting, Discussion
★ Advanced full-text search support with keyword highlighting and automatic saved search history. Limits to a maximum of 25 search result matches and 5 saved searches.
★ Quranic Supplications. See verses from the Qur'an on topics such as: Faith, Submission, Praise, Patience, Forgiveness, Family, Provisions, Knowledge, Thanks and Protection
★ A special Stop Signs screen explaining the meaning of the different Stop Symbols used in the Quran
★ Full Quran with english translation supporting crisp Retina Display
★ Lite version supports the English translation by Shakir
★ Verse by verse recitation by: Mahmoud Al Husary
★ Split index screen with scrollable Surahs and Sections (Hezb, Juzz / Para)
★ Tap and hold Verse Options Sheet: Bookmark, Note, SMS, Email, Twitter, Facebook or Copy
★ Quick verse jumping using a unique and easy to use Fast Scroll display
★ Complete Audio controls with tap-hold FF, RW and Pause/Play
★ Advanced audio repeat options to help with memorization: repeat a single verse multiple times, repeat on reaching the end of a surah or select a range of verses to loop over
★ Limit of three bookmarks with notes and search
★ Support for 4 built-in bookmark categories for grouping verses: Reading, Memorizing, Interesting, Discussion
★ Advanced full-text search support with keyword highlighting and automatic saved search history. Limits to a maximum of 25 search result matches and 5 saved searches.
★ Quranic Supplications. See verses from the Qur'an on topics such as: Faith, Submission, Praise, Patience, Forgiveness, Family, Provisions, Knowledge, Thanks and Protection
★ A special Stop Signs screen explaining the meaning of the different Stop Symbols used in the Quran
Apa yang I suka pasal apps ni ialah ia berkongsi makna "stop signs" yang kita jumpa dalam bacaan tu. Kadang2 kita tak tahu apa makna "stop signs" yang ada tu kan? *eh ke I je yang jahil tak tahu*.
Banyak lagi lah kelebihan apps ni, so tunggu apa lagi bagi yang ada smartphone tu sila lah install apps ni. Kalau kat iPod tu beribu2 lagu boleh install, takkan lah nak install apps ni tak boleh ye dak?.
Tiba-tiba teringat pulak masa sekolah menengah dulu I suka tidur sambil dengar lagu (pakai headphone & walkman). Ada sekali tu I pergi trip dengan ustazah, then ustazah I tegur "Cuba awak bayangkan kalau Allah tarik nyawa awak masa awak tengah dengar lagu2 yang melalaikan tu?". Perghhhhhhhhh insaf sekejap terus menusuk tepat dalam dada *insaf kejap je pastu sambung lagi perangai buruk tu isk3x; bila lah nak istiqamah ni Yatie oiiiiii?*.
Psssstt : selamat bercuti buat kawan2 di malaysia. Apa yang penting bukan nya sambutan Maulidur Rasul tu tapi yang lebih utama ialah
12 words of wisdom & comments:
apps ni nampak lagi best dr yang saya punya ni..sebab ada stop signs tu..saya guna apps QuranMajeed..takpe,lepas ni nak install yang ni pulak..tq nurhayati..hehe
psst..dah cuba apps untuk anak2 Muslim Kids Series "Hijaiya"..learn and write..
oh ye sama dgn yg saya install. tq sharing yati, moga bermanfaat pada yg lain2. :)
tak dop Iphone. nok install ghano. huhhu
saya insaf, ustajah....huhu
bagus aplikasi ni tapi telepong ambo buke bertaraf android hatta iphone sekalipung. huhuhu
thanx sharing babe nnt leh install ai guna app sama ngan si lia tue
tq yatie rekemen app ni..trus download pas bc entri ni hehe..sblm ni ade hok xdok audio, xleh nk check bacaan betul ke dop..thanx :)
entry terbaik sis..insyallh nak guna app tu...sejuk sngt tak larat nak mandi..
salam dari malaysia..follow sini^^
I pun ada..senang kan...
kamalia : aah dh install apps anak2 uslim tu, thanks sbb inform ;)
kak As : do itashimashite
kak nur : ehehhe
Isabelle : bagus3x, keinsafan mcm ni la yg kita nak (^-^)
eliss : ngeeee
lady ayu : slmt try apps ni pulak
mygoldenpen : u r most welocme dear :)
woofer storm : salam kenal, thanks sudi jenguk sini
almiraz : yup, senang hidup :)
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