In Japan, accomodation fee can be really high especially if you are living in a big city. We are lucky enough as we get to stay at the modern and sophisticated building of International Student House right now with the monthly payment cost us about 40,000yen (~RM 1500). *refer: Malam Pertama Solah & Yatie , Atarashi Aparto - New Apartment *
As far as we love living in our present house....the temptation to live in a Japanese DANCHI which offers a really cheap monthly fees has forced us to apply for it. Danchi (団地 lit. "group land") is the Japanese word for a large cluster of apartment buildings of a particular style and design, typically built as public housing by a government authority.
The danchi that we applied are owned by Fukuoka-city (shi) administration. As a student, we are entitled to get a 70-75% discount for the monthly rent. In order to live in this public danchi; the prospective tenant must usually participate in a lottery in order to be assigned an open apartment.
Since there is a lottery for assignment to the house; the waiting list can often run months and perhaps years. As for our case, we had been waiting to get this house for almost a year and a half.
Our new house is actually only about 5 minutes away from our present house. Though the building is not as modern as what we have right now (no elevator, not fully furnished); we are thankful because it is much bigger compared to our present house. Our new house is a 3DK type which means that there are three rooms inside the house which consists of master bedroom + baby SN's room + living room and a dining kitchen area, in addition to the separate toilet room and bathroom. *Owh, this would also means that lebih ruang untuk di sepahkan hehehe*. Furthermore, this new house is much closer to baby SN's nursery.
As far as we love living in our present house....the temptation to live in a Japanese DANCHI which offers a really cheap monthly fees has forced us to apply for it. Danchi (団地 lit. "group land") is the Japanese word for a large cluster of apartment buildings of a particular style and design, typically built as public housing by a government authority.
The danchi that we applied are owned by Fukuoka-city (shi) administration. As a student, we are entitled to get a 70-75% discount for the monthly rent. In order to live in this public danchi; the prospective tenant must usually participate in a lottery in order to be assigned an open apartment.
Since there is a lottery for assignment to the house; the waiting list can often run months and perhaps years. As for our case, we had been waiting to get this house for almost a year and a half.
Our new house is actually only about 5 minutes away from our present house. Though the building is not as modern as what we have right now (no elevator, not fully furnished); we are thankful because it is much bigger compared to our present house. Our new house is a 3DK type which means that there are three rooms inside the house which consists of master bedroom + baby SN's room + living room and a dining kitchen area, in addition to the separate toilet room and bathroom. *Owh, this would also means that lebih ruang untuk di sepahkan hehehe*. Furthermore, this new house is much closer to baby SN's nursery.

*owh jangan salah faham, ini bukan rumah baru kami. ini gaya budak kecik tengah relax kat Best-denki masa mommy & daddy tempah line internet*
The cons of this new house are we need to buy the necessity things e.g cooking stove, washing machine, fridge, lamp, curtain and etc. Standard la kan, nak masuk rumah baru kena la beli barang2 rumah. So far, we have only bought the curtain and the bidet for the toilet bowl. Barang2 lain akan di beli berperingkat2.
In fact, urusan pindah pun di buat berperingkat2 since, we have to move our belongings from 3rd floor using elevator and then climbed up to the 5th floor using stairs. Owh, I forgot to inform that rumah baru kami kat tingkat atas sekali i.e tingkat 5, jangan lah hairan bin ajaib kalau lepas ni I semakin langsing lalalala. I cuma naik sekali je sambil dukung baby SN dan angkat barang sikit; darling huby lah yang ulang alik turun naik banyak kali angkat barang while I stayed inside the house dan kemas barang2 yang hubby angkut naik tangga tu.
Mula2 ingat nak pindah sebelum bulan puasa, tapi sebab tak sempat ..maka nya kami akan pindah je lah dalam bulan puasa ni. Insya Allah we will be living in the new place by next Sunday. Nanti dah hias lawa2 ID rumah baru, I upload lagi eh.
20 words of wisdom & comments:
nampak comfy.. weh, bidet murah tu.. belikan kak mas satu.. hahahahhaa
kami ni sewa 7mang! tahan aje kejap ni sementara nak kasi stable duit.. sok2 dah ok pindah juga ke public house jawabnye..
bila nak mai sini.. 28hb ni masjid kyoto ada majlis berbuka..
mahal jugak erk selesa tak per:) dan paling penting boleh masak2 :)
nape rumah kat jepun nampak comel2 belaka??? suka sangat
negara membangun sewa mmg mahal..suka tgk dapur, cantikla..
pasni SN boleh explore tempat baru
adoi... mahalnya sewa...
tapi, tak apa lah kan.. janji boleh duduk...
tingkat 5? kalau naik, tak turun2 dah.... huhu
mahalnye kak yatie..huhu..nak wat lagu mane, duk jepang :) slmt berpuasa yer!
salam ramadhan yatie!
selamat berpindah rumah!
Wah...belum letak barang pun dah best dah...tapi tingkat 5?..adoii...dengar pun tak larat...takpe, boleh kumpul barang kat garage sale?..sana ada garage sale ke?
haaaaaaaaa sure penat nak pindah pindah kan. ala jeles la lepas ni u makin slim. i asik panjat naik lif mana nak slimnya. hahahha
happe ramadhan to u n family!
waaa weee pindah umah baru lagi..! tahun ni raya kat rumah baru yekkk!!!
Iiii nee...!! Siap beli bidet tuhhh!
Selamat menyambut ramadhan to yatie sekeluargaa!
meme napok lg luas rumoh baru tu. ni nok sipe duit nok gi jale gi Jepun nih.
ok la tu the rent. tgk pun luas & comfy.
like us here, about 10-15mins walk to city, 1bedroom apt besar lubang idung aje, its AU$310 a week. dulu dok sini pun sebab takde choice, very terdesak coz dah 2weeks dok motel.
since dah nak bertambah ahli ni, mmg hajat dihati nak leceh aaa... nak breaklease la, also nnt jauh dr spital aa (now 5mins walk aje). tunggu a nnt, nak lepas geram gak. pas branak nak pindah dok jauh skit where i can get 3bedroom townhouse for $250-300 aje..hahhaa...
rmh baru tu nmpk mcm best je. luas. rmh kite kecik je, sebilik pulak tu. dapur pun kecik. bukak2 pintu je nmpk dapur. tak suka design rmh mcm ni! tsk..tapi apakan daya...student apartment ni yg paling murah pun..
Ih...jenuh berangkut la weih dalam bulan posa ni ek
cantek rumah !
bile nk balik mesia?
btw,salam ramadhan yer...
rumah besar mean kawasan yang lebih luas untuk baby sn sepah sepahkan barang..hehehe
k.mas >> mak aiii 7 mang tu perghhh..haru3x
eliss >> tu sewa rumah skrg..sea rumah baru lg murah
eray >> mmg kecik2 comey2 jah rumah2 sini
nieda >> tu la pasal, makin bnyk la tmpt utk dia sepahkan
sya >> mmg konpom la..sekali naik, takmo turun dah hoho
huda >> tu kira murah tu bg umah 2kat jepang ni
munira >> slm ramadhan utk u jugak :)
almiraz >> ada2, beli brg kat kedai 2nd hand pun elok2 lagi
drama mama >> tu la pasal, lelama tinggai kuli dgn tulang jer lah huhu
k.izan >> ah, ray akat umah baru..terpaksa beli bidet bg sng nak ushiko ehehe
k.nur >> sipe3x...nti leh mari jale sini
mama miya >> hope dpt cr umah yg lg best for ur newborn nanti
nadiah >> aah, mmg besar dan murah. cum anya ken agigih sikit panjat tangga la
ctsifir >> tu la pasal kak, takpe2x..angkat lepas bebruka hehe
ummi hanie >> lorr, br je lps blk msi..nk suruh blk lg :p
cuppycakemommy >> yup, that is so true hehe
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