Today is the last class of my Nihon-go (Japanese) lesson for the mean time *maybe sambung kelas lepas baby SN lahir, depend pada tahap kerajinan*. I decided to take a break from the class as I am now already in the end of my 36th weeks of pregnancy. I have been joining this class for almost 4 months. The class were conducted every Friday at Ito Campus cafeteria , Kyushu University. The good thing about this class is that it's for FREE! *kat jepun ni, parking kat taman pon kena bayar huhu* and also the teacher was kind enough to pick me to go to the class with him *hubby guna keta gi univ, jadi cikgu tumpangkan naik Honda CRV dia..best2x

The teachers were old retiree folks who love to spend their free time doing some teaching volunteer job for one and a half hour every week. There were 4 teachers but I could only remember two of the teacher's name i.e Yukiko Shinozaki Sensei and Horikawa Sensei . Both of them have been teaching me for the past 4 months as they take turns depending on how many students attend the class. All of the students were international students that come from Korea, China, Indonesia and I'm the only student from Malaysia. The class were conducted on one-to-one basis as there were not so many students to attend to, thus it gave us more time with the teacher and easy for the learning process to take place.
To show some gratitude to the teachers for their kindness, I baked an orange-cake and brings it to today's class. Macam biasa, stail orang Jepun bila makan ... "oisyiiii.....oisyiiiiii", kembang perut mak buyung dengar (padahal perut memang dah kembang hik3x

"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere."
~Chinese Proverb~

~Chinese Proverb~
Pssssttt: “Barangsiapa telah berbuat kebaikan kepadamu, maka balaslah kebaikannya itu. Jika engkau tidak mendapati apa yang dapat membalas kebaikannya itu, maka berdo’alah untuknya hingga engkau menganggap bahwa engkau benar-benar telah membalas kebaikannya.” ~Rasulullah shallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam~ sumber dari sini
6 words of wisdom & comments:
Dapat sijil tak Ucu...Pandai bahasa jepun la baby SN nnt sbb masa pegnen ucu bljr bahasa jepun..:)
xde sijil la angah..kelas free je xde sijil. tp xpe la, dpt ilmu :)
salam yatie,
wah nanti baby SN lahir terus pandai ckp jepun.. heheh.. ilmu yg berguna tu... bertambah juga bhs yg difahami & tak lama lagi boleh plak bcakap & nulis japang....
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nihongo muzukashi desuka?? hehe
k.yong >> tgk2 nti baby je pandai ckp, mommy x reti pon hik3x
syamim >> hai sukoshi muzukashi kedo omoshirokatta desu :)
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