Showing posts with label beaded stole. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beaded stole. Show all posts

Saturday, March 14, 2015

What I did during the snows

Sage, Rosemary and Thyme  - Etsy
Sage, Rosemary and Thyme on Ravelry

I've been stuck inside way too long.  I'm so happy that this week feels a bit like spring is heading our way.  The good side of being snowed in is that I got some designing and pattern writing time.  Here's the first of two shawl patterns that I just released.

Sage, Rosemary and Thyme is an elegant stole designed for a night out, weddings, teas, or anytime you want to add a touch of panache.  It has a lacey floral design that looks lovely in single or multiple colors, and may be beaded or unbeaded.  

I’ve used Shalimar Paulie, but any of Shalimar’s beautiful fingering weight yarns would be perfect.  

There are charted and written instructions. 
Rated as intermediate or experiencedUS terminology.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Latest Shawl Patterns

I can't believe that it's been so long since I've spent any time on my blog.  I've been working on patterns, and putting in new plank flooring in our home.  I've done the living room, dining room, a small office, the master bedroom, and the upstairs hallway.  I only have the kitchen left to do, unless John decides to ripe out more carpet.  I sure hope not.  I don't think my old back can hold out much longer.  I can tell you one thing, floors are hard on the backside and the knees.

I have managed to squeeze in some crochet time.  Can't do without that.  All work and no play.....makes for an unhappy granny.  Here are the patterns I've completed since my last post.



I have a promotion going on through September 6.  With your Ravelry purchase of Carmen, you can pick one any of my other patterns for free.  The details are on the pattern page here.

I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer.  I'll try to do better on the blogging.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My St. Patrick's Day Stole

I'm a little late in posting this, but here's my St. Paddy's day shawl.  It's crocheted in a super soft merino blend yarn and is beaded down each side.  

Many of my shawls are given away or sold, but this one is all mine.  I don't normally wear anything as long as this stole, because I'm a shortie.   However, I totally fell in love with this piece.  The yarn is Shalimar Breathless in fingering weight.  I'll be writing the pattern soon.  

Right now, I'm taking a little break from patterns.  I felt the need to take a couple of week to do some relaxing crochet.  Besides, Easter is quickly approaching and I have grandkids that need bunnies.  I found this really cute pattern on Ravelry.  Easy Easter Bunny 
I've added those to my to-do list.

Have a blessed day.