Showing posts with label factory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label factory. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Casting a centrifugal pump body

Once again, we head to the sub-continent to visit an industry. This time a foundry casting a pump body. As usual, safety standards seem to be lacking. The two guys wearing sandals as they carry a cauldron of molten metal across a debris littered floor is particularly harrowing.     


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

An old-timey assembly line

This is a film from sometimes in the 1950s showing an automated assembly line machining engine blocks and other parts. The automation was largely controlled by limit switchs.  While they work well, once set up there is very little flexibility in the processes of an assembly line. Modern computer-controlled switching can be more generalized, changing tasks on the fly as needed.


Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Manufacturing tea strainers

Once again, we visit a small factory on the sub-continent, this time one in Pakistan. As I've said before, I like these videos because, while Western industrial videos annoy you with a soundtrack of elevator music and chipper marketing blather, these just show the factories and their processes with no comments. 

These strainers are used when using loose tea to make the drink. I couldn't find the M Naseem brand on-line, so I have no idea what they cost, but I'm guessing not much. I did find the site Magic Hour that sells some rather expensive tea strainers. I guess they're needed if you are having a fancy tea party.


Wednesday, July 03, 2024

July 4th Eve firecracker post

On this July 4th Eve, which some people unimaginatively call July 3rd, we have a video of Chinese firecracker and fuse factories. For the most part the work is dirty and looks to be tedious piecework. I hope they get paid a decent salary. Give a thought to these poor worker bees as you light the fuses on your fireworks tomorrow.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Making toilets

Nothing but class from Flares 24/7. Again, we visit a small Indian factory. This one is making both Western style (above) and Asian style (below) toilets. The work is still dirty and laborious, but at least it is not as dangerous as most of these places generally look.


Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Making shovels

We visit a small factory in SW Asia (I think it is in Pakistan, but it might be in India) where they are making shovels. As is always with these types of videos, the work is dirty, laborious and slightly dangerous looking.


Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Inside a teapot factory

I guess I should have known that teapots were cast, but I never thought about it. Then again, I am a coffee drinker and rarely think about tea at all.


Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Making luggage in Vietnam

Above is a visit to a Vietnamese luggage factory. The annoying music at the start doesn't last long. The place looks like a bit of a sweatshop. Then again, in my youth I worked in a couple of factories and they were sweatshops as well. Regardless, I imagine the workers are happy with the money they make.

The luggage they made looked to be on the cheap side. I doubt that they would hold up well.  However, a place called Limefox has them for sale and they list the price at about $21 USD which seems reasonable for what you get.


Sunday, October 23, 2022

Making electric motors

This is a small Rehan Brother Electric Industry factory in India that makes electric motors. While most of the work seems tedious, I definitely would not want to work in the area that pours the molten metal into the molds. One doesn't generally think of electric motors as being essentially hand-built, so I wonder how reliable are these motors? 


Saturday, October 09, 2021

Making shoes for Singapore

Mr. Wong owns a small shoe factory in Serdang, Malaysia. He makes steel-toed work shoes that are mainly sold in Singapore. The video is not translated, but has some captions explaining the process.


Monday, September 21, 2020

Coconut and sesame oil presses

When I do these small factory videos for some reason I often end up in India or Bangladesh. I look for nicely filmed videos with ambient sound rather than cheesy elevator music and/or sales pitches. For some reason that sparseness is the style for a lot of videos out of southeast Asia. 

These two videos show small factories that have presses that produce coconut and sesame oil for cooking (although that's a guess on my part, perhaps the oils have different uses). Neither looks even remotely hygienic to me.