I'm so annoyed at myself right now. I passed out like before 9 pm last night. I was exhausted. Then I woke up at 1 am and can't sleep. I'm gonna have to be at work in a couple hours and I probably will get crabby if people get on my case, which is seems inevitable, lol. Feels like I was under a full moon this whole week.
I'm gonna need to get a humidifier because the air is just too dry. My nose has been stuffy and my throat has been feeling super dry at night, which also caused me not to sleep well.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to pass out early later tonight and the same thing is going happen again...I can no longer deny that I have insomnia and truth is I don't know how to go about that.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that prevents you to fall asleep or stay asleep. It's either a physical or psychological. There's a few good reasons why you should get your beauty sleep, as the term suggest, because lack of it hurts your appearance, your health, and your quality of life.
- Your skin regenerate itself while you sleep.
- Your body need sleep to recharge. Lack of sleep makes you tired, increases your appetite, and causes you to gain weight!
- Sleep deprivation makes you more irritable and stressed
- Getting enough sleep keeps your mind sharp and yourself more alert during the day
- Lack of sleep may give you more wrinkles, dark circles, baggy eyes...well you get the drift. When we don't sleep well, we don't feel good, and when we don't feel good, it shows on our face.
- Sleep problems are linked to depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other health issues.
After reading this list, I guess I'm ready to accept and admit my condition hits pretty much all the bullets. The problem was I didn't want to admit to myself I had another problem...lol. Who does anyways? It's depressing to even think of the possibility of it or add another one to the list. Truth is you can't fix your problem if you don't acknowledge them. So that's the first step. Stop being in denial.
Insomnia is probably one of those things many of us ignore and don't think it's that important. I know I am one of them but if you really stop and think about it. It can be serious.
Story of my life...Many years ago, I came home really tired from work. I can't remember how long I slept the night before but I was driving home from work and going 65 on the freeway. I fell asleep behind the wheel and my car went off the road and into the median. Luckily, it didn't fall into a ditch, hit another car, or flip, but when I abruptly woke up by the bumpiness, I was able to steer my car back into the freeway and avoiding an accident. I was scared to death thinking I could've died right there and my small children would've been motherless.
I've had trouble with my sleep habit for about a year and a half now if not more. This was never an issue before and I remember many moons ago, my mom used to always nag me for sleeping too much. She said to me "one day when you get to my age, you won't be able to sleep too." I would sarcastically reply "I guess I better get all the sleep that I can while I still can."
I don't want to see a doctor and I don't want to be on sleeping pills. I could be wrong but I think that's what they do and I'd prefer to avoid that. I'm beginning to realize that my lack of proper sleep is hindering my quality of life and health more than I realized.
I'm thinking about how the lack of sleep is hurting me personally. What is causing it and what should I do to make it better? My lack of sleep started about after the end of a relationship. I was hurt, I felt betrayed, and I went to bed feeling this way for a long time so I didn't sleep much. Afterward, I don't know if a habit just developed from there. Other things that could affect my sleep is my job. Around the same time, I got promoted, so I took on more responsibilities. There's definitely more pressure and more demanding. I haven't lost my mind yet but I get a lot of those little annoyance that seems to build up by the end of the day. Some days are just chaotic. I get nothing done and more problems added to the plate. I come home, I'm beat, and I'm thinking geez, I don't get paid enough to deal with all this nonsense. But overall, that's what I love about my job. All this craziness can be overwhelming at times but it keeps me challenged and I like being challenged.
At night, I seem to only sleep for 4-5 hours and I'd wake up. I have the hardest time getting back to sleep when that happens. So here's my problem. I'm a thinker and I usually have a lot of things running through my mind, small things and big things, for no rhyme or reasons sometimes. The only time I stop thinking is when my brain is exhausted and it doesn't tire easily either. I wished my body was as active as my mind.
I guess my mom was right. You really do think more and become more restless as you get older. I never thought it would do this to me.
I've started putting on the pounds with the lack of sleep too. I also avoid taking naps if I can help it. It really messes me up. Naps keep me awake all night so forget it. But still...I need to figure this out and it probably will involve changing some habits and ways of thinking. I don't know...
What helps you sleep?