A couple months back, one of our big windows shattered. It didn't crash down to the floor but there was a loud cracking noise & it was the biggest window in my studio. Later, we learnt that this can happen with sudden changes in temperatures, I had visions of millions itsy bits of glass coming down & all over my fabrics & so began the tedious task of emptying almost half the room.
After it was replaced, I had to move everything back again. The good thing is that I could re-organise as the sewing mess was multiplying in the night! I also re-upholstered my swivel chair which I have had for a very long time. From its original blue to a fun combo of purple "cheater" patchwork & purple dots. I love it when I come across other blogs with pics of their studios & fabrics so this post is about my space.
My sewing table is an Ikea desk, covered with a piece of much-loved yellow/ lime green,Japanese brand "Echino" oilcloth beneath my machine so I can wipe off fabric dust easily.
The wonderful acrylic extension table was a gift from my Bernina dealer in Tokyo when I bought this QE 440 model, after seeing it at the Tokyo Quilt Show. I think I am a very good customer at a number of Tokyo shops :)
I do love & missed the cherry blossoms hence the sakura decals all over my machine. The skirting below my sewing table, consists of 3 seperate panels so I can still reach underneath easily, for a few boxes of fabrics. Also hides some electrical wires.
The fabrics are folded or in bolts, organised mainly by colours, sometimes by theme (eg. checks, sewing motifs, sakura, rice bowls, dragonflies, Christmas, ...). There is also my sewing notions section & then, my books/magazines on 2 shelves in a corner.
As I have glass along one whole side of the room, there are various curtains hanging at partial height so I can sew in privacy yet still see the trees & sky. Also, these help to hide the mess when we have guests in the garden.
When it gets too hot (50 C / 120 F in summer), I can still draw another set of curtains (set higher up) so that the whole room is closed off. I like my room as it is pretty comfortable. There is a recycled cosy chair in it & my kids love to visit.
I am constantly in the process of re-organising my scraps stash. I used to sort by sizes so I am re-doing the whole lot by colours.
I have a great admiration for Catherine from New Zealand, who sews/quilts most creatively & also have the most healthy, energetic lifestyle of any mother I have come across. Via emails & through her posts on The Sewing Attic, Catherine described her sewing space (yes, a real cosy sewing attic space) & her fabric stash.
How do you keep yours then?