California's 12.4% unemployment can set the pace for much worse as a deformed society of lemmings is piously predisposed to punishment
CS Monitor piously urges lemmings to vote 'yes' for carbon profiteers and 'no' for Prop. 23: California's 12/4% unemployment "can set the pace". "Now is not the time, nor is there any need,
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- to question a deformed society or re-examine its underlying myths.
- predisposed by his pious culture and primed now for discipline and sacrifice."...
- Reference: From "Opposing Views on Global Warming: The Corporate Climate Climate Coup," by Prof. David F. Noble, 5/4/07, Toronto:
stood in front of the giant jumbotron,
an electronic extravaganza, encircled by a ring of dancing corporate logos and advertising,
- and exhorted every person in the crowd, preposterously, to go out and
- buy an energy-efficient light bulb.
- They applauded."...
- in the midst of the world-wide global justice movement,
- it has restored confidence in those very faiths and forces which that movement had
- worked so hard to expose and challenge:
- globe-straddling profit-maximizing corporations and
- their myriad agencies and agendas."...