Showing posts with label Vivisection (Jpn). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vivisection (Jpn). Show all posts

Vivisection & Clotted Symmetric Sexual Organ & Retaliation & Nasum - 1994 - Grindwork [3'' MCD Split]


Death/Grind, Grindcore
Japan & Sweden

Tracklist :
Vivisection (Jpn)
1. Heaped Conflict
2. Global Concerns
3. Mad Damage
4. Departure for Death

Clotted Symmetric Sexual Organ
5. Ga-Shal
6. Alkanoid
7. Penissnatcher
8. 1999
9. P.S. I Love You
10. N.M.A.C.
11. Itch

Retaliation (Swe)
12. Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
13. Craniosynostosis
14. Basic Autopsy Procedure
15. Chromoblastomycosis
16. Congenital Porphyria
17. Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
18. Lepromatous Leprocy

19. My Fear
20. Fur
21. A Game Played by Society
22. It's All About the Information
23. Smile When You're Dead
24. Blindfolded (By the Media)
25. Erased
26. Warfuck


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