It has been raining!!! Woot!! Woot!! We received almost one inch of rain the other night! It was wonderful! That is 1.7 inches since December!! Sheesh!! But after the rain, I swear, everything doubled over night. The weeds!!! OMG!!! And all my plants grew at least two inches in 48 hours!! sure seems liked it! Ha!! Now I need a machete and one of those helmets with the flashlight built in it to get around my yard!
Cassie, the second oldest granddaughter, is back in town. University of New Mexico started up yesterday and she is almost settled in. She was going to stay in the dorms, but they jacked the price so high she can't afford it. So, she found an apartment that she can share with her friend, Rachael and they will be moving in sometime this week or this weekend. Cassie is so excited about her apartment! It is a two bedroom and she is getting the master bedroom! Woot!!
Still working on my newest painting. I will post pics on Thursday. I love this stage of the process...discovering and experimenting! Love it!!
Random sunrise...
Did I tell you John finished his book!! Woot!! Woot!!! And the publisher is very interested in John doing more books (plural)!!!!! Another Woot!!!!!!!!!
Ever have one of those nights where you can't get to matter how hard you try?? Well, this happened to me on Saturday night!! Sheesh!! I was up all night and jazzed! So Sunday was a total bust for sure! Zombie land for me!! Finally got some sleep Sunday night!! Boy was that a relief!!
Saturday night..this is how I felt!! |
August 23rd!!!???!!! What happened to July!!???? Just saying...
Random altered sunrise...
The ants are back!!! The are trying their best to take over my kitchen...and my life!!! ARG!!!
My youngest granddaughter, Georgia, loves Anime!! When she starts talking about the movies she has watched, I am at a total loss!!
Just saying!!
Can you tell I haven't much to say this week?? Oh, I almost forgot!!!!
My third oldest granddaughter, Emma, has transferred to another high school. And she got, not one, but two fabulous jobs!! One...she is coaching little cheerleaders!! Woot!! And second...she is teaching gymnastics!! Woot! Woot!! She has several years of cheer experience and she is so excited to be able to put that to use!! I can't wait to see pics of her "girls"!!! She was captain of the cheer team at the other high school; but there was so much drama and bad blood that she just quit. And glad she did too!!
I think I have randomed out! Ha! Now you know the drill...check out Stacy of
Stacy Uncorked and see much better randomness that you have here!!! Sigh!! Though you have to admit that I sure gave it a try!! Anyway, we are carrying the Random Banner for Keely of
The UnMom while she is on her break. Which has been a very long time now!!! And while you are visiting Stacy...consider joining up!! We could all use some more random in our lives for sure!!
Have a magical and blessed day!!
Hugging you