is the best time to write if you have a day job.
of those nights I was sitting at the kitchen table with my laptop and a cup of
strong black coffee looking for a way I could manipulate the brain of the agent
in the story I was writing. I was roaming the home pages of neuroscience
departments of universities until I found the jackpot: a study by Klemens F.
Störtkuhl and André Fiala. Their study was named “The Smell of Blue Light - A
New Approach toward Understanding an Olfactory Neuronal Network.”
these scientists took a blind fly larvae, put a light sensitive material on its
brain neurons in charge of smell and by doing so ‘cheated’ the brain to smell
light. This manipulation made the neurons of the larvae’s brain interpret the
light as smell and as a result the larvae crawled towards a light beam, even
though it is blind. I took this study and stretched it a bit. In my book I am
projecting the light through the eyes into a human brain, while simultaneously
playing sound to create ‘brain programming’.
about an agent who is a mix of a genius and a psychopath required a lot of
research. I needed to check the science parts to make sure they made
sense. I spent a lot of time Googling and Wikipeding things like OCD
symptoms, nightmares categorisation, psychometric tests, water pressure calculations
and irrigation systems standards. Dealing with facts verification made me want
to play a little and place in the story a couple of ‘facts’ that are completely
false. For example - every time we sneeze we lose 14 minutes of our life span
because of the pressure that causes corrosion to capillaries in our brain.
After the book was published in Israel this false fact was one of the things
that got most attention from readers who were asking where the hell I found
this fact. They googled the hell out of “life span reduction when sneezing” and
found nothing.
and technology in the book are used to change behaviour to a precise pattern
dictated by an organisation. This fact alone raises a moral question – is this
a legitimate manipulation if the cause is important enough? In my story the organisation deliberately
kills innocent people to save a much larger number of others. Does this make it
right? What is the equation? What kind of manipulation is needed to make one
execute the organisation’s missions?
Hezroni’s thriller THREE ENVELOPES is published by Point Blank on 6 April,
paperback original £12.99.
Agent 10483 carried out his missions
perfectly. Too perfectly. When Avner, a top agent in The Organisation, receives
a notebook written by the enigmatic 10483 – ten years after his supposed death
- Avner realizes he might still be alive. The notebook not only reveals the
truth about 10483’s missions, which include some of Israel’s most shockingly
violent outrages, but also suggests that he is desperate to take revenge
against The Organisation. Was 10483 a psychopath who
outwitted his handlers for years? Why was he the only agent to receive three
envelopes with the names of targets on a special hit list? Was he responsible
for locking up his victims and staging their deaths in a basement of horrors?
Or was he merely the victim of a brilliant scientist who found a way to
manipulate his brain?
Author Nir Hezroni was
born in Jerusalem. After several years of service in military intelligence, he
retired to study economics and business management and to build a career in
high tech. THREE ENVELOPES is his first novel. An Israeli bestseller, film
rights have already been optioned. He lives near Tel Aviv. You can find more
information on his website and you can
follow him on Twitter @nirhezroni and also find him on Facebook.