Showing posts with label Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize. Show all posts

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Winner of Wilbur Smith Adventure Prize Announced




WEDNESDAY 18th OCTOBER 2023, The Wilbur & Niso Smith Foundation is thrilled to announce that the winner of the 2023 Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize, Best Published Novel, is Emma Styles with No Country for Girls (Sphere, Little, Brown Book Group). 

No Country for Girls was selected by judges Felicity Aston MBE, climate scientist, polar explorer, and expedition leader; Leon McCarron, award-winning adventurer, filmmaker, and writer; Simon Savidge, journalist, presenter, Associate Literary Curator at Story House, and founder of the popular blog and BookTube channel @SavidgeReads; and Giles Kristian, acclaimed author and winner of the 2022 Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize, along with a reader’s vote equating to one seat on the judging panel. 

Giles Kristian said: ‘For this prize, No Country for Girls has everything you could want –

living, breathing characters, evocative descriptions, and a journey across an unforgiving landscape. It is an adventure novel through and through.

Leon McCarron commented: ‘I just love the sense of adventure in No Country for Girls. That road trip is written to perfection. The protagonists are great, and it is full of excitement and jeopardy. It is just what an adventure book should be.’ 

Styles’ contemporary Australian road trip emerged victorious from an incredibly strong shortlist, comprising three modern and three historical novels. 

Niso Smith, Founder, formally announced Styles as the winner at the Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize Awards Ceremony, hosted at London’s Royal Geographical Society on Wednesday 18th October.

She said: ‘The entries this year were strong, the shortlist filled with remarkable yarns that push the boundaries of adventure fiction. It was a delight to have such diverse and inventive narratives to share with readers, a testament to this thriving genre and its ability to take readers on exhilarating journeys, through landscapes and experiences.

As for No Country for Girls? It’s gritty. Arresting. A story of young, female empowerment and resilience. A resounding triumph. Congratulations, Emma!’

Niso Smith continued: ‘I want to express our sincere gratitude to the committed librarians and library staff who generously volunteer their time to select the long and shortlists. We had panellists from huge inner-city public libraries to tiny community-run rural libraries, from the North and South of the UK, from coastal communities and the most inland points of the country. The award’s ethos is ‘an adventure for everyone’, so we try to make everyone a part of the process.’ 

The annual Prize has three distinct categories designed to provide opportunities to published, unpublished and young writers. It is open to writers of any nationality, writing in English. Across the categories, the Prize received over 1,000 submissions from 67 different countries.


Also announced at the ceremony were the five writers selected as the winners of this year’s New Voices award, designed to unearth and support aspiring writers as they take a fledgling idea from work-in-progress to completed manuscript.

The five hail from Ghana, the USA and the UK, and will receive nine months of mentorship and one-to-one editorial guidance from a first-rate editor.

Rachel Johnson, Head of Brand at Bonnier Books who sponsor and support the award, said: ‘It is a privilege to be part of the exciting writing journey these five writers are about to embark on.

This year, it has been particularly thrilling to see such original story ideas: from a high school science teacher trying to untangle himself from an unusual criminal gang; to the tension of ten months’ isolation in preparation for a space mission; to being dropped into a new culture with an accompanying political scandal, we have seen fresh ideas and exciting talent. We can’t wait to see how the stories develop over the coming months. Congratulations to the five winners, and good luck!

For more information on the authors and their works-in-progress, please visit our website.


Selected by a panel of young judges, the winners of the Author of Tomorrow award for a short adventure story by writers aged 21 and under, are:

11 and Under - Prize: £100 plus £150 book tokens for your school

Winner: Crown of the Crows by Amber XinTi Wang (age 11)

12-15 years - Prize: £100 plus £150 book tokens for your school

Winner: Death & Co. by Luke Zhang (age 14)

16-21 years - Prize: £1,000

Winner: Cold Moon by Tianna Maidens (age 16)

Highly Commended by Niso Smith: 

Bear Country by Justin Schwab (age 18)

Each of the ten shortlisted writers worked with an editor to ready their work for digital publication. Then ten stories are now available to read in Worldreader’s app BookSmart, in an anthology titled Aliens, Apocalypse and the Afterlife. Worldreader is a global literacy charity on a mission to make everyone a reader.

To read the anthology, visit

For further information about this year’s authors click here.

Monday, 16 January 2023

Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize are now open for submission

Today the Best Published Novel and New Voices Award submissions for the Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize has been opened. This mean that all three strands for the Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize are now open for submission.

See the website for more information. Here for Best Published Novel and here for New Voices Award.

Previous winners can be found here.

Saturday, 22 May 2021

2021 Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Best Published Novel Award Short List


The Foundation encourages readers to select the one that appeals to them most, then read, share and recommend. 

'Most of 2020 was a challenging time for all of us, including booksellers and publishers around the world. This said, we at the Foundation have an utmost respect for the authors, publishers and agents in their continued drive to reach readers in new ways. We are fortunate to work with a team of dedicated and passionate librarians and library staff to help select the shortlist.

 These shortlisted novels are thrilling, sometimes witty, and will make you weep. There are so many emotions brilliantly put to paper in all these books that they are guaranteed to keep you up at night. Read one and it will present you with a fresh take on the world, read all six and the power of adventure will sweep you off your feet.'

- Niso Smith, Founder of The Wilbur & Niso Smith Foundation

Throughout June and July, the Prize will run an online campaign with a public vote element, where the reader’s choice equates to one seat on the judging panel. Over the course of the campaign, the Foundation will host a series of online events which you will able to sign up for via the Foundation’s website, plus engagement opportunities for libraries and reading groups, to let you get to know the books and authors. 

The winner of this year's Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize will be revealed at a special online ceremony on 8th September 2021.

The following 6 authors all in the running for the £10,000 prize:

THE DEEP BLUE BETWEEN by Ayesha Harruna Attah (Pushkin Press)

CITY OF VENGEANCE by D.V. Bishop (Pan Macmillan)

OTTO ECKHART’S ORDEAL by Niall Edworthy (Universe, Unicorn Publishing)

MISS BENSON’S BEETLE by Rachel Joyce (Doubleday)


ROGUE by James Swallow (Bonnier Books UK)

Congratulations to all the authors long listed for the award.

Friday, 7 May 2021

2021 Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Best Published Novel Award

 After a year’s hiatus, the Best Published Novel award has returned with a 12-strong longlist. The Prize is open to writers of any nationality, writing in English, and this year we are recognising the best adventure fiction published between 1stMay 2020 and 30th April 2021.

The following 12 authors all in the running for the £10,000 prize:

THE DEEP BLUE BETWEEN by Ayesha Harruna Attah (Pushkin Press)

CITY OF VENGEANCE by D.V. Bishop (Pan Macmillan)


THE HILL by Ali Bryan

OTTO ECKHART’S ORDEAL by Niall Edworthy (Universe, Unicorn Publishing)

THE ENGLISHMAN by David Gilman (Head of Zeus)

OPERATION CERTAIN DEATH by Kim Hughes (Simon & Schuster UK)

MISS BENSON’S BEETLE by Rachel Joyce (Doubleday)

THE GLASS KINGDOM Lawrence Osborne (Hogarth)


ROGUE by James Swallow (Bonnier Books UK)

THE COLD MILLIONS by Jess Walter (Viking)

Congratulations to all the authors long listed for the award.

Niso Smith, Founder of The Wilbur & Niso Smith Foundation, commented

Books are a lifeline for many people and have been more so than ever over the past year. While we have not been able to travel, to experience other places and cultures, to meet the people who make our world so colourful, we have relied on books to take us there. This longlist truly has an adventure for everyone.’

The Foundation encourages readers to select the one that appeals to them most, then read, share and recommend.

The Prize received 127 entries from publishers and literary agents, by authors from across the world, including Australia, Canada, Ghana, Ireland, South Africa, India, New Zealand and the UK.

The longlist is selected by a panel of librarians and library staff, who looked for novels which both honour the traditions of the great adventure stories and are unafraid to try something new.

Six titles will be selected by the same panel to progress to the shortlist, after which the novels progress to the 2021 judging panel.The Prize will also include a public vote over the summer with the reader’s choice equating to one seat on the judging panel. We look forward to hearing what you think!

Shortlist Announced: 20th May 2021

Winner Announced: 8th September 2021