Showing posts with label tempered glass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tempered glass. Show all posts

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Off to the gallery

My Sea Goddess Kapo ula kina 'u

Mana orb created from a coconut shell, with tempered glass and abalone shards, Mana is the Hawaiian term for power.

Mana Orb

Mana pod made from the pod of the cacao tree ( chocolate )

A small sea turtle

Mana Orb

Small mana pod made using a cacao pod

Mana Pod...tempered glass within a coconut tree pod

Mana Orb

Mana Pod

Mana Pod

Friday, February 17, 2012

busy day in the studio....

One of the things that I love so much about being here in Hawaii is that I'm in the studio all day long....everyday. Here are two new art dolls I've sculpted.  Firemountain Gems has asked me to create a piece for them to use in an ad so the larger head will be for them.....and the other darker head is going to be a Hawaiian Goddess of the sea... 

I'm going to be putting my work in a new gallery at the Outrigger Hotel in Waikiki.  It's called the Kuloko Gallery. I am making lots of sea and mana pods with tempered glass for them. 

I'm also going to make the Hawaiian Goddess of the ocean.  Here she is ready for the next step.....that's going to be a wave behind her....

 I'm also working on a Hawaiian angel.....I can't wait for tomorrow so I can head back to creating!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Falling in love....

"The Spirit Within"  32" x  17"
    I have said this before...but I'm always in wonder of the process of creating art....For me, it feels like falling in love.  That is understandable because the energy used in creating, and in falling in love comes through a completely opened heart chakra and when you're open and the energy flows so easily, one just feels blissful.  :) This piece completely has taken my heart. I place the piece in front of me, when I'm done working on it and I listen to what it tells me.  This piece speaks to me of opening the door to the sacred space of our spirit.  The door is always there to enter and the key to entering is our willingness.  I love the mystery of this piece.  It looks very old like it has been in some ancient castle, hidden from the world until now.

There is a small antique box that opens to reveal an antique key with little Swaroski rhinestones.  Under the box is a opened and beckoning with trust and promise.

Here is the box closed.  I love when one has to participate with art.  The photo doesn't show it well, but there is a triangle shape of iridescent glass in a beautiful shimmering blue bordering the top and bottom of the glass.

Here is a closeup of the door handle...a beautiful filigree metal piece that I discovered in an antique store.

This is my favorite part!  I have created what looks like drips from a candle on the piece and I attached in the upper left hand corner a wonderful really old melted candle that was in an antique candelabra that I have and it looks like it is dripping all over the piece.

Here you can see the iridescent glass triangle a bit better. The piece is in colors of deep black brown, ivory and gold and so the iridescent blue glass is the only spot of color....and also the cathar cross above the box that has a tiny petrified nautilus shell in the middle.

The focal point of the piece is an image of a Shrine that I created. It is covered with a sheet of the wonderful bronze colored mineral mica.....around the mica is tempered glass and all of this is in a art nouveau frame.  Antique French journal pages 1882, hand written vintage music sheets, handmade paper,  tempered glass, antique box, antique key, metal hand, image of artist created Shrine, antique art nouveau frame, cobalt blue crystal orb, very old melted candle, dark grout, Swarovski rhinestones. 
    Reiki Blessing:  Dai Ko Myo    
My intention is that the energy of this symbol radiate from this piece to bless those around it.This is the most powerful symbol in the Reiki group.  This symbol is used to heal the soul.  It is defined as "the treasure house of the great beaming light” and is considered a Zen expression for one's own true nature or Buddha-nature.  This symbol helps to provide enlightenment and peace. With practice this symbol brings profound life changes.  $1500. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

"Butterfly Minuet"

I am obsessed with creating these wall pieces.  In a good way. :)  I think this is my favorite, so far.  I was able to come across some hand written sheet music with the word "Minuet by Beethoven" created for the mandolin.... delicately written on the top. I believe that this paper holds the high vibration, not only of the music but of the intention of the composer.  When writing, composing, dwelling in the place of creating music, as with art, I believe one has to be in a place of inspiration and I believe that inspiration is contained and held in this piece of music....I placed this sheet music, along with my French journal pages onto the wood board, and placed images of butterflies over that.  The Reiki blessing symbols were added and then hidden under the tempered glass.  The shell is a 1/2 Nauitilus shell and the butterfly on it is created with pieces of glass that I found in my treasure stash.  The round circles are abalone disks.

"Butterfly Minuet"  Available for purchase: $1200.

"Portal Within"  I love this one too.  I love how her face beckons one to enter a secret realm.  I painted a face on canvas and then mounted it on the wooden background.  Onto the face I laid a beautiful thick glass disk and around that I placed antique gold metallic lace.  The Reiki Blessing is secure under her image and the wood has been painted in beautiful colors of greens and blues and reds and golds and collaged with my handwritten French letters from 1880...all muted with an antique crackle glaze. Abalone shard points surround the face highlighted with Swarovski rhinestones.  Available for purchase: $800.

"Portal Within"

Monday, September 26, 2011

3 new Reiki Blessing pieces......

Reiki Blessing symbol hidden under tempered glass mosaic, French journal pages, old screen pieces, with antique rusted key....

"Blessing Key"
Reiki Blessing symbol hidden under tempered glass mosaic, French journal pages, rusted iron leaves, nautilus shell, red lucky seed, pieces of antique metallic netting

"Within the Heart"
Reiki Blessing symbols hidden beneath tempered glass, antique French journal pages, metal icon holder, coconut shell, iron fence post top, found in Paris flea market, amethyst crystal points

"The Offering"

Monday, September 19, 2011

angels watching over me.....

new reiki piece.....face painted on canvas with hidden reiki symbols under tempered glass mosaic....with hawaiian blessingsRusted metal leaves, red good luck seeds, fan coral around her face.
just started a new angel painting.  I've decided to do an angel painting for each grand daughter.  This one is for Blaize.  So there will be 7 angel paintings.
I think I'm finished with Aidan's Angel.  I think....maybe.....

Thursday, August 4, 2011

New Reiki wall pieces.....

"Heart Blessings"

"The Ebb and Flow of Time"

close up of large scarb on clock face, surrounded by shells and tempered glass

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Working on new pieces....

After much time setting up the studio.....getting supplies....settling into my new space...I'm back to creating.   These are three small wood  pieces from a cut up old door that I have painted on Reiki symbols and then hidden them beneath the tempered glass mosaic and images of the madonna's face and hands.  I"ve grouted the glass and am waiting to put the colored sealer on.                                  

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The passion and possession of inspiration....

Sometimes I can feel utterly possessed by the energy of inspiration.
It's my favorite state of mind. "I" disappear and there is only the intense focus of creation.

I can't stop making these "Blessing Art" pieces. They are calling to be created!
I run across to my studio in the morning and I'm there all day with so much energy flowing through me that today I had to put the Dalai Lama's healing mantra just to ground me.

I love that I get to share the treasures that I have collected over the years....and rusted keys, Buddha heads, glass bubbles, and bones. And it is important to me that these pieces contain Reiki healing symbols and that these symbols are mysteriously...and respectively... hidden, although the energy remains.

Here are a couple new pieces.
I have to figure out how to photograph them better......
Since they are selling so well in Santa Fe, I now want to find a gallery in Sedona and perhaps one more....somewhere else.
Any recommendations or suggestions would be much appreciated!

These next photos are of pieces that will have grout added to them tomorrow.
The grout will tone down the colors and add a look of age.
It offers a real transformation. And of course, in the process, I could ruin them....

For this image, I took a photo of a piece I had created years ago and did color xerox of it...
and then placed it under glass.
The result was kind of haunting, I think.

This is another piece, in blues, that will change quite a bit when grouted.
This one has bubbles of glass, a metal grasshopper, an antique mirror alter thing and a rusted antique key. I have no idea, right now, what this piece is about, but when it is done and I place it before me, a story or meaning usually presents itself.