I’m pretty sure most of us remember the movie Star Wars, which featured R2-D2 beaming out a nebulous, special-effects “hologram “ of Princess Leia pleading Obi-Wan Kenobi to help her. Yap, Star Wars, this movie flashes to my mind right away when I saw Google’s homepage. Google is celebrating the 110th birthday of a Nobel prize-winning physicist who invented Holography in 1971. So, what is hologram or holography all about? “As Orzel (2010, Scienceblogs) aptly phrases, ‘that Holograms are images of objects that appear three-dimensional. -- if you move your head as you look at a hologram, you will see the usual parallax effects, unlike a normal photograph, which is fixed. So, if your hologram includes one object that is partly behind another object, you can see around the obstruction by moving a bit to the side, just as you would if the original objects were in front of you.’” Truly, one doesn’t have to use lenses anymore to make 3-D photography, moreover, this invention pave way to the use of PR stunts, passport security and credit cards.