I don't have anything witty or pithy to say insofar as this image is concerned. I simply wanted to pull something happy from the archives after a decidedly ridiculous day during which I accomplished precious little.
Correction: I actually did accomplish something today. I drove two hours away from home where I'm staying in a smoking room - didn't you know I'm starting a new habit? - of a hotel in downtown Toronto. It was either that or reload the rental car and look for another place to stay. Not gonna happen.
This image reminds me that there are nicer places, nicer times and nicer experiences than the one I'm having now. It takes me back to the day on our vacation when I took it, when nothing else mattered beyond making sure we had enough sunblock on the kids. That alone is worth a smile.
Your turn: What is it about Mondays that makes 'em such depressing days? I usually don't subscribe to the whole "I don't like Mondays" maxim. But today's been a pain and a half. May it end soon.
For me, Mondays are a GOOD thing...my daughter goes back to preschool for the week, my husband goes back to work, and we get back into our weekday routine! I prefer Mondays over Saturdays...long looming days that seem to always be rainy (here in Germany).
Please, oh PLEASE tell me you didn't start smoking...say that was just a joke! (my father-in-law died of lung cancer, and my uncle was just diagnosed - both smokers)
Considering it's rainy and cloudy and a bit cool where you are right now... The beach and umbrella picture is much more calming :)
On Friday, my husband and I will be driving one hour and a bit to stay at a hotel in down town Toronto :) We're going to "get away" see LOTR on stage and then head to the airport on the 30th to pick up my Aunt.
I guess that Mondays are only depressing if you don't like what you have to do on a Monday! I know that's stating the obvious but so much in life revolves around how much you like or dislike your job.
If kids could understand that in their teens then some of them may try a bit harder and thus avoid a life of boredom doing a job they don't like and - 'hating Mondays'.
I'd take Monday back if I could just get rid of today. Oy.
Sorry, Carmi, I got here too late for the Monday miseries. I think they are bad because we know we have a whole work week to go before the weekend.
hi carmi... ever notice that i never answer your questions? i hope you're not offended but i'd rather comment on the picture! and once again, it's another amazing pix of yours! i too wish i was on a beach right now... it's not monday though, it's tuesday and cold and rainy here so this pix is refreshing!
thanks! :)
I'm so sorry about your Monday. I'm almost afraid to ask what happened...
Hopefully today finds you in a better place.
A "Smoking Room"..you poor dear, Carmi....I know I couldn't do that for 3 seconds.
I have such bad Hotel Karma that if there is only one room in a hotel that has a heating problem or an Air Condioning problem or something similar, I will get that room! (lol)
I think Mondays are usually pretty bad because all the things you couln't deal with because of the weekend you now have to deal with! UGH!
the monday blues seem to rear their ugly little heads on Sunday evening for me. I think Sunday is my Monday.
Rut roh, I'm reading this on Sunday night and now I'm dreading Monday before it gets here. I think for me the dread is that I have another week of early morning rush hour carpools, client meetings, crazed deadlines, and a ton of stuff to catch up on before I can enjoy my weekend again.
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