Showing posts with label unsolicited advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unsolicited advice. Show all posts

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sometimes I Have to Remind Myself...

  • When I don't feel like a writer, I can just pretend to be a writer.
  • There's an ebb and flow to everything, especially good times and bad.
  • If I want to lose weight, I have to stop eating stuff.
  • Taking my contacts out feels monumentally easier at 8:30 than at 10:30.
  • Loving people doesn't require solving their problems.
  • Making dinner is usually more fulfilling than going out. Except for when I'm really, really tired.
  • Being a good person usually requires action.
  • Cleaning the kitchen doesn't take nearly as long as I think it does.
  • Everything is better with mushrooms.
  • I'll thank myself for every time I record my kids on video.
  • Trashy TV should only be enjoyed in small, delicious doses.
  • Good ideas usually come after about 300 dumb ones.
  • Putting myself out there almost always ends up paying off.
  • Be thankful, appreciative, and gracious at every opportunity.
  • Celebrate anything. Everything.
  • I am not my job, my salary, my weight.
  • Accept change. Welcome it, if possible.
  • Dance in the kitchen.
  • Sing in the car.
  • Give funny greeting cards.
  • Don't judge. Ever. Not even when you really, really want to.
  • A root beer float is delicious when you haven't had one in a long time.
  • Err on the side of compassion.
  • Electricity is amazing. So is pasta. And guacamole.
  • Never pass up the opportunity for a ridiculous self-portrait.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Philosophies and Other Unsolicited Advice

  • Aim for average--it will get you further than perfectionism ever will.
  • Good moms work themselves out of a job.
  • You might as well look on the bright side.
  • Don't burn bridges.
  • The house doesn't have to be spotless.
  • Take good care of your skin.
  • If you haven't learned to enjoy sitting by a pool, you need to practice until you do.
  • Don't buy it just because it's on sale.
  • The salon hair products are worth it.
  • Laughing is the best.
  • Avoid regret.
  • Marry your best friend.
  • Let people be who they are.
  • A good education is worth the cost.
  • Let the kids stay up a little later.
  • Make cookies and give them to people.
  • You're never too good for fast food.
  • Go to new places.
  • Say yes to things that scare you.
  • Say no sometimes so that people know you have boundaries.
  • Have boundaries.
  • If you accidentally use someone else's toothbrush, just put it back and try to forget about it.
  • Give people the benefit of the doubt.
  • Everybody is a product of their own experience.
  • Holding on to the past feels right, but it isn't.
  • Never forget the beauty of a grilled cheese sandwich.
  • Always look for online coupons before you order anything.
  • Question everything, and don't be afraid of the answers.
  • Be patient with yourself.
  • Avoid being part of a majority.
  • Tip 20% unless it's bad service.
  • Don't judge.
  • If you can't help but judge, keep it to yourself or your spouse. Don't blab.
  • Ask people about themselves and then listen.
  • Don't leave your underwear on the floor. The dog will eat it.
  • Give funny greeting cards.
  • Avoid pointing out the positives to someone who is sad or mad. Listen and let them be.
  • Play music in your house.
  • Tuck your kids in at night.
  • If someone has hurt you, and you want a relationship with them, talk it out.
  • If someone has hurt you, and you don't want a relationship with them, let it go.
  • Letting it go is easier said than done.
  • Be a friend to yourself.
  • Say, "I love you."
  • Make friends with smart, interesting people.
  • Your kids should be a teensy bit afraid of you.
  • Be true to yourself.
  • Do what you think is right.
  • Work hard, but have a lot of fun.
  • Buy from small businesses.
  • Fight fair. 
  • Don't go to stuffy parties.
  • Give stuff away.
  • Be their parent, not their friend.
  • Use Priceline to book your hotel rooms.
  • There is always another solution. There is always another way.
  • Don't waste your money on stupid movies.
  • Don't waste your money on team sports pictures for your six-year-old.
  • Give sincere compliments.
  • Don't use boring paint colors.
  • Sing in the shower, the kitchen, and the car.
  • Swear sometimes; it makes you feel better.
  • Speed up on the freeway on-ramp.
  • Let people know the real you.
  • Buy two gallons of milk. Running out of milk sucks.
  • Write, write, write. Then write some more.
  • Order dressing on the side.
  • Avoid home-hosted selling parties if you're a pansy (like me) and feel obligated to buy stuff.
  • Don't give unsolicited advice, unless it's on your blog.

That's my list. What's on yours?
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