Showing posts with label Dungeon Magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dungeon Magazine. Show all posts

Friday, 22 December 2023

Hiward's Task

I signed up for a subscription to Dungeon Magazine at issue 1 while I was in school. There were several AD&D adventures in the first few years of Dungeon that I always wanted to play. Hirward's Task by Richard Stump published in the summer of 1987 (Dungeon 5) was one of them. I read it at the time and thought it a neat concept. AD&D adventures work pretty well in Swords & Wizardry so it would be perfect. But I forgot about it and soon my players were well past the levels 4-8 suggested. But it was a simple enough "task" (pun intended) to scale up the adventure for my players. It is a really big dungeon so I was hoping for 2-3 sessions of play. When re-writing it for my campaign I began to see the flaws in that assumption. It is essentially a monster hunt against a single air elemental. I increased the air elemental to be appropriately powerful but still I had concerns. At rightly as it turned out, the players did the adventure in one session. They barely explored 1/3 of the dungeon maps I painstakingly recreated in Dungeon Draft for our Roll 20 game.

Session 145: Hirward’s Task

Lakima (human magic-user), Eathwund (human fighter), Aldus (human cavalier), Domago (human cleric, NPC), Brovin (human thief, NPC).

The adventurers in the Company of the Black Dragon settle into a few weeks of boredom in their Manor in Edgerton. Gabriel is just getting used to Dolmvay and professes he is interested in exploring more of this new land. Lakima spends time researching a new spell. When asked about it he tells Aldus that he is researching his replacement.

News comes and goes; they learn that the flying ship Skyward Seraph is still missing. The head of the Merchant Adventurers Guild, Rasmus Orban pays the group a visit and asks if the ship could have come to misfortune due to some problem with the spell. Lakima denies this. Rasmus asks if Lakima can locate the ship. Lakima responds that finding it would take time and gold but for 300 gold coins, he agrees to show Rasmus the general location. He takes out the Arrow of Direction and asks it to locate the ship. It points south and east. But how far away it is he cannot tell Rasmus. The Guildmaster tells them that he will direct some scouts in the southeast direction.

Bored with the inactivity Lakima decides to spend more time at the Mages Guild and he even teaches a few classes to the apprentices. While there he has a conversation with Norine Gayheart about her upcoming marriage to Aldus. Norine asks some indelicate questions about Aldus’ intentions and finances. She also asks Lakima if he would honor her by walking her down the aisle. Lakima agrees, and in an impulsive moment, he gives her a beautiful ruby pendant on a gold chain that belonged to his father Malkin.

Back at the Manor house some of the adventurers are gathered around the dining room table enjoying a snack. There is a sudden “pop” and crack of noise and a middle-aged wizard appears in the room. He looks out of breath and haggard.

“Right let me catch my breath,” the man gasps, then pulls out a chair and sits down. Aldus and Eathwund look at each other and neither can decide what to do. Brovin moves casually behind the man.

“Whew, made it in one piece,” the man says, “which one of you is Lakima the grey?” He looks about the room and dismisses August and Domago. Looking at Aldus and Eathwund he can see they are clearly not mages. His eyes light on Huntley the butler but he shakes his head and whispers, “No.”

The man then tries to ascertain where he is. Once they confirm he is in Edgerton he asks if they know Lakima the grey.

“Why do you want to know,” Eathwund asks.

“I want to hire him,” the man says.

He then introduces himself as Hirward Histamothus. He pauses expecting them to know who he is and is disappointed by the blank looks. Hirward tells them that he has a job for Lakima and his henchman and that he needs it to be carried out immediately. Eathwund tells Huntley to send a runner to the Mages Guild with a message for Lakima to come quickly.

While they wait Hirward asks for wine and then some food. He eats while ignoring the adventurers. Eventually, Lakima arrives and questions Hirward. Hirward admits that he has an accident in his complex in the Eastern Hills. He needs some help rectifying it. He has memorized three teleport spells and is ready to send the adventurers immediately. In return, he will pay 3,000 gold each and allow them to each pick one magic item from his collection.

After further conversation, Hirward reveals that his complex is located in the Kingdom of Tyr, the County of Erren on the other side of the world. He also admits that the problem is a hostile air elemental.

“I took all the right precautions. I set up a summoning circle of protection, I cast protection from evil, and I even used a censer of controlling air elementals. The elemental appeared, and it was a big one, but it was completely out of control, inexplicably hostile and the protection circles did not work. It killed my assistants and I had to quickly flee.”

“And what made you come here – so far away?” Lakima questioned.

“I figure given your recent proven experience in controlling air elementals that you were just the person for the task,” Hirward says.

“So, you were trying to build an airship,” Lakima says with the tone that he clearly understands what Hirward was doing. Hirward admits he was.

“I heard of the ship you created when one of my apprentices saw it flying over Leirchmon village a week ago.”

Hirward goes over the details with the adventurers. He does not want any unnecessary damage done to his complex. He advises against entering his private areas as they are protected from intruders. Finally, he warns them that he has kobold henchmen in the complex. He does not want them to be harmed.

Hirward is anxious to get going but Lakima tells him that he has a better method of getting to Erren. Hirward is not pleased to hear that it will take a full day. Lakima shows Hirward the Cloudstealer tethered above the Manor. He also admits that the adventurers stole it from some cloud giants. The entire group loads up on the Cloudstealer and they head off for the Bridgeway, a day’s travel to the south. Hirward arguing all the way that they should just teleport. Gabriel tells his new friends that he will get out at the Bridgeway and head onward to Dolmvay. He wants to explore this new land.

At the Bridgeway, Ezmeralden the custodian tells them that he does not have a control rod that gives access to any place in Tyr that he is aware. He does agree to go through some of the unexplored locations. Hirward watches the viewing mirror and does identify a bridge in a city in Tyr, but it is hundreds of miles from his complex.

“Well, we have to head back to Edgerton then,” Lakima says.

Hirward is exasperated and says he does not understand why they cannot just teleport from here. But Lakima informs him that he has not memorized the spell. Another day passes as the ship flies back to Edgerton – without Gabriel who has said goodbye.

They stay overnight and then from the Main Hall prepare to leave. Hirward teleports Aldus first. Then after a pause, he teleports Eathwund, Domago, and Brovin in turn. He then shows Lakima the location in his magic mirror. Lakima levitates to a height of 15 feet in the hall and teleports.

All five adventurers have arrived safe and sound in Eagle Rock Valley. They are certain of their destination as they see Eagle Rock spire a few hundred feet from their location.

“That must be the hill above the complex and the river,” Brovin says pointing at a hill a few hundred feet away from Eagle Rock. Hirward told them that they could enter through the river gate or through a guardpost under Eagle Rock. They decide to enter the guardpost. The cave entrance is camouflaged but visible from where they stand.

As they near the cave entrance, Lakima pauses and casts his new spell, Summon Protector. An animated suit of plate mail armor appears in the field beside Lakima armed with a longsword. Aldus takes a moment to examine the suit of armor and then asks if Lakima will be putting it on. Lakima laughs and then demonstrates that the protector follows his commands. He sends the protector into the cave first.

Brovin hurries behind the protector and the other adventurers bring up the rear. Brovin then pauses and whispers to the protector. When it does not respond he makes his way back to Lakima and tells him that there is a Kobold guard up ahead. They decide to announce their presence, mindful of what Hirward said about his kobold servants.

The kobolds do not respond but they soon hear a gruff human voice, “Intruders what do you want here?”

Lakima shouts that they were sent by Hirward but the human does not believe them. They walk forward into the torchlight of a guard post and are confronted by a human guard backed up by 6 or 8 kobolds. The guard tells them his name is Georgi and he is skeptical of their quest. But clearly intimidated by Eathwund, Aldus, and the animated protector he lets them pass. He does tell them that the kobolds claim to have fled from an air monster. He does not believe them but tells them the kobolds claim it attacked them at the guardpost at the other end of a tunnel that leads into the complex.

“Good, we should be able to finish this quickly,” Lakima states.

The access tunnel extends for a few hundred feet and then enters a guardroom. There is smashed furniture scattered about the room. It does look like the work of an air elemental. With the protector in the lead, they venture into Hirward’s complex. They explore a few rooms and encounter a dead guard in an underground flower garden lit by continual light spells. Lakima tells them about vampire grass and suggests they leave the body where it is. They also find a bloodied short sword and a guard who bled to death from a sword wound. This makes them think that possibly the problem is not just an air elemental.

More kobolds are encountered in their quarters. They yell at the adventurers to go away. After some negotiating, they learn that the kobolds have seen the air elemental and are hiding from it. The kobolds suggest they go north. While heading north they hear a human voice chanting. It is coming from behind a door so Lakima has the protector force open it. Inside they interrupt a young apprentice mage casting a protection from evil spell. He is so startled he almost casts magic missile at them before Lakima shouts for him to wait. The man tells them that he is Yoris, an apprentice to Darrin one of Hirward’s associates. He tells them that he has been trapped in his room for 3 days. Once or twice a day the air elemental passes by his door but his protection from evil spells has kept him safe to this point. He begs for some water and rations and they give it to him. Yoris suggests that they could wait with him for the elemental to return. After a discussion, the adventurers vote to continue.

In a large hall, they come across the scene of a battle, six dead kobolds and three dead humans lie scattered about the floor. Lakima observes the position of the bodies and decides that during the fight, they were working together and not against each other. As they are about to leave Domago hears one of the humans let out a low moan. He casts cure light wounds on the man who then comes to. The man first asks who they are. Then he tells them he is Adern Awlstaff an apprentice. He tells them that he was in a battle with the air elemental with some guards the same day Hirward’s summoning went wrong. The elemental flung him against the wall and he was knocked out.

“Which direction did it go?” Lakima asks. Adern admits he has no idea. Adern asks to join them for his own safety. He can point out the uses of the rooms they pass. Lakima decides they have been searching for the elemental for too long so he uses the Arrow of direction to locate it. The arrow points down. Adern tells them that it must be on the second level below.

“Do you know how to get there?” Lakima asks.

“Of course,” Adern says and gestures for them to follow him.

A short time later they come back to a lounge they passed through earlier in the day and Adern points to a stairway. He tells them that it leads down to the Great Hall. They head down the stairs and enter a large hall. The hall has five enormous iron statues of dwarves standing in alcoves and tapestries on the walls. Several of the tapestries have been torn apart and litter the floor.

“Don’t worry, the statues are not magical or animated,” Adern tells them, “Not like your suit of armor here,” and he points at Lakima’s protector. Intrigued by the protector Adern asks Lakima for details about the spell used to create it. Lakima tells him that mages do not share their secrets.

Lakima again uses the Arrow of direction and asks for it to locate the air elemental. It points northwest at one of the statues. Adern tells him there is nothing behind the stone wall. Lakima uses the wand of secret door detection and finds that he is telling the truth. Pointing at some nearby doors Lakima asks what lies beyond. Adern explains that they lead to the Main Library. The group pushes through the doors and enters the library. Inside they immediately hear distant voices arguing. Brovin points at a door and tells everyone that the voices come from there. Adern says that is a lounge.

Lakima pulls open the door to the lounge and is greeted by a man holding a crossbow pointed at him.

“Halt! One move and I will pin you to that bookcase,” the man says. After some introductions and the Adern explaining the adventurers, the man tells them he is Medhal. The other people in the room are an old mage named Darrin, a cleric who tells them he is Vonrall, and Darrin’s apprentice, a beautiful young mage named Ahoya.

The four ask what the adventurers plan to do and Lakima explains that they are tracking the air elemental with magic. It is nearby. The two mages and Medhal elect to lock themselves in the lounge, but Vonrall tells them he will accompany them. After some deliberation and an admonishment from his master Darrin, Adern reluctantly decides to stay behind in the lounge.

“I worship the mighty Lodor,” Vonrall tells Domago noticing his holy symbol, “whom do you follow?” Domago explains the relationship between St. Aleena and Rangeth. Vonrall has heard of Rangeth but scuffs at him calling him a weakling.

“Lodor, is a god of war!” he tells Domago.

Vonrall leads them in the general direction the Arrow had pointed. Soon everyone can hear the sounds of a windstorm getting closer. It begins to sound like a tornado. Vonrall tells them it seems to be coming from the scribes’ quarters. They make their way there and find the scribe's work area a complete mess, with papers, and scrolls spread everywhere. Lakima asks what is behind the two doors in the room and is told they are just the cells of the scribes. Lakima sends Aldus to check anyway. Aldus does find a scared scribe hiding under a bed who refuses to come out.

The whirling wind noise gets closer and closer. Eathwund says that it sounds like it is coming from behind the wall in the workroom. Lakima uses the wand of secret door detection and finds a door behind a desk. With his giant strength, Eathwund easily picks up the desk and moves it out of the way. Lakima triggers the secret door and it slides open.

Hurricane-force winds blast into the room and they see the whirlwind of the air elemental in the passage beyond. Shouting to be heard, Lakima tells everyone to wait then he summons an earth elemental. The earth elemental strides forward and begins pounding the air elemental to little effect. Aldus, Eathwund, and the protector join the fight. Brovin runs for cover and Lakima moves out of the direct field of fire. Vonrall casts protection from evil. The air elemental sends blasts of wind at the adventurers and everyone is struck by flying debris. Domago and Vonrall cast healing spells on the injured. After several unsuccessful attempts to hit the elemental, Aldus finally strikes it.

“I got a hit!” Aldus shouts above the noise.

The earth elemental also manages to hit the air elemental and pin it. Eathwund strikes the air elemental twice for a lot of damage. He then moves in for the kill against the diminished elemental. He hears the elemental screeching and realizes it is calling out in halting common.

“Whyyyy! Hurting me! Let me free!”

Eathwund yells to Lakima that the elemental is intelligent and asks for help to be freed. Lakima yells for everyone to stop attacking it. But he orders the earth elemental to hold it.

“Keep fighting, we have it now, what are you doing,” Vonrall yells in anger.

Lakima dismisses his comment with a glance. He tries talking to the elemental which is no longer attacking them but the conversation is difficult. All he can gather is that the elemental just wants to return to the Elemental Plane of Air. It does not seem to know how.

Lakima tells Domago to cast Dispel Evil. Domago shakes his head and tells them he did not pray for it this morning. Vonrall did though and he casts it on the elemental. Nothing happens.

“Something is holding it here,” Lakima says, “Where was it summoned?”

Vonrall claims to know and he offers to lead them there. It is a short distance away. The quandary is what to do with the two elementals. At first, Lakima suggests he stays so the earth elemental can hold the air elemental. But Eathwund points out that the rest of them will not understand what they find. Domago offers to stay and hold the elemental at bay. He casts protection from evil.

“I will prevent it from passing me,” Domago says.

Lakima dismisses the earth elemental and waits to see what the air elemental will do. It waits and does not advance. He does notice that it seems to be gaining strength again.

“Come on, there is not much time,” Lakima says and gestures for Vonrall to lead them.

Vonrall leads them to the room where the summoning occurred. There is blood splattered on one wall and the other is blackened by fire. In the center of the room is a summoning circle with the censer in the middle. The censer is still burning and smoke is pouring out of it after all of this time since the accident.

“The censer is cursed,” Lakima says after examining the evidence, “we have to destroy it.” He tells Aldus to smash the censer with his Thunderstrike Hammer.  With a single blow, the censer is crushed and its connection to the Plane of Air is broken. The group hurries back to the scribe’s chamber and finds Domago standing there alone.

“It’s gone,” Domago says. Vonrall suggests that it could still be in the complex somewhere but Lakima rejects that.

“I saw it get sucked into the void,” Domago says, “I think it returned to the Plane of Air”.

The group returns to let Darrin, Medhal, Ahoya, and Adern know that the elemental has been banished. Darrin asks when Hirward might arrive. Lakima tells him that Hirward will need a day to memorize teleport again.

“But I am sure he is watching right now,” Lakima says.

The adventurers are directed to rooms they can sleep in. The kobolds in the kitchen prepare a meal and other Kobolds begin moving about the complex cleaning up some of the mess. Over supper, they learn that the guard captain Elris killed two of his guards for some reason. Perhaps he went mad. He has been captured and placed in a holding cell.

The next day, Hirward does arrive. He congratulates the adventurers on their speed in accomplishing the task and is grateful that they did not cause any damage to his home. He pays each of them 3,000 gold and then shows them his private collection of magic items.

“Each of you can select one item,“ he says, “Except you, I saw you run away during the battle with the elemental,” Hirward tells Brovin.

“They don’t pay me to fight – I find traps and open locks only,” Brovin declares. Lakima argues that Brovin acted exactly as he had been instructed.

“Very well, you can pick an item,” Hirward tells Brovin.

Saturday, 12 February 2022

Mystery of the Blacksphere

With a few local tasks taken care of in their last few sessions, it was time to send the players on another adventure. This one was hinted at at the end of the previous session. I rewrote a classic Dungeon Magazine adventure written by Chris Perkins. Bzallin's Blacksphere from Dungeon Magazine 64 (Sept/Oct 1997). This would be long before he worked at Wizards. The adventure was written as an AD&D adventure for levels 12-15. Converting AD&D adventures to Swords & Wizardry is fairly straightforward. The systems are not that different. But I had to make major changes because of the intended level of the adventure. I believe I have scaled it down properly to be playable by my players whose characters range from 6-9 levels. We shall find out.

In this session, the player who is the group leader could not make it to the game so I split the group early on so that his character was off-screen.

Session 81: Mystery of the Blacksphere

Lakima (human magic-user), Eathwund (human fighter), Aashdoshan (human necromancer), Alrix (couatl sorcerer), Domago (human cleric NPC), Fenris the Filch (human thief NPC), Lantosh (human fighter NPC).

At the end of their last adventure, the heroes received a desperate plea for help from the resident mage of the town of Caster's Ford.

Aashdoshan gives Lakima a spare key to the Tower in the Book and then uses one of his other keys to transport everyone who is going to Caster's Ford into the book. Unaware of what is occurring outside their pocket dimension the group settles down in the waiting area of the tower. Fenris busies himself in the kitchen and finds a Potion of Healing in the kitchen supplies. Aashdoshan wanders about the upper floors rearranging the dead he has moved into the tower. After just over a day, Lakima knocks on the door of the tower and is let in.

“We’re here, I have a room in the Blue Dragon Inn in Caster’s Ford”

Lakima tells everyone that they might as well wait in the tower. Except for Eathwund, he suggests Eathwund join him outside in the room so they can keep watches to ensure the book is not stolen. The night in the Inn is uneventful.

The next morning, Lakima, Eathwund, Aashdoshan, Alrix, Domago, Lantosh, and Fenris come downstairs into the tavern room for breakfast. Geflion, the owner, watches the long line of adventurers descend from upstairs with a puzzled look on his face.

“Wasn’t it a little crowded in your room?”

Aashdoshan hands Geflion a gold coin to ease his worries. Then they order breakfast. Lakima asks Geflion while they are being served about the local mage Palderus. Geflion tells them where the tower of the mage is located (a short distance away). Aashdoshan suggests they send a message to Palderus inviting him to meet them in the Inn. Just in case they cannot trust Palderus. After all none of them have met or heard of him before. Geflion tells Aashdoshan that he can send the pot boy to fetch the mage. Aashdoshan tosses a silver to Geflion who pockets it and sends off the boy.

As they are just finishing up breakfast the boy returns to tell them that he knocked on the door of the mages’ tower repeatedly but the only response was from a crow perched beside the door. Aashdoshan takes out some parchment and writes a message addressed to Palderus and gives it to the boy – and he hands the boy a silver.

“He is just going to waste that”, scolds Geflion.

The boy returns a few minutes later. He tells them the door still did not open although the crow mocked him. He says he slid the message under the door. Aashdoshan suggests to the rest of the party that they wait an hour and then go over to the tower. Just as he is stating that an adventurer walks into the Inn and ducks as a crow flies in through the doors behind him narrowly missing his head. The crow circles the tavern room once and then lands in the middle of the table. The crow walks back and forth on the table squawking. Aashdoshan casts detect magic on the bird which allows him to see that it is its true form but it is also magical.

“Come at once, come at once!” it squawks

Aashdoshan calls the crow over to him and tries talking to it but it just repeats bits of what he says to it. Sighing in exasperation he tears a small piece off of a sheet of parchment and writes a tiny note to Palderus telling him to meet them at the Inn. He looks at the crow trying to see if it will allow the note to be tied to its claw when the crow reaches out and grabs the note. The crow flies up in the air and circles the room a few times. Aashdoshan uses a cantrip to open the front door for it and the crow flies out.

“That was unnatural!”, exclaims Geflion.

About ten minutes later an anxious middle-aged mage bursts into the tavern and heads over to the group’s table. He introduces himself as Palderus and shakes Lakima’s hand. He tells them he really needs their help but he cannot discuss it here. He needs to do it in private and he cannot leave the tower unwatched for long.

“Will you please come with me to the tower?”

Aashdoshan asks him to just tell them the problem. Palderus grabs the torn piece of parchment lying on the table and takes out a quill. He writes on it and hands it back to Aashdoshan. The words “annihilation sphere” are written on the parchment.

Aashdoshan asks where and Palderus tells him it is in his tower. There is some discussion back and forth between Alrix, Aashdoshan, and Lakima. Palderus grabs the parchment again and beneath his previous words he writes, “it is growing!”

The urgency now becomes apparent and the entire party of adventurers agrees to follow Palderus to his tower. The “tower” turns out to be an odd six-sided stone structure that is wider than it is tall. Palderus pauses before unlocking the door and warns them where the sphere is located and that they must not touch it. He then lets them in. In one corner of the tower, they see a dull black sphere, seven feet in diameter, seemingly stuck in the floor at its equator. The sphere makes no noise and does not move.

Lakima, Aashdoshan, and Alrix spend an hour discussing the sphere with Palderus, when it arrived (5 days ago), how fast is it growing (10-12 inches per day), and what was Palderus doing when it arrived (reading a book on ecology). They check it from below in the storage cellar and see the bottom half of the sphere. They try tossing a few pieces of wood into it and see them vanish without a sound or trace. As part of the discussion, Palderus mentions a note he found in a forgotten journal that belonged to his master Zallin. He takes the thin journal off of the shelf and reads the passage which theorizes that a Sphere of Annihilation could be made to grow if it has a connection to the void (negative material plane). When questioned about Zallin, Palderus says that he retired 20 years ago to a tower not far from Caster’s Ford in a forest. About 10 years ago the tower was attacked by fiends and no one goes near it now – local adventurers say it is haunted.

Aashdoshan and Alrix take turns trying to move the sphere with their minds. Some stories about spheres of annihilation suggest this is possible but they accomplish nothing. They even try having the entire group think together but nothing happens.

Lakima holds up the journal and says, “I will study this with Palderus, the rest of you see if you can find and talk to Zallin”. On second thought he asks Lantosh to remain in the tower with them just in case of trouble.

Aashdoshan, Eathwund, Alrix, Domago, and Fenris head off on foot west of Caster’s Ford up into the wooded hill’s locals call the Ruvean Forest. After just over an hour of walking, they see the tower poking up into the sky above the trees. The tower rests in the center of a clearing. It looks to be about 60 feet tall. It is 60 feet at the base but tapers quickly to be only 25 feet at the crenelated top. There are a few shuttered windows in the towers but no light comes from them. Near the top of the tower, the walls and roof are caved in from some terrific force. The clearing is disturbingly quiet.

“Leave this cursed place, or face death!” a voice shouts from a second-floor window of the tower. All of the heroes turn to go, but then Eathwund, Alrix, and Domago remember the urgency and they stop and step further into the clearing. Behind them, Fenris and Aashdoshan have turned their backs on the tower and are walking off toward Caster’s Ford.

Alrix walks well into the clearing and shouts at the tower. “We need to speak to Zallin, Caster’s Ford needs your aid!” There is no answer from the tower.

The ground near Alrix shudders and he sees an arm, torso, and head emerge. A zombie digs itself out of a shallow grave. Looking around him he sees dozens of zombies emerging from shallow graves all throughout the clearing around the tower. Eathwund and Domago rush over to protect Alrix. They shout at Fenris and Aashdoshan to come back. Fenris yell back at them, “We are not welcome here, let’s go!”

The zombies continue to move closer. Alrix tries yelling some more at the person in the tower. “Fine, you are making us do this!” He casts a fireball and incinerates four of the zombies. The rest of the zombies keep coming. Domago faces off against six zombies and presents his mace and shouts at them to begone in the name of St. Aleena. Five zombies are destroyed instantly by the power of his faith. At this moment they hear howling from the woods. Six undead wolves rush from the treeline toward the two groups. Three wolves head toward Aashdoshan and Fenris and three head toward Eathwund and Alrix.

Although he is under a compulsion to leave, Aashdoshan decides he does not want to run from the clearing. So, he uses his wand and fires magic missiles at the wolves nearest to him. Domago uses his faith again and turns the wolves near Aashdoshan causing them to flee into the forest. By this time Eathwund has become surrounded by zombies, he slashes through one with his sword causing it to collapse. Another, quicker undead creature reaches out to touch him, instinctively knowing this would not be good – Eathwund interposes his shield and shouts out, “I think some of them are wights, this is not going well!”

Alrix has also become surrounded by undead wolves and zombies. He decides that it has become too dangerous and he shifts into his natural form of a couatl, a 20-foot-long serpent with giant feathered wings. He wraps his form around one undead wolf and crushes it then he bites down on a zombie but finds his poison has no effect on it. Aashdoshan sees the wight trying to drain Eathwund and he casts a magic missile destroying it. Domago runs over and uses his holy presence for a third time destroying the remaining zombies. There remains one wight left which is decapitated by Eathwund.

“Can we go now!” Aashdoshan and Fenris call out from beyond the clearing. Alrix holds up his hands for them to wait. He flies up toward the open window in the tower and is struck by a string of magic missiles. Wincing, he looks in the window and sees an emaciated man holding a wand. The man looks very ill, almost dead. Alrix tries talking to the man again telling him about the sphere of annihilation and the danger to Caster’s Ford, but the man just slams the shutters of the window closed.

Alrix flies over to where the rest of the party has gathered just outside of the clearing. Domago demands to know what manner of creature he is? Alrix changes form again into his human guise. He explains his race and apologizes for not telling his new friends earlier. He tells them his story of how he arrived in the tower was completely true. He just left out a few details. Domago takes the time to cast Detect Evil on Alrix and tells him he is satisfied. He also casts all of his healing spells on Eathwund and Alrix who both got bitten by the undead wolves (and thankfully not poisoned).

The adventurers decide to head back to the town. It is clear to Domago and Alrix that Aashdoshan and Fenris are under a suggestion spell. Eathwund just shrugs.

A few hours later they arrive back in the tower. Lakima asks how it went in the tower and they tell him what happened. Lakima casts dispel magic on Aashdoshan removing the suggestion spell effects. Palderus does the same for Fenris. They confer some more and Alrix tells them that he suspects Zallin may have created the Black sphere. Palderus muses that he may be right but why would he target me? Alrix tells him it just might be someplace he knows well. Lakima notes that if they do not want to have to deal with the mage’s suggestion spell again, they should return before the mage has a chance to rest.