Showing posts with label sexism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sexism. Show all posts

Sexist Brazilian police officer fired for Twittering

According to the BBC News website, a Brazilian police inspector has lost his job after using Twitter to criticise women who worked for him.
Some more details:
Pedro Paulo Pinho tweeted that out of the 14 women staff of a Rio de Janeiro police station "only one had the talent, courage and determination needed for police work".

Does sexism pay?

I was struck by really interesting article published on the BBC News website the other day that "men who grow up thinking women should stay at home...could end up well ahead in the salary stakes."

The findings are based on recently published research article where the main conclusion is that 'traditional' men will consistently out-earn more 'modern-thinking' men.

So, how does this happen?

Well, two theories are put forward to explain this phenomenon...

1) More traditionally-minded men are interested in power, both in terms of access to resources - money in this case - and also in terms of a woman who is submissive.

2) Employers are more likely to promote men who are the sole earner in preference to those who do not - they recognise that they need more support for their families, because they are the breadwinner.


See Men with sexist views 'earn more' for more details.