Anyway--The Song of Achilles. So good! Miller interweaves her knowledge of history/the classics with a damned fine story. She intersperses just enough tidbits of the Greek language to keep the reader solidly rooted in Greece without overdoing it. And the characters! I've always liked Odysseus, but in this book he's actually one of my least favorite--which is not to say I dislike him, but that the others have come alive for me in such surprising ways.
[There is still time to join the read-along. Care's first post will be this weekend, and the pages fly by so if you got the book today you will catch up quickly. I will most likely be posting updates on Worducopia's Facebook page as well]
Evan and I are on the final chapter of Little Women, and we are ready to move on, but as he says, "It's been a good long reading adventure."
I already knew that I loved the book, having read it as a girl. But reading it with my boy has made me love him just that little bit more than I already did--for his appreciation of the humor in the language, and his recognition of the inherent sexism in some of Alcott's moralizing tangents, and most of all for his middle-of-the-book exclamation, "It's not that I want a ton of romance, but when are Laurie and Jo ever going to get together?!" Yes. But then it all works out, differently than a 12 year old expects it to but still perfectly, and there are life lessons in that which have lasted me into adulthood.
What are you reading right now?