Showing posts with label NZ Sheep breeding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NZ Sheep breeding. Show all posts

August 25, 2010

NZ Sheep Breeding - History of Perendale Genetic Development (PGD) Breeding Group

Perendale Genetic Development (PGD)

By Dr Clive Dalton

In the 1970s, the concept of Group Breeding was developed and promoted by Professor Al Rae at Massey University, and was carried on by his students who went farming and into farm advisory roles within New Zealand. Groups were started within the Romney, Coopworth and Perendale breeds and the story below is about the Perendale group called 'Perendale Genetic Development' or PGD.

As a scientist at the NZ Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Whatawhata Hill Country Research Station at the time, I had a lot to do with PGD members, and I believe it's important to record a part of their history. The brochure they produced below certainly shook up the established stud breeding world. Garth Cumberland was a major driving force in this promotion.

Words from promotional Brochure
produced by PGD in the 1970s

Having increased production from every acre of land by using modern techniques, farmers are now seeking increased production from each individual animal. Geneticists have shown that flock sires bred by traditional stud lines are in many cases genetically inferior to the ewes with which they are being mated. Breeding Groups are the modern method of flock improvement.

  • PGD is a Perendale Group
  • PGD is soundly organised
  • PGD plans vast improvements
  • PGD is nationwide
The Perendale Genetic Development Breeding Group (PGD) is structured to encourage a large number of participating ram breeders to assemble, and scientifically test, their highest producing Perendale sheep in one environment.

By exploiting outstanding high fertility animals, PGD provides the most efficient known method of developing fertility, wool and other commercially important characteristics of Perendales.

Farmers who take advantage of PGD can be sure that the genetic and commercial merit of rams produced will improve every generation.

PGD was first planned by agricultural scientists. It was formally established in 1969 by eight progressive Perendale breeders. They made far-reaching plans and formed PGD into a limited liability company. They appointed Colin Chamberlin, one of New Zealand’s top Perendale breeders and judges to act as Flockmaster. He is responsible for direction and management of PGD’s Central Flock, where New Zealand’s best Perendale ewes are tested. His experience and skill in rearing sheep is reflected in the high standard already attained by the PGD Central Flock.

The group of farmers who planned PGD have now been joined by more top Perendale breeders. About 40,000 ewes are now being screened by PGD’s Central Flock.

Scientific and commercial advice is sought to assist the group to make the best decisions. Determination and objectivity which is exhibited by all PGD members, ensures that each generation of PGD Perendales will be genetically and so commercially, better than the previous one.

Initially PGD’s Central Flock has accepted only recorded stud Perendale ewes. These are the ewes with the best twinning and fertility performance from contributing flocks. Many registered ewes have in fact, not proved acceptable because of minor faults. Such is the standard of the breeding and excellence required by PGD and its Flockmaster.

However, scientific facts indicate that to maintain a high rate of improvement in PGD Perendales, the group must also screen and use the highest producing animals from New Zealand’s flocks of commercial sheep. Many highly productive and very attractive ewes are being found in this way. These sheep, after further testing and careful inspection for type, in members’ flocks, will allow PGD to raise its standards of production even higher.

These far-reaching, logical and simple procedures will ensure the successful achievement of the basic objectives of the PGD Group. The commercial and genetic merit of PGD Perendales must improve with each generation.

PGD ewes are bred under widely different conditions, and are tested under one environment. The sons of these ewes- rams of the top genetic merit – are dispersed throughout New Zealand.

Foundation members
  • David Carter, Waihou, RD, Ormondville (Waihau Stud)
  • Colin Chamberlin, Rawhite Road, 1RD, Reporoa (Narborough Stud)
  • Ken Cumberland, Garth Cumberland, Kettlewelldale, RD, Manurewa (Kettlewell stud)
  • Neil McHardy, Aramoana, 1RD, Waipawa (Aramoana Stud)
  • John Stovell, Willow Flat, Kotemaori, Hawkes Bay (Ren 38 Stud)
  • David Baker, Cave, South Canterbury (Kainga Stud)
  • Malcolm Udy, Pearce Shannon, 324 College Street, Palmerston North (Karioi Stud)
  • Derek Anderson, Hundalee, RD, Parnassus (Mt. Guardian Stud).

Associate members
  • Ness Bjerring, Seaview, RD1, Waihi (Seaview Stud)
  • Chris Jury, Tikorangi, RD 43, Waitara (Green Acres Stud)
  • Charlie Nairn, RD1, Waipawa (Vigour Stud)
  • Tony Vallance, Te Kanuka, Masterton (Te Kanuka Stud)
  • Peter Williams, Mamaku, PB, Masterton
  • Gough Smith, Earlyhurst, Masterton (Earlyhurst Stud)
  • David Law, Te Rohenga, Box 48, Shannon
  • Kevin Nesdale, Moorfield, RD 7, Kimbolton (Moorfield Stud)
  • Duncan Menzies, Mangamingi, RD 19, Eltham (Rannoch Stud)

What happened to the PGD sheep
Report from Charles Nairn - 2010

In 1988 the Central Flock was sent to me at Omakere to manage, with nine members contributing (from memory). After a few years Robin Hilson and one other wanted their sheep out - which was arranged.

By 2002 there were only five active members, with most having left their ewes in the Central Flock. It was agreed to cease operation and so members were offered their share of stock or to sell the remaining stock and take a share of the proceeds. Three members took their share in stock and the rest agreed to the sale.

At the sale Graeme Maher (a ram buyer) bought 85 ewes out of the 120 on offer and I bought the 72 ewe lambs that were up for sale. The agreement required me to present the group with 72 2-tooths each year, the surplus becoming mine as of right.

Graeme Maher sent his ewes to me and Duncan Menzies sent me 120 of his ewes and I added 170 from my stud and the whole lot are now run as one stud under the name C2C (Short for Coast to Coast) as Duncan reckoned we spanned the North Island.

I send half the ram lambs to Duncan at weaning, and he grows them on for sale in Taranaki, with the computer linking the two groups so that we can bring back the best rams to the stud.

New Zealand Sheep Breeds - the Carpetmaster


Introduction by Dr Clive Dalton

The 1970s were exciting times for animal breeders in New Zealand. The sheep stud industry (mainly Romney) was coming under intense pressure from so-called new breeds’ developed from crossbreeding which the traditional stud industry saw as ‘mongrelising’!

The Coopworth was bred at Lincoln University from the Border Leicester cross Romney, and the Perendale was bred at Massey University from the Cheviot cross Romney. Both of these breeds – developed in the 1950s – were held in some disdain by the conservative traditionalist elements in breed societies. But both had a basic degree of credibility as a consequence of having been developed by animal scientists of high standing - Professor Ian? Coop of Lincoln Agricultural College (later Lincoln University) and Professor Geoffry Peren of Massey Agricultural College (later to become Massey University).

The stud industry was also being shot at by scientists (me included) for their traditional ‘colonial’ thinking, and lack of application of best scientific practice - particularly population genetics developed by Professor Al Rae at Massey and his students, who were working hard employed as farmers and Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries advisers in the industry which was expanding at that time.

The main drive was to improve fertility in the national ewe flock, and the greatest ‘mover and shaker’ in this was the development of ‘Group Breeding’ Schemes where farmers expanded their genetic horizons by cooperatively screening their large populations of commercial flocks for ewes that had top all-round merit. These identified ‘elite’ ewes were relocated to a jointly owned ‘Central Flock’ from which intensely selected rams were returned to contributing breeders.

At the same time the New Zealand carpet wool industry was thriving, with high demand for carpet wools, which were mainly the coarser end of the Romney clip. Scottish Blackface wool was imported at that time to go into carpet blends, and this had the big disadvantage of black fibres, as well as the costs of importation.

Dr FW Dry (Daddy) was still going strong at this time, having returned from his residency at Leeds University, using my old office when I left to come to New Zealand in 1968. It was inevitable that somebody remembered Daddy's hairy sheep and the N gene he identified in the 19330s.

Daddy’s hairy sheep had been kicked out of Massey and were grazing friends’ lawns in Palmerston North, as by this time they were seen by Peren as an embarrassment when emphasis in his Perendale work was to get rid of hair!

But the carpet company United Empire Box (UEB) were smart enough to grab any remaining sheep and claim ownership of the N gene to meet the expanding carpet fibre market. The N gene sheep (later to be called Drysdales after Daddy) were perfect for the job – especially as they had no coloured fibres – and so were more suited to dying to plain pastel shades for the carpets which were then all the rage.

So all this hype got farmers throughout the land looking for ‘hairy genes’ and Daddy was in his element helping anyone who came up with a ‘funny hairy lamb’.

The Cumberlands (Ken and son Garth) worked up the K gene into a marketable sheep and Garth reports the story is below.

Photo shows Dr Dry inspecting a ram. South Auckland Coopworth breeder Noel Schofield is holding the lamb and MAF Farm Advisor Colin Southey who arranged much of this work for Dry looks on.

The Cumberlands (Ken and his son Garth) worked up the K gene into a marketable sheep and Garth’s story is below.

The Carpetmaster Story
By Garth Cumberland

In the early 70s brochure I produced a brochure about ‘Carpetmaster’ sheep, but unfortunately it didn't have much of the detail I hoped it might. It seems we didn't want to give too many secrets away in those days, which seems ridiculous now! The story from memory goes something like this.

As a stroppy student at Massey University I emerged from the institution, somewhat incensed by the lack of application of science in the stud sheep breeding world. Encouraged, I remember, by the staff of that veritable 'ideas factory' known as Whatawhata Hill Country Research Station, I first leveled a torpedo at the Perendale Sheep Society at its AGM in Hamilton around1968.

I don't believe the Society understood one word of what I said; but the outcome was my meeting up with the likes of David Carter (of Perendale fame), Neil McHardy, John Stovell and Colin Chamberlin.

The consequence was the formation of the Perendale Genetic Development (PGD) Breeding Group - which was one a number of breeding groups at the time stimulated by the philosophy of Professor Al Rae at Massey University.

The concept was for commercial breeders to contribute their top performing ewes to a central flock, and in return they received highly selected rams to improve their own flock. PGD was around for probably two decades.

About the start of PGD, a thorn developed in my side over a carpet company called ‘United Empire Box (UEB) having an iron grip on the Drysdale breed. I didn’t like their tight control of the breed’s genetics and that you could only get rams from the company who took all the breed’s wool.

Then I started to notice the rare but regular appearance of hairy sheep occurring in both my own recorded Perendale flock as well as in the PGD Central Flock.

One ram in particular had a very powerful and strongly expressed hairy gene and we labeled it 'K' - it's in the picture below nearest the camera.

That's were Daddy Dry came in: he declared the K fleeces of every one of our heterozygotes carrying the K-gene, were equally as good as the best homozygotes carrying the Drysdale gene labeled N.

I was the only PGD member interested in 'salvaging' from the knacker and collecting together the Perendales that exhibited halo hair and as a consequence I acquired a high fertility flock of ewes and one interesting ram amongst other rag-tags.

The 'Carpetmaster' name was coined. And heterozygote ram production was initiated. This was early 70s and in the brochure we emphasised on "freely available" rams.

Now at that time, PGD initiated some work defining wool characteristics which was overseen variously by Lance Wiggins of the NZ Wool Board, Dr Roland Sumner at the Whatawhat Hill Country Research Station, and Dr Garth Carnaby at the Wool Research Organisation (WRO).

They showed that the unique helical (spiral) crimp of the Perendale breed imposed commercially significant 'bulk' attributes to yarns and hence to carpets and garments made from the yarns. Pure Perendale wool had better cover in carpets (weight for weight) and insulation properties in garments.

The combined attributes of fleeces containing a hair component PLUS the helical crimp in non-hairy fibres in Perendales carrying the K gene seemed like a winner. At least it did for a year or so until WRO showed that 100% high-bulk Perendale, made better carpets than any blend containing Drysdale, Carpetmaster or Tukidale.

In short, the Perendale helical crimp was commercially more important than hair of the specialist carpet breeds - including Carpetmasters. I have always assumed that the helical crimp characteristic comes from Perendale's cheviot ancestry.

Another ram in attached photo was purchased from a breeder in Te Puke who thought it might be useful and we labeled its gene 'B'. However it turned out to be no better than the N gene, and although there was no declared or known genetic connection, we assumed it probably had the same Drysdale N gene. It was taken no further.

We exported more Carpetmaster(K)s to Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia in early 1970s than we sold in NZ. A Google search of 'Carpetmaster Sheep in Australia' seems to indicate the survival of the breed along with Drysdales, Tukidales and Elliotdales, across the Ditch.


In the 1970s I chose to wind-down my effort into Carpetmaster and instead pursued selection for 'bulk' in Perendales, along with the processing of high bulk wools with David Carter and others ex PGD members.