Showing posts with label Malaysia Petrol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malaysia Petrol. Show all posts

Friday, December 25, 2009

20 Liter Rule Bender! (What a joke!)

Credit card way to bend 20-litre fuel cap rule

(Taken form TheStarOnline)

SOME Singaporeans have quickly found ways to circumvent the ruling allowing foreigners to buy only 20 litres of petrol within 50km of the border.

Sin Chew Daily reported that they would use credit cards issued by Malaysian banks to fill up.

Another way was to pay cash for the first 20 litres and use their credit card for the rest.

A third method was to fill up 20 litres from one petrol station and proceed to another for another 20 litres, reported the daily.

Some Singaporeans would fill up at a petrol station and return 15 minutes later to pump petrol again.

A petrol station employee in Tebrau said there was no way to check if the Singaporeans had already gone to a petrol station to fill up before they go to another petrol station.

Ha ha ha ha ha! This is not un-expected. The Petrol Station Owners will sell Petrol to Singaporean no matter what. This is Business so it has nothing to do with Citizenship.

If the Malaysian Gov really want to Curb the out flow of petrol to Singapore, it is actualy not hard. No you don't need to remove the subsidy (unless this is the excuse the Gov is looking for)! What Malaysian Gov and its whole Band of smart Gov people need to figureout is actually:


Is that so hard? IF they have full tank when coming in then they will not be buying it to be used in Singapore! The GOV have a couple hundreds thousands of Degree Holders working for them, why not use these Brains or is "these" Brains Useless?

Ha Ha Ha Ha! (Of course the GOV could be using this as a scape goat to increase the Fuel price again, it that right?)

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Bullshit continues.............

Price of RON 95 at RM1.80 from Tuesday (Update)


(Taken from TheStar)

KUALA LUMPUR: The newly introduced RON 95 fuel is now priced at RM1.80 - five sen higher than the previous RM1.75.

Meanwhile, RON 97 is upgraded as a premium product and has gone up to RM2.05 from RM1.80.

Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the new prices were decided based on the current method of Automatic Pricing Mechanism (APM).

“Although the price is now 5 sen higher, the Government is still subsidising 33.81 sen per litre (of RON 95) which is equivalent to RM304mil monthly,” he told reporters after the launch of Primax 95 by Petronas here on Monday.

Currently, the Government is subsidising RON 97 by 42.72 sen per litre.

The cost for RON 95 went up 102% from USD$ 40.75 per barrel to USD$ 82.30 in December last year and August respectively.

“If there is any changes in the global prices, we would revise it accordingly. It is up to the Economic Council to decide.

“RON 95 also adheres to the EURO2M specification where it can lessen pollution,” said Ismail Sabri, adding that consumers would get quality petroleum at a subsidised price.

With the new pricing, Ismail Sabri added that RON 92 was phased out from the market as the usage was only 5% from total petrol sale in the country.

In April last year, then Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Samad said the Government was considering the use of petrol with higher research octane number (RON) to reduce fuel subsidies without hurting the lower-and-medium income groups.

A higher octane number means higher resistance to engine “knocking”. “Knocking” could possibly damage the engine over time.

Petrol Dealers Association of Malaysia president Datuk Hashim Othman said petrol stations could easily recalibrate their pumps to adjust to the new price.

“With technology, all you need to do is push some buttons. It is almost automatic in most stations now, except for a few in the rural areas which are still using the manual system,” he told The Star.

He added that petrol dealers would make a slight gain with the price increase as they had bought their current stock at the old price.

“It is only a little as the price increase is small,” he said.

See all this bullshit talk........ Especially the last bullshit sentence.

“It is only a little as the price increase is small,” he said.

If you think this is so small why not subsidising it for the RAKYAT..... What is a BLOODY RM304Million Monthly to Our current BN GOV? Our stupid ANGKASWAN project is the waste of money but we are doing and being laughed by the whole world.... Hello! Wake Up.... our ANGKASAWAN is just a "BAGGAGE" to other country austonout.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Malaysia Gov Cheats?

Taken from TheStar,
Government not paying petrol subsidies

KUALA LUMPUR: The Government has stopped paying petrol subsidies since the beginning of this month due to lower global oil prices, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad said.

“The savings on petrol subsidies next year is expected to be more than RM10bil if oil prices remain stable,” he told reporters at the Parliament lobby yesterday.

Shahrir said that at US$65 (RM235) per barrel the Government would not be paying subsidies and that the focus now would be on deciding whether to set a floor price or figuring out a way for the Government to get some income from the sale of petrol.

“Even with petrol retailing at RM2 per litre, we are not paying any subsidy. We have actually arrived at a time when the price can return to RM1.92,” he said.

“In that context, we hope to be able to set a policy to address this when the National Eco­nomic Council meets next. There must be a decision made on what the floor price should be.”

Shahrir said that for six months from September 2001 to February 2002 the Govern­ment had collected taxes from the retail sale of petrol but had stopped that practice since then.

“Earlier announcements of how much the subsidies cost us, even as recent as 2005 or 2006, always included how much we had foregone in terms of taxes.

“We have stopped doing this, however, and just focused on how much subsidy we are paying,” Shahrir said, adding that the Government was now enjoying some revenue due to the difference in the ex-refinery price and the price oil companies sold petrol to station operators.

He added that the revenue being taken now was a form of tax that could max out at 60 sen per litre.

Shahrir also released information on the amount of fuel subsidies paid so far, which have amounted to RM15.57bil as at the end of October.

Fuel subsidies last year cost the Government RM16.18bil.

The fuel subsidies in October amounted to RM610mil, compared with RM2.99bil in May when oil prices peaked at over US$120 (RM432) per barrel.

What the hell are they talking about? See how our beloved sleepy head "EAT HIS OWN WORDS" (Gov will continue to subsidize RM0.30sen NO matter what BULLSHIT). Even more Funnier is "Our Gov STOPPED subsidized and the saving?" What saving? The petrol proces should be below RM1.70 mark.... Our Gov is forcing us to buy at RM2.00 per liter. So our Gov is actually making PROFIT from the RAKYAT. Oi...... U think the Rakyat is stupid ah.... We shall wait for next GE or better still if Pakatan Rakyat can trigger another emergency GE. Then Gov shall see how smart the RAKYAT is NOW! Don't be an Asshole and rip off your Rakyat, WE shall MAKE U PAY! Smarten up! IT is TIME to change the GOV, not change the Rakyat.