Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Babies! (I know so late)

These two are the cutest little things! They make me laugh so much just by the little things they say! I always brag about them to all my friends! haha its so funny! Happy Birthday guys!
-I just tried out for the Dancing with the Stars tour. They pick ten couples to perform and im one of them! There will be judges and the judges will pick two final couples then the audience decides who wins! Its going to be a lot of fun. Its December 30th!


Shannon said...

You are the Sweetest!! Thanks, they love to see you in the pictures too.
HEy I am totally going to go see the dancing with the Stars tour if your in it! Awesome!!
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations you will be so awesome!!!!!! does the tour come to SC? You can stay at our house if it does:)

Anonymous said...

those are nice, its good to see you again, on blog, haha well we need to do a better job at keeping in touch.
Your BFF

Erika Ann Mouritsen said...

Witney you are soo cute! You are so photogentic!