Tuesday, August 17, 2010

More DWB Friends! Scruffy, Lacie, and Stan

How many terriers can you count in this picture?

I got to meet Scruffy, Lacie and Stan! Their mom was nice enough to pack them all in the car and meet us EARLY in the morning, even though it was about to rain! She brought us to a nice park in their neighborhood.

Is that you, SCRUFF MAN???

Now we are so happy, we do the DANCE OF JOY! Hey!

Here, Scruffy is doing the long-awaited comparison... who has the longer foxy legs? Surprise! It is Scruffy! My NBA-sized legs are just a teeny bit smaller. It might be an optical illusion though, considering my legs are slightly, um, balding, and he has luscious, full legs.

Drumroll, please....

There she was, the incomparable Lacie. Truly a princess and a diva.

Now, I know that Lacie has a lot of admirers, and a lot of love interests, but she was TOTALLY playing hard-to-get with me. I think it's because I was so nervous I forgot to put on my party bandana.

Stanley proudly led our terrier parade through the park.

"Here we come...walking down the street...

We get the funniest looks from...all the dogs we meet...

HEY HEY we're the TERRIERS! And people say we bark too loud!

But we're too busy playing...to keep our voices down!"

Stan the Man started giving my mom the Airedale goo-goo eyes that Mitch tried earlier.

Hey, come on Scruffy, that's my MOM you're making out with! I will pretend not to be jealous.

...LACIE?? You too? You let my mom hold you and you won't kiss me???
So much for hard-to-get.

I got to say my good-byes to everyone after my mom stopped giving out kisses willy-nilly. My terrier buddies were nice enough to send me off with a goodie bag full of really fun toys! I squeaked them the WHOLE WAY home! My people loved it.

Thanks, Scruffy, Lacie, and Stan - it was so pawesome to meet you! My parents really enjoyed meeting you and your mom.

I can't wait for another road trip - who will I get to meet next?


Duke said...

Darn, Lenny! It was all about the bandana! You'll have to make a return trip to Lacie's sportin' your bandana! That must be the secret weapon!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Gus said...

oh man, Lenny you are one lucky doggie. We are so glad you got to meet some of our favorite people and pups, and that you shared your photos and thoughts with us.

Get some rest. Us older men need to keep up our strength.


The Airechicks said...

Lenny - can't believe you let your Mom get that close to Lacy - she was looking very cute with her bows....

You, Stan and Scruffy thats a real handsome group of terriers....

LUV your theme song -

Did you Dad get to hold Lacy too????


Asta said...

I am so jelly that my BFF Lacie and son-bwuffuw-gwampa scwuffy and baby Stan all got to meet you befow me..I would have give you and youw long handsome lelf lots of smoochie kisses..I pwomise!!! I think you have wondewful legses and will always be one of my toww hewos and fwiends
smoochie kisses

World of Animals, Inc said...

The excitement in the photos is just too pawsome. We hope it was a fun day with your buddies. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a fantastic rest of your day.
World of Animals