Well it's been another week of smiles here at Sewing by Annie's so I have lots to share.
Firstly I must say a big thank you to all who joined in the fun last week by sharing their smiles...we need all the smiles we can get with all the madness and sadness in the news lately so let's all do our bit to make the world a happier place to live.
I would also like to thank all those wonderful WOYWW bloggers that left me such lovely comments this week for our 8th year celebrations on Wednesday....I really is good to be part of such a lovely group.
Now onto my smiles for today....
My little baby activity cubes have been flying off the shelves...I made one for Theo and as that proved popular I made two more which sold as soon as I put then in my Facebook shop so I made 4 more to keep up with demand.
Orders for my Memory bears keep coming in and this is the latest one that will hold the memories of one of our local schools that is closing down at the end of the term.
Little Theo has learnt to crawl this week, has cut his first tooth this week and as you can see is quite the little water baby now.
He also has found a love of ice lollies....his mummy makes these for him from little yogurts.....as you can see he's really enjoying it. I bet it's nice and cold on his sore gums.
The twins are learning to garden....here they are preparing the soil and planting a few seeds. Their Great Grandad [my Dad] would be so proud of them cos he loved his gardening.
And for those that like to see the latest flowers in our garden....aren't they just gorgeous?
There you go. I said I had lots to smile about this week. Please leave me a little comment so I know you've called by and then if you can please link your own smiles below.
Annie x