Showing posts with label P E bags. Show all posts
Showing posts with label P E bags. Show all posts

Wednesday, 5 August 2020


Here we are at another Wednesday catch up with our creative friends from all around the's my favourite day of the week.  If you still don't know what it's all about then pop over to The Stamping Ground where Julia will tell you all about it and you will be made very welcome to join in the fun.

I have a slightly different show and tell this week as we had a weekend of...... and relaxation in our Motor home.  Milly loves the life in there as you can see.  We found a lovely site in the middle of the only [ and no that doesn't mean anything dodgy].  It was spotless and it's lovely to feel safe in our little bubble.

We were surrounded by birds [buzzards, wookpeckers drumming on the trees and a family of robins etc etc] and there was a Golf Club walking distance away that we could sit outside and enjoy a meal and drink in the sunshine...bliss.

I have made one more School Memory bear but the 4 that were supposed to come this Monday now aren't coming until next week now.

I've made a lined PE bag for a little boy starting Nursery School.

I am still selling face masks but the demand is less now so I just keep my basket topped up as and when needed.

That's all from me for this week.  I hope you've all had a creative week.  I plan to visit all I can when I can between jobs.
Annie x

Wednesday, 1 March 2017


Hello all.  I'm not at my desk today but thought you might like a peep at what I've been up to this week....

I've made a P E bag for a little boy that goes to school with the twins.

A few weeks back I made this Memory cushion but I can now share it with you as the new owner has seen's in memory of a much loved Dad.

The other things I've been making are a few key are my Scotty dogs.

These ones I've named my Spottysaurus.

My idea is to fill a few boxes with some small gift ideas and hopefully sell them at a local Spring craft fair.....just got to find one now. :-)

That's all from me for today.  I will do my best to do some return visits but I have been warned that where I will be has poor internet so I can't promise sorry.
Annie x

Wednesday, 13 July 2016


Happy Wednesday to you all on the best day of the week for having a good snoop round a lot of creative spaces....I love Wednesdays. :-) 

So? What is on my desk today?  I hear you say.

There you wanted to see.'s more fabric of course this time it's been chosen by Sam and Lexi to make P E bags ready for them to take to school in September.  Sam's is cowboy themed and Lexi has gone for fairies.....I guess that's what I will be doing today.

So you know that I do sometimes use card/paper here is what I have made this week...I have covered the outside in one of my fav fabrics and the glue has wobbled the edges a little but that's fine with me. This is the book I have made to hold my this year's ATCs in....don't you just love the fabric?

Here it is filled with all the very special ATCs I received this year.  I treasure every one...thank you to you all.

That's all from me for today so please just leave me a little hello message to let me know you've called in and I will do my best to get across to yours as soon as I'm able.  I really hope you all have a great week.
Annie x