Showing posts with label outside. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outside. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hilter, the Outside Sister Cat

This is my Outside Sister Cat Hitler (I type her name as Hilter) - her name is still under discussion. She orignally lived with other humans. The humans lived in my parents' rental house. Hitler is the name she has had for over 8 years, they gave her the name cuz of - well you can tell for yourself. When her first human parents left the rental house, they ask my mom and dad if Hilter could stay with us - my parents said yes and apparently we legally adopted her.

Mom and dad tried for a month to call her Charley (Charley Chaplin), she wouldn't come when called. So they went back to Hitler

Now since I have been twittering and blogging I keep typing her name as Hilter - maybe a good thought. Also one of my followers suggested Kitler. Another good thought.

But for me right now she is my Outside Sister Cat, the one with the mustache. I luv her no matter what mom and dad call her. She's mine.