Showing posts with label Tanaka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tanaka. Show all posts

Friday, July 5, 2013

be beautiful with Tanaka

anak buahku yg comel pun lorat nak pakai tanaka..
suka dorang..

siap tanya.. cantik tak?
sesuai untuk semua peringkat umur
lelaki,wanIta, kanak2 pun bole tanaka

untuk borong bole sms ke whatsapp Win at 016 6672583 ok

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

tanaka cooling powder

Tanaka means both "cosmetic for beautifying the face" and "cleansing agent". It is recognized as a great aid to help withstand the heat of the sun and thus an ideal cosmetic for those who have to work under direct sunlight. Women who work in the paddy fields usually apply thick layers of Tanaka as a sunscreen to prevent sun-burn while its natural cooling properties help them tolerate the intense heat during the day.
The production of Tanaka is also fascinating. The simple procedure where the bark and roots are stripped, soaked in water, ground and pulverized, using a mortar and a flat stone into a fragrant paste, has not changed for centuries. The light yellow paste with a mild fragrance is then applied to the face. Most women prefer to paint their face immediately after a bath for optimal skin cooling and calming efficacies.
Unlike the face powders, Tanaka stays fresh whole day long while retaining its slight fragrance. It also cools, soothes and helps the skin retain its moisture to avoid blemishes and pimples. With the humidity and relentless sun in tropical countries like Singapore, most women like us struggle to keep our skin care and makeup from melting; but the Burmese women have no such problems with their Tanaka.

Cara Guna
Untuk jadikan sebagai foundation
cuma sapukan bedak tate rata2 ke
muka guna tangan atau span muka.

Untuk jadikan sebagai bedak sejuk
cuma basahkan tangan atau
campurkan bedak tanaka dgn air dan
sapu kan ke muka.
selepas  30 min boleh
cuci atau nk pakai sepanjang mlm
pun blh...

Boleh digunakan untuk semua jenis
kulit berjerawat, sensitif, normal dan
sebagainya. Sesuai untuk lelaki dan
wanita...dewasa dan kanak-kanak.bedak sejuk tanaka dari kayu
tanaka yg sangat berkesan untuk:
♥Kecutkan jerawat
♥Haluskan kulit
♥Cerahkan kulit
♥Hilangkan jeragat
♥Lembutkan kulit
♥Menyejukkan dan mengurangkan minyak di kulit muka
♥Pelindung cahaya matahari
♥Selesaikan masalah kulit bukan sahaja di muka tapi boleh digunakan satu badan
♥Boleh dijadikan foundation juga
The original tanaka balk used to make tanaka cooling powder


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