Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year

.......and a Happy New Year!

..just resting up before the big NewYears Festivities.  What will you be doing to ring in the NewYear?

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!!!

 By now, I bet most of you have heard that I had to spend the night in the hospital.  Yes, my very first Christmas with my new family.  I admit I wasn't feeling good but geeeeeesh..THE HOSPITAL!

The VET told my pawrents I have Pneumonia and Pancreatitis!!

PancreaWhat??  Then, she said I had to spend the night so I could be MONITORED!

Do you know what they do to you there??  Unspeakable things!!

Yes, they stick things in places that are only for exits!
They put a needle in my arm, hooked a bag of waters to it, then added something stinky, called AntiByeATick,  in the bags of waters.
On top of that, they made me breathe something that made smoke, then pounded on my chest..all of these combined made me cough!!!
And, worst thing of all, they did not feed me all day!!  It was Christmas Eve and I didn't get one treat!


I just wanted you to know that I feel better and came home this morning.

Guess What! Santa Paws came to my house!

Sylvia, Peanut and Rocky..waiting for Winston!

 Shake, Shake, Shake!

Thank Dog..I'm HOME!

Mom has to make me a bland diet. Chicken and rice are cooking on the stove and it smells pretty good.

What are you having for Christmas dinner?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!!!

Introducing the newest members of the family.

Sylvia, checking out her first Christmas tree!
Where's my pressies?

Wilson wanted in on the festivities! He is still guarding our home in Loveland and keeps Winston company during the week!

 Next up is Peanut!
 Introducing Winston to Peanut...No Winston, that is not a new stuffie!

 Peanut likes to snoopervise from the window.

Wishing Santa Paws would put pressies under the Christmas tree.

 Last, but not least, is our newest addition Rocky!
Although we do not know Rocky's background, we believe he was neglected and may have special needs! At times, his balance is not what it should be for a pup is age. One minute he is sitting, observing his surroundings, and the next minute he has fallen on his side.  Never the less,  we will work around this slight problem and give him the loving home he deserves.

Meeting his new sibs,

Merry Christmas, from our house to yours!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy Monday!

Whatcha doing today?

I'm just watching Animal Planet!

A love for tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril.

Sir Winston Churchill

Friday, November 4, 2011

Dona Nobis Pacem

Today, bloggers around the world will post their hopes, and dreams, for world peace.

Dona Nobis Pacem!

Grant Us Peace!

We all know there is power in numbers.  Also,  there is power in prayer. 
Maybe, just maybe, there is power in blogging.

Please join me today in a prayer for Peace! Join me today in a wish for a safer world for our Children and Grandchildren! 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Shout Out to Sarge

My furiend Sarge over at Sarge Speaks Out , has decided, with the help of his pawrents, to build a Community Calendew! WooHoo..efurething you wanted to know... at one glance.
You should go ovew and take a peek cuz sum fun stuffs is just awound da cownew!

Fow now, Me is going to plway wiff Mr. Pumpkin..anyone want to plway?


All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.
Winston Churchill