Thursday, January 3, 2013

My routinely predictable catch-up...

The ridiculousness of my blog is as follows:  Every few months (or years) I'll feel guilty enough to finally do a massive catch up on our lives... but the sheer volume of missed moments that I need to sift through makes my head hurt and I'll put it off for another few months (or years) until I just can't ignore my duties any longer.  So here I am... again... doing my annual photo-dumping.  I'll just be posting a couple of months at a time, highlighting what I remember and burdening blogger with eleventybilliontrillion-a-gazzillion unedited photos that I'll slap on here.  *deep breath*.  Let's go.

May 2012
Ava turns 5!!  What a wonderful girl.

  •    to help her mom and dad
  • to help/kiss/dance with/hug/love on/boss around her little brother
  • to play with her friends: Leia, Courtney, Tyree, Ada, Alex and Hinder (before he moved to Maine)
  • candy
  • Hello Kitty
  • Polly Pockets
  • playing with the ipod touch
  • school (loves kindergarten and her teacher, Mrs. Rudd)  
  • dancing and her dance class
  • to do her homework and chores (yes, she really does)
  •  to sit down and eat an entire meal in one sitting (has led to many evenings of arguements with mom and dad)
  • trolls
  • zombies (I asked her what are some things she doesn't like... here are some of her answers)
  •   when her feelings get hurt
  • wearing pants to school
  • missing her grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins
  • when mom tells her "no, not today"  
 Ava's would-be outdoor, swimming pool party got changed to an indoor, pajama party at the last minute!  No one was disappointed (maybe Mom?  I can't remember honestly!)  And the party turned out pretty darn fun with all the kids!

 Ava wanted a SpiderMan/Hello Kitty party, hence her Spidey pinata!

Ava is our favorite daughter.  Hands down, no questions!  She's a terrific sister to Sterling and I honestly say to her every single day, "what would I do without ya?!" when she helps me so regularly.  Ava gets hit, punched, hair pulled and pushed over by her little fighter of a brother and she NEVER has hit back.  (She's probably too nervous about the consequences?)  But her patience with him is pretty remarkable, until he messes up her Polly Pockets or her Littlest Pet Shop toys, then she can raise the roof on freaking out on him (just screaming and tattling, again, she's never hit him... which is amazing and I fully understand that this WILL change... and probably soon *sadface from mom*).  Even when she's still nursing a bruise from when he whacks her in the head with a toy, Ava will still go over and hug and kiss the boy who is wailing away in his time-out spot.  She's truly a blessing.  Our blessing.

Sterling turns ONE!?!

What?!?  Where did the time go?  I feel like we had JUST barely started to get to know Sterling as a baby (he slept for SO LONG as an infant, pretty much a solid nap till he was about 5 or 6 months old... I'm NOT complaining here) and all of a sudden he's rushing out of "baby-hood" or "baby-dom" or whatever we call it and right into toddler-ville.  And now (right NOW) he's almost 20 months old, and I'm freaking out again.... time really DOES fly when you're chasing a small person around all day long.

Sterling Likes:
  • to eat.  Everything.
  • Tools and sticks and anything that can be used as a weapon or smashing device
  • to get into EVERYTHING.  He's the most curious kid I know.  And the least likely to even bat an eye when we're screaming "NOOOOO!!!" at his back.  
  • his nickname (more private nickname from T and I) is Honeybadger... because "Honeybadger does what he wants" (it's a youtube thing)
  • dance... he's got moves and shakes his money maker at anything with a beat
  • he loves to give people belly raspberries (especially mom. pulling up her shirt during uncomfortable and very public moments)
  • to make us laugh.  And he does. Every single day.  He's a very funny kid.
  • to cuddle with Ava.  Especially at night when she goes to bed, he MUST have his last cuddle with her or he goes ballistic.
  • Puppies and kittens.
  • Bedtime.  Normally.  He's always been a very VERY good sleeper.  Of this we are truly grateful.

Sterling doesn't Like:
  • not getting his own way.  And he WILL inform you when he's not getting his own way!
  • being forced or coerced to do anything, he will do things his way on his time.  Period.
  • to sit still for long
  • to wear clothes
  • when Ava leaves for school
I'm sort of sad that we let Sterling's first birthday come and go with very LITTLE "hoopla".  He's our baby and it just seemed like we glazed over this big day (clarification: big day for mom, I'm sure Sterling didn't care either way).  But we managed to do the traditional cake smash and he was in heaven... that is, until we tried to take the cake away.  Then he crumbled into a mess of tears.  So we caved and gave it back to him.  After we returned his precious cake back to him, Sterling eyed us suspiciously while he cleaned up the rest of the skin-staining blue cake.  
The greatest part about Sterling's birthday was our special guest, Uncle Rico!!  He came down to help us celebrate and the kids were in spoiled rotten heaven with him around!  
 The very last picture in this big collage ^^ makes me laugh so hard.  Our kids are pulling the greatest faces!!  Sterling's "durp!" face and Ava's "slightly stoned" face crack me up.
And lastly: just some random things.  Ava finished up preschool in May last year with Mrs. Nikki who was the greatest preschool teacher in the world.  She was perfect for Ava and a terrific way to show Ava how much fun school is.  Ava still misses her and talks about Mrs. Nikki once in a while.  Sterling starts to make friends (our neighbor's cute little guy), they play and then drink together.  A great and lasting friendship forming here.

JUNE 2012
June came and went a few big moments.
Father's Day for a very good father.  Taylor is just exactly the sort of Dad I hoped for for my kids.  He's actually BETTER than what I hoped for.  In risk of getting too mushy here... I'll just say, Ava, Sterling and I are very very lucky to have him taking care of us.  He's truly the greatest. 
Sterling discovered the water park and loved it this past summer.  We'll be excited to hit it up more frequently next summer.
I cut bangs.  Again.  Loved them for about 3 weeks.  Then the grow out eventually drives me insane.  Can't nail down a good hair style to save my life these days.

Most importantly (that isn't documented in a photo).  Taylor started school this month... again!  After a very long break from taking courses, he's decided to finish up and get his undergrad once and for all.  With two difficult semesters behind him now, we couldn't be more proud of Taylor.  He's doing great in school and we are just thrilled to be getting a move on with the ol' degree!


RileyDestry said...

Yay!!! You're back. I feel so disconnected from your life and I miss you kids so you best be making this blogging bit a habit! I love you with bangs, btw.

crystal carlson said...

So excited to see a post from you--keep 'em coming! You guys all look great!

Kristen and Andrew said...

Keep 'em coming sister!! yahooo!!

TJay and Jenni said...

You get back to blogging right now!! I love reading your blog, first of all you are hilarious. And second of all, we will some day get together, but until then this is the only way I will get to know your beautiful kiddos and see how you and Taylor are doing. :) Good work.