About Me

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Author, Illustrator, Creative Guy willstrong.art@gmail.com
Showing posts with label Creative Central. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creative Central. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A New Writing Prompt For a New Class

So, Tiff is teaching 5th grade this year and she loves it.  She's used a couple of my old writing prompts  already with her class this year and they love them.  So I've decided to do some more.  Here is the latest:

PS:  When I get about a dozen of these together I'm going to collect them on a website so that teachers all over the world can use them (I can dream can't I?)  So, if you're a teacher feel free to use this, and anything else I've posted on this blog, in your classroom.

PPS:  If you're a creative type (author/illustrator) and you want to make one of these creative writing prompts for the website just let me know.  I'll gladly take volunteer work.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Web Happenings

Hey folks, I've got a couple of websites running now beyond just the blogoshpere. You can find the links to them just on the right side of this very blog you are looking at right now.

The first one is my personal website. It's pretty much just an online portfolio and if you frequent this website then it won't really be new stuff to you. It's fairly utilitarian but it works for now.

The other website is a personal project of mine: Creative Central. It's the beginnings (still very early) of a website that will be dedicated to the teaching of creativity to children.

Both these sites were made using Weebly. Don't know Weebly? Check it out, it's free.