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Author, Illustrator, Creative Guy willstrong.art@gmail.com
Showing posts with label Corrugated Cardboard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corrugated Cardboard. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cardboard Cyborg

This year for Halloween I wanted to see if I could make a costume for exactly $0.  Turns out, I can.  Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you cardboard cyborg.  Truly a marvel of modern science.

I'll see if I can get some better photos posted soon to show off the details.

I love Halloween.  Does it show?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Picture Book Marathon 2011 - Day 11 & Day 12

And now for something completely different.

I built this guy out of cardboard and painted him up all pretty with acrylic paints.  He's actually a box for my wife's valentines (5th grade party tomorrow.)  They go in the mouth.

And then I liked him so much that I decided to come up with a simple story.  And then another.

It may sound funny but I would love to illustrate a book this way.  Though if I were to really go for it I would need to learn how to take a decent photograph (these look much better in person.)

(Also, I'm sorry about the lack of decent cardboard backgrounds.  These are just sketches after all.)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Another Trip to the Crayon Restaurant

Looking at my website last week I noticed that I don't have many children in my portfolio. This is a problem for a children's illustrator. I should show that I can draw some kids.

So, when Tiff and I went out to eat on Saturday I picked Macaroni Grill because it has butcher paper on the table. Butcher paper + crayons = fun times whilst waiting for food to arrive. I asked Tiff to help me brainstorm and we came up with this.

3... 2... 1... Blastoff!  If I were one of these kids I would be the one flying upside down through the air.  I was the younger brother. I want to play with this idea a bit more later on (after graduation in a month.)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Really Cheap Sketch Book

This might just be one of my favorite sketchbooks ever. It was made primarily from things I found in my home. Just corrugated cardboard, copy paper, glue, string and creative juices (sticky and yellow.)

The string wasn't found; I purchased it... and the hole punch. I found the rest.

This is the beginning.

This is the middle.

This is the end.

This is me actually holding the book in my very own hand (I'm in the print lab at school.) See the extra pieces of cardboard glued onto the cover? They are actually helping with the structural integrity of the book (and they look cool.)

Don't ask what this is about or who that guy is because I just don't know.