Saturday, July 25, 2009


check it! dude. ashley? mandi? whitney? camille? annie? are you there?

I have goose bumps!!

is it just me or does Edward look kinda gross? do vampires have chest hair?

5 shout outs:

Mandi said...

uh-oh... are you going to be wearing a team Jacob shirt next time I see you? Goose bumps- seriously!

Whit said...

Nope - still for edward. Jacob tries too hard. Sorry ladies.

Chest hair (does kind of ruin it) or not, Edward still is tempting. :)

AnnieB said...

I'm so there!! So there. I didn't see chest hair. It looked shadows from his beautiful chiseled chest.
The audience better be quiet so that I can hear every single sweet nothing uttered! Too much to ask. CAN'T WAIT!!

Henrie said...

Oh how I love you! So there was some awkward hair, but hopefully it was just the lighting...but Jacob's hair might even be more awkward to me...miss you!

Camille said...

what the heck? they haven't learned from the last pne to not make Edward awkward? I may need to read the books again to revamp a bit! I need a little Edward in my life!